Beginning on December 31, 2022, and annually, thereafter, the
Director shall report to the Township Board of Supervisors on the
activities of the rental inspection program, including, but not limited
A. The number of rental housing units registered (including details
about any previously unidentified rental housing units that have been
B. The number of rental housing units inspected;
C. Owners' compliance in allowing inspections to be completed within
the time frame;
D. The number of inspections finding violations;
E. The types of violations found;
F. The number of rental housing units that were not brought into compliance
within the time frame;
G. The number of inspections that have resulted from complaints;
H. An evaluation of whether the program fees reflect the program costs
and recommendations for any changes to the fee structure;
I. A description of the number of cases requiring enforcement and the
enforcement measures used;
J. A comparison of this year's activities to prior years;
K. The number and types of referrals to other agencies (i.e., Child
Protective or Adult Protective Services); and
L. Any recommendations for modifications to the program.