There are two stages in the procedure for approval of subdivision and land development plans. These stages are required to enable the Township Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors and their professional consultants to have an adequate opportunity to review the subdivision and/or land development plan submission and to ensure that their formal recommendations are reflected in the approved plans.
The separate stages of approval require the submission of preliminary and final plans. These plans differ in their purpose and required level of detail. The table below indicates the required plans for the different types of submission and the section in which those plans are defined:
Table 12. Plan Requirements
Type of Subdivision
Type of Plan Requirements
(and section number)
Feasibility sketch plan
Not required but highly recommended
Not required
Not required
Required (§ 305-504)
Required (§ 305-505)
Required (§ 305-506)
Land development
Required (§ 305-505)
Required (§ 305-506)
The review process required by the Township Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors shall include no more than 90 days each for any preliminary and final plans, following the date of the regular meeting of the governing body or the Planning Commission (whichever first reviews the application) next following the date the complete application is filed or after a final order of court remanding an application, provided that should the said next regular meeting occur more than 30 days following the filing of the complete application or the final order of the court, the said ninety-day period shall be measured from the 30th day following the day the complete application has been filed. The Township shall make a determination as to whether the application and plans are complete, as required by this chapter. The developer shall be notified as to the completeness of the application. The ninety-day period shall begin only after the determination of completeness has been made. Said ninety-day period may be extended where the developer agrees in writing to an extension of time. The presentation of a revised preliminary or final plan shall each be considered a separate submission. A complete application shall include the required plans as set forth herein, the traffic impact study, as required herein, and other studies as required by this chapter.
The Township Zoning Officer shall stamp each plan submission and resubmission "date received" and shall date and initial the plan above the title block. Plans should be distributed to the Township Planning Commission as soon as practicable.
The Township Engineer shall review preliminary and final plan applications and provide recommendations to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors as required by the provisions in this chapter. The Township Engineer shall make recommendations indicating approval or disapproval of the proposed subdivision or land development based upon the various engineering considerations identified as they are reflected in the submitted plans. For the purpose of clearly identifying the extent of the Township Engineer's responsibilities in the review of subdivision and land developments, the following engineering considerations are provided:
Relative layout and design of lots and parcels.
Dimensions and areas of lots and parcels.
Soil conditions.
Surface and subsurface drainage conditions and plans.
Lighting plans.
Utility plans.
Landscape and buffer plans.
Location and design of entrance and exit accessways.
Road specifications, cross sections and profiles.
Traffic impact.
Water service.
Stormwater management.
Land profiles.
Sewage disposal.
Compliance of the plans in all respects to the Zoning Ordinance,[1] in consultation, as necessary, with the Zoning Officer.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 370, Zoning.
Improvements required; materials, construction methods and workmanship.
Application for subdivision and land development shall be made on forms provided by the Township and shall contain all the information required therein. Failure to provide all the required information shall result in the application being deemed incomplete.
Except for publicly traded corporations, applicant identity shall include, in the case of a corporation, all officers, directors, and stockholders holding more than 10%, and in the case of a partnership, it shall include all partners, except for limited partners.
The applicant shall submit documentation verifying that all real estate taxes due on the property are paid and current.
The applicant shall certify that there are no unresolved notices of violation pertaining to the property that is the subject of the application, whether issued by the Township or any county or state agency having jurisdiction.
Purpose. The purpose of the feasibility sketch plan is to afford the developer the opportunity to consult early and informally with the Township Planning Commission and Bucks County Planning Commission before the preparation of the preliminary plan and formal application for approval.
During the feasibility sketch plan procedure, the developer can advantageously make use of the services of both Township and county planning commissions to help analyze the subdivision and/or land development and plan more adequately for its sound coordination with the community. The feasibility sketch plan procedure also affords both planning commissions the opportunity to give informal guidance to the developer at a stage when potential points of difference can be more easily resolved. It can also simplify official actions and save unnecessary expense and delay.
Feasibility sketch plans may be submitted, but shall not be required, for informal discussion for any major subdivision or land development.
Submission requirements. Information furnished in conjunction with the feasibility sketch plan shall include the following information. If a feasibility sketch plan is not submitted, Subsection C(8) and (9) shall be submitted with the preliminary plan.
Name of the subdivision or land development.
Name and address of the owner/developer.
Name and address of the engineer, landscape architect, or surveyor responsible for the plan in accordance with Section 503(1) of the PA MPC.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10503(1).
Tract boundaries.
Date, North point, and scale.
Location map.
Existing streets on and adjacent to the tract.
Significant topographic and physical features, including, but not limited to, USGS contours, existing vegetation, natural drainage, trees over 10 inches diameter, forest or wooded areas, wetlands, streams, vernal pools, and prime agricultural land.
Proposed general street and lot or building layout prepared as an overlay to existing features.
Existing tract and adjacent property zoning.
Limits of resource protection areas.
Limits of environmentally sensitive area.
Name of the current zoning ordinance with the latest revision date and the current subdivision and land development ordinance with the latest revision date.
An aerial photograph of the site with the site boundary identified.
Classifications of all existing and proposed streets on and adjacent to the site based on the standards in § 305-304 of this chapter.
A detailed narrative describing proposed activity to be conducted as part of the proposed use.
Purpose. It is the purpose of this section to provide a simplified procedure by which the plans for minor subdivisions (as defined in § 305-202 of this chapter) may be submitted and approved.
General. In the event that the proposed subdivision shall involve construction of or a change in the location of streets, sanitary or storm sewers, water mains, culverts, and other municipal improvements, then the provision of this section on minor subdivisions shall not be applicable and the developer shall be required to comply with the requirements of § 305-505.
At the discretion of the Board of Supervisors, curbs and sidewalks may be required to be installed in connection with a minor subdivision if they are lacking at the time of application.
Minor subdivisions shall meet the requirements of this chapter for drainage, stormwater management, street trees, public water and sewer connections, driveways and driveway aprons. If additional improvements beyond these are required, then the application shall be deemed to be a major subdivision.
Fee. See the Township Fee Schedule.
Developer prepares minor subdivision plan and application.
The developer shall submit the required copies of the plan set, application and associated documentation to the Zoning Officer and other entities as required herein. The email address and/or contact information of the developer and the developer's engineer must be included with the application. The required copies to be submitted to the Zoning Officer and the acceptable format of said copies shall be submitted in accordance with the following:
Two paper copies and one digital copy of the subdivision/land development application.
Two paper copies and one digital copy of the full plan set.
Eighteen paper copies and one digital copy of the partial plan set. Partial plan sets shall consist of a cover page, record plans, existing conditions plan, construction improvements plan, landscaping and lighting plans and associated details, utility plans, stormwater management plans, and any other plans deemed to be necessary by the Zoning Officer.
Sixteen paper copies and one digital copy of the conditional use application, if applicable.
Two paper copies and one digital copy of the traffic impact study, if applicable.
Two paper copies and one digital copy of the environmental site assessment, if applicable.
Two paper copies and one digital copy of any other document as required by this chapter.
Developer must obtain and submit one copy of the PennDOT highway occupancy permit for each encroachment within the legal street line of state roads and must submit an application for the approval of the Township Engineer for all encroachments within Township road street lines, in consultation with the Township Engineer.
Township Zoning Officer, in consultation with the Township Engineer, checks submission against checklist for completeness and:
If a submission is incomplete, immediately returns submission to developer, indicates the deficiencies and the ninety-day review period shall begin only after a completed application is submitted; or
If submission is complete, accepts minor subdivision plan, application, and fee.
The Township Zoning Officer shall submit one copy of the plan and application to the appropriate boards, committees, and commissions. The developer shall follow the submittal procedures established by the various external entities that require plan submissions, such as PennDOT, the Bucks County Health Department, the Bucks County Conservation District, or the Bucks County Planning Commission.
At a regular or special Township Planning Commission meeting following receipt of reports from agencies listed above, the Planning Commission shall hold a public meeting and:
Review the developer's submission.
Review all reports received.
Discuss submission with the developer.
Evaluate the plan, reports, and discussion.
Give interested members of the public the opportunity to discuss and inquire about the plan.
Determine whether the preliminary plan submission meets the objectives and requirements of this chapter and other ordinances of the Township.
Make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for approval, conditional approval, or disapproval of the preliminary plan. When the application is not recommended for approval, the decision shall specify the defects found in the application, describe the requirements which have not been met, and, in each case, site the specific provisions of the applicable ordinance which have not been satisfied.
The Board of Supervisors, within the time period prescribed in the latest version of the Municipalities Planning Code,[1] shall:
Evaluate the developer's submission and reports of the Township Engineer, the County Planning Commission, and the Township Planning Commission.
Discuss the submission with the developer.
Determine whether the minor subdivision plan meets the objectives and requirements of this chapter and other ordinances of the Township.
Give interested members of the public the opportunity to discuss and inquire about the plan.
Either approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the submitted plans.
Inform the developer of the decision personally or in writing, mailed to them at their last known address not later than 15 days following the decision. When the application is not approved, the decision shall specify the defects found in the application, describe the requirements which have not been met, and in each case cite the specific provisions of the applicable ordinance which have not been satisfied.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
Failure of the Board of Supervisors to render a decision and communicate it to the developer within the time and in the manner required herein shall be deemed an approval of the minor subdivision plan in terms as presented, unless the developer has agreed, in writing, to an extension of time or a change in the prescribed manner of communication of the decision, in which case failure to meet the extended time or change in manner of communication shall have like effect.
After all signatures, as required by § 305-507B(3)(c), have been obtained on record plans of the minor subdivision, the Board of Supervisors shall sign the aforementioned plans.
Before acting on any minor subdivision plan, the Board of Supervisors may hold a public hearing in the manner prescribed in the PA MPC.[2]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
Submission requirements. The minor subdivision plan shall meet the following standards and include or be accompanied by the following information:
Drafting standards.
The plan shall be drawn at a scale of one inch equals 40 feet, 50 feet, or 100 feet.
Dimensions shall be in feet and decimal parts thereof, and bearings shall be in degrees, minutes and seconds.
The plan shall be a clear, legible, white paper print.
General information to be shown.
Name of the subdivision.
Name and address of the owner/developer.
Name and address of the engineer, landscape architect, or surveyor responsible for preparation of the plan in accordance with Section 503(1) of the PA MPC.[3]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10503(1).
Present zoning classification on the subject tract and adjacent properties, and requirements pertaining to the subject tract.
Date, North point and scale.
A location map for the purpose of locating the site at a scale of not less than one inch equals 800 feet.
All monumentation, both existing and proposed, noting material.
A note shall be included on the plan stating: "Any additional subdivision of a lot created by this minor subdivision submitted within 10 years of the date of approval of this plan shall be deemed to be a major subdivision and shall follow the procedures contained within the Warrington Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance applying thereto."
Name of the current zoning ordinance with the latest revision date and the current subdivision and land development ordinance with the latest revision date.
All conditions of applicable zoning approval and granted variances.
Existing features to be shown.
Complete outline survey of the property to be subdivided or developed, showing all courses, distances, areas, property corners (existing monumentation, markers, pins, etc.), and tie-ins to all adjacent street intersections. The outline survey shall be determined by a field boundary survey performed and/or verified within one year of the minor subdivision plan submission.
All existing or previously imposed property encumbrances, including deed restrictions, easements, encroachments, etc., of record which may affect the title to the land being subdivided or developed.
The location, names, classifications and widths of streets, the location of property and governmental boundary lines and names of adjacent owners, the location of watercourses, sanitary sewers, water distribution lines, storm drains, easements or street lines, and similar features.
Resource protection areas.
Environmentally sensitive areas.
Significant topographic and physical features, including, but not limited to, USGS contours, existing vegetation, natural drainage, trees over 10 inches diameter, forest or wooded areas, wetlands, streams, vernal pools, and prime agricultural land.
An aerial photograph of the site with the site boundary identified.
Proposed layout.
Proposed layout of lots.
Lot numbers.
Building setback lines.
Gross and net lot areas.
Resource conservation site analysis plan. The resource conservation site analysis plan should overlay the proposed development with the existing conditions of the site and all other existing features of the site required in § 305-504E(3).
Classifications of proposed streets based on the standards in § 305-304 of this chapter.
For state roads, a highway occupancy permit shall be obtained from PennDOT documenting that the plan has been reviewed and approved in concept and that traffic considerations, driveways, and the discharge of water on the street are acceptable. For Township roads, a roadway occupancy permit shall be obtained from the Township Engineer approving all highway encroachments within street lines of Township roads.
Recording of plan, see § 305-507.
Impact studies. Impact studies may be required for environmental issues at the discretion of the Township.
Water and sanitary sewer service. A will serve letter shall be submitted from the public or private water and/or sewer agency with jurisdiction.
Conversion to major subdivision.
A minor subdivision application filed after May 9, 2017, shall be subject to the requirement that any additional subdivision of a lot created by that minor subdivision within 10 years of the date of approval of the minor subdivision plan shall be deemed to be a major subdivision for the purposes of this chapter and shall follow the procedure applying to major subdivisions.
The developer for such additional subdivision shall be required to install all public improvements that would have been required had the subdivision originally been classified as a major subdivision.
Purpose. The purpose of the preliminary plan is to obtain formal conditional approval to minimize changes and revisions before final plans are submitted.
General. A preliminary plan and application shall be submitted conforming in all respects with the provisions of this chapter.
Deposit and fee. See the Township Fee Schedule.
Developer prepares preliminary plan and application.
The developer shall submit the required copies of the plan set, application and associated documentation to the Zoning Officer and other entities as required herein. The email address and/or contact information of the developer and the developer's engineer must be included with the application. The required copies to be submitted to the Zoning Officer and the acceptable format of said copies shall be submitted in accordance with the following:
Two paper copies and one digital copy of the subdivision/land development application.
Two paper copies and one digital copy of the full plan set.
Eighteen paper copies and one digital copy of the partial plan set. Partial plan sets shall consist of a cover page, record plans, existing conditions plan, construction improvements plan, landscaping and lighting plans and associated details, utility plans, stormwater management plans, and any other plans deemed to be necessary by the Zoning Officer.
Sixteen paper copies and one digital copy of the conditional use application, if applicable.
Two paper copies and one digital copy of the traffic impact study, if applicable.
Two paper copies and one digital copy of the environmental site assessment, if applicable.
Two paper copies and one digital copy of any other document as required by this chapter.
Township Zoning Officer, in consultation with the Township Engineer, checks submission against checklist for completeness and:
If a submission is incomplete, immediately returns submission to developer, indicates the deficiencies and the ninety-day review period shall begin only after a completed application is submitted; or
If submission appears to be complete, accepts preliminary plan submission and fees, and dates and initials the plan.
The Township Zoning Officer shall submit one copy of the plan and application to the appropriate boards, committees, and commissions. The developer shall follow the submittal procedures established by the various external entities that require plan submissions, such as PennDOT, the Bucks County Health Department, the Bucks County Conservation District, or the Bucks County Planning Commission.
At a regular or special Township Planning Commission meeting following receipt of reports from agencies listed above, the Planning Commission shall hold a public meeting, and:
Review the developer's submission.
Review all reports received.
Discuss submission with the developer.
Evaluate the plan, reports, and discussion.
Give interested members of the public the opportunity to discuss and inquire about the plan.
Determine whether the preliminary plan submission meets the objectives and requirements of this chapter and other ordinances of the Township.
Make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for approval, conditional approval, or disapproval of the preliminary plan. When the application is not recommended for approval, the recommendation shall specify the defects found in the application, describe the requirements which have not been met, and, in each case, site the specific provisions of the applicable ordinance which have not been satisfied.
At any public meeting on an application held pursuant to § 305-505D(5) of this subsection, the following shall apply:
All witnesses presented as experts in a particular matter within the purview of any profession shall be licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Witnesses to any other matter or fact shall not be considered to be expert unless accepted as such by the Chair of the Planning Commission based upon a resume. The limits of such expertise shall be established before the presentation begins.
Questions and/or comments from members of the public shall be accepted and may be directed to each witness at the conclusion of their presentation. Public comment, including additional questions, shall be accepted after the developer has concluded their presentation and before the Planning Commission deliberates.
The Board of Supervisors, within the time prescribed in the latest version of the Municipalities Planning Code,[1] shall:
Evaluate the developer's submission and the reports of the Township Engineer, the Township Planning Commission, and any other applicable reviewing agency.
Determine whether the preliminary plan meets the objectives and requirements of this chapter, the Zoning Ordinance,[2] and other ordinances of the Township.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 370, Zoning.
Give interested members of the public the opportunity to discuss and inquire about the plan.
Either approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the preliminary plan.
Inform the developer of the decision in writing by mail at their last known address not later than 15 days following the decision. When the application is not approved, the decision shall specify the defects found in the application, describe the requirements which have not been met, and in each case, site the provisions of the applicable ordinance which have not been satisfied.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
Failure of the Board of Supervisors to render a decision and communicate it to the developer within the time and in the manner required herein shall be deemed an approval of the preliminary plan, unless the developer has agreed, in writing, to an extension of time or a change in the prescribed manner of communication of the decision, in which case, failure to meet the extended time or change in manner of communication shall have like effect.
Approval of the preliminary plan shall constitute conditional approval of the subdivision or development as to the character and intensity, but shall not constitute approval of the final plan or authorize the sale of lots or construction of buildings.
Before acting on any preliminary plan, the Board of Supervisors may hold a public hearing in the manner prescribed in the PA MPC.[3]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
Submission requirements. The preliminary plan shall show or be accompanied by the following information:
Drafting standards.
The plan shall be drawn at a scale of one inch equals 40 feet, 50 feet or 100 feet.
Dimensions shall be in feet and decimal parts thereof, and bearings shall be in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
Each sheet shall be numbered and shall show its relationship to the total number of sheets.
Where any revision is made, or when the plan is a revision of a previously approved plan, dotted lines shall be used to show features or locations to be abandoned and solid lines to show the presently proposed features.
The plan shall be so prepared and bear an adequate legend to indicate clearly which features are existing and which are proposed.
The boundary line of the subdivision or land development shall be shown as a solid heavy line.
The plan shall be a clear, legible, white paper print.
Plans shall be prepared on sheets no larger than 24 inches by 36 inches, and all lettering shall be so drawn as to be legible if the plan should be reduced to half the size.
General information to be shown.
Name of the subdivision or land development.
Name and address of the owner/developer.
Name and address of the engineer, landscape architect, or surveyor responsible for preparation of the plan in accordance with Section 503(1) of the PA MPC.[4]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10503(1).
Present zoning classification on the subject tract and adjacent properties, and requirements on the subject tract.
Date, North point, and scale.
A location map for the purpose of locating the site to be subdivided or developed at a scale of not less than one inch equals 800 feet, showing the relation of the tract to adjoining properties and to all streets, roads, and municipal boundaries existing within 1,000 feet of any part of the property proposed to be subdivided or developed.
Name of the current zoning ordinance with the latest revision date and the current subdivision and land development ordinance with the latest revision date.
All conditions of applicable zoning approval and granted variances.
Existing features to be shown.
Complete outline survey of the property to be subdivided or developed, showing all courses, distances, areas, property corners (existing monumentation, markers, pins, etc.), and tie-ins to all adjacent street intersections. The outline survey shall be determined by a field boundary survey performed and/or verified within one year of the preliminary plan submission.
The location, names, classifications and widths of streets, the location of property lines and names of owners, the location of watercourses, sanitary sewers, storm drains, and similar features within 400 feet of any part of the land to be subdivided or developed.
Location of all existing monuments with references noting material.
Location, size and ownership of all underground utilities, and any street lines or easements within the property.
Appropriate contours at two-foot (minimum) intervals with sufficient details to show the course, structure, and capacity of all drainage facilities, and the method of drainage of the adjacent or contiguous properties. All ground contours shall be taken from USGS bench marks and run direct to the degree of the actual and exact elevations of the spot points or contours.
The location and character of existing buildings, the location, size, and species of all large trees standing alone, and the location and general condition of all significant topographic and physical features, including, but not limited to, USGS contours, existing vegetation, natural drainage, trees over 10 inches diameter, forest or wooded areas, wetlands, streams, vernal pools, and prime agricultural land.
Floodplain restriction overlay areas, in compliance with § 370-503 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Limits and types of resource protection areas.
Limits and types of environmentally sensitive areas.
An aerial photograph of the site with the site boundary identified.
Proposed layout.
The layout of streets, including name, classification and width of streets and crosswalks.
The layout and dimensions of lots.
The arrangement of buildings and parking areas in proposed industrial, commercial, and multifamily developments.
Applicable zoning requirements and the location of zoning district boundary lines affecting the subdivision and/or land development.
A reference to any land dedicated for public use or offered for dedication for parks, recreation areas, open space, schools, widening of streets, or other public uses.
For multifamily developments, the total area, total dwelling units, number of buildings, proposed density, total parking spaces, building coverage, impervious coverage and bedroom ratio shall be noted on the plan.
For subdivisions, the total area, number of lots, average and minimum lot size, and proposed length of new streets shall be noted on the plan.
Location and size of storm drains, sanitary sewers, culverts, watercourses, and all appurtenances thereof, on-lot sewage disposal systems (if applicable), gas mains, water mains, fire hydrants, streetlights, plantings, structures, and other underground cable, internet, conduits, or structures.
Building setback lines, established by zoning, other ordinances, or deed restrictions with distances from the street line.
An indication of any lots in which other than a residential use is intended.
Street lines and/or easements proposed to be created for all drainage purposes, utilities, or other pertinent reasons. Preliminary and final plans must be reviewed by PennDOT for all subdivision and/or land development plans which abut state roads.
Tentative typical cross sections and center-line profiles for each proposed street shown on the preliminary plan. These plans shall be submitted as separate sheets.
A plan of proposed plantings showing street tree location, landscape treatment, reverse frontage lots, required buffer strips and refuse collection screening.
The developer must obtain a highway occupancy permit for all street line encroachments on state or Township roads.
Where the preliminary plan covers only a portion of the subdivision and/or land development site, a sketch shall be submitted illustrating the prospective street layout for the remainder of the site.
The words "preliminary plan, not to be recorded" shall be shown on the plan.
A transportation impact study (TIS) shall be required for all major subdivisions and/or land developments for all commercial or industrial applications, for all residential applications that generate more than 200 new ADT or greater than 20 peak hour trips, zoning changes, special exceptions, or conditional uses. The TIS will enable the Township to assess the impact of a proposed development, zoning change, special exception, or conditional use on the transportation system, both highways and public transportation in the Township. The developer shall provide a TIS of proposed development streets, existing streets and intersections providing access to the site, collector streets and intersections providing access to the general area in which the proposed development is located, and any additional streets the Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors feels may be adversely affected by the proposed development. The transportation impact study shall be consistent with the requirements in Appendix G.[5] In addition to the requirements stated herein, a traffic impact study shall be required when any of the following conditions are met:
A TIS shall be required when Use E33 Parking Structure is proposed as a principal use.
If a TIS is required for Use H6 Drive-Thru, the TIS shall examine and make recommendations to determine if the minimum stacking distance of 160 linear feet is sufficient or if a greater stacking distance is required.
A TIS is required for Use H9 Accessory Outdoor Eating Area. The TIS shall provide information which will be used to determine the necessary parking needs for the outdoor eating area and the impacts of the proposal upon local traffic circulation.
A TIS is required for Use H11 Financial Self-Service Kiosk. The TIS shall examine and make recommendations to determine if the minimum stacking distance of 50 linear feet is sufficient or if a greater stacking distance is required. In addition, the TIS shall address the following issues:
Time required to service typical customer.
Arrival rate for patrons.
Peak demand hour.
Anticipated vehicular stacking required.
Anticipated traffic generation.
Editor's Note: Appendix G, Traffic Impact Study, is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Environmental impact study identifying all resource protection areas and environmentally sensitive areas, as well as environmental site assessment reports (as applicable). Compliance with applicable zoning ordinances and § 305-329 of this chapter shall be required. Refer to Appendix E for impact assessment report requirements.[6] An environmental impact study shall be submitted together with the preliminary plan application for any of the following:
A subdivision of land which results in five or more dwelling units, lots, or leaseholds, any one of which is less than 10 acres in size. A subdivision of lots all of which are greater than 10 acres in area shall be exempt from the requirement of an environmental impact study only if all of the lots are deed restricted from further subdivision.
Any development of land for commercial or industrial use on a lot which is larger than one acre.
Any development of land which proposes to use performance standards for protecting environmentally sensitive areas different than those listed in § 305-329 of this chapter. A development which will comply with the requirements of § 305-329 and, specifically, the general performance standards is not required to prepare an environmental impact study, unless existing conditions or uses conducted on the subdivision and/or land development site warrant as determined at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors.
In addition to an environmental impact study, the Planning Commission and/or Board of Supervisors may require the submission of a Phase 1 or Phase 2 environmental site assessment of any subdivision and/or land development site where potential site contamination issues may exist.
Editor's Note: Appendix E, Environmental Impact Study, is included as an attachment to this chapter.
A proposed lighting plan containing:
Location of driveways, structures, curb, and sidewalk.
Layout of all proposed utilities (including storm sewer).
Proposed tree planting locations coordinated with proposed grading and underground utilities maintaining required horizontal separation distances.
Location of parking area lighting and streetlight fixtures with radial extent of illumination in the form of numeric footcandle values in units of footcandles (fc); numeric footcandle values shall be in increments of 0.50 fc.
The spacing of light poles/pole foundations along streets shall be indicated for all lighting; pole, foundation, and luminaire types shall be noted.
Photometry detail indicating coverage area of proposed luminaire and lumens shall be indicated, including a candela numeric lumen output.
Details and appropriate manufacturer's information of all lighting and accessory equipment to be used, including fixtures, wattage, fixture height, poles, foundations, and conduit.
Resource conservation site analysis plan. The resource conservation site analysis plan should overlay the proposed development with the existing conditions of the site and all other existing features of the site required in § 305-505E(3).
An economic impact study, if required by § 370-818 of the Zoning Ordinance.
The location of any electric vehicle parking spaces and electric vehicle charging stations.
Plan for stormwater management and/or erosion and sedimentation control. In the event that any developer shall intend to make changes in the contour of any land proposed to be subdivided, developed, or changed in use by grading, excavating, removing or destroying the natural topsoil, trees or other vegetative covering thereon under a subdivision and/or land development application, such subdivision or land development shall be approved only after the developer has obtained approval of a plan for stormwater management and/or erosion and sedimentation control, or there has been a determination by the Township Engineer during review of the feasibility sketch plan that such a plan is not necessary. These plans shall, as a minimum, meet the requirements of this chapter (see §§ 305-322 and 305-323), Chapter 288, Stormwater Management, as well as the requirements of the Bucks County Conservation District. Any plan for stormwater management and/or erosion and sedimentation control shall be submitted by the developer to the Bucks County Conservation District for review and comment. A stormwater management and best management practice operation and maintenance agreement, when required, shall be provided by the developer to ensure that emergency measures could be taken by the Township at the developer's expense if the stormwater management and erosion and sedimentation control plans are not implemented.
Public water and sewer.
Where public water and sewer connection is proposed, the developer shall submit a ready to serve letter from the utility company having jurisdiction.
If public water and sewer systems are not readily available to service the subdivision and/or land development, as confirmed with the Township Engineer, a feasibility report shall be submitted. The following material shall be included in the feasibility report:
A review of topography, soil conditions shown on USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service maps and subsurface geology charts and reports and local hydrogeologic conditions, to the extent that such conditions will affect the costs and feasibility of various alternate types of water and sewage systems for the subdivision and/or land development.
The results of soil percolation tests, in the event that on-lot sewage disposal systems is a viable alternative. Soil percolation tests shall be performed pursuant to the current rules and regulations of the PADEP and Bucks County Health Department for all subdivisions and/or land developments where buildings at time of construction will not be connected to any active public sewage disposal system, and where the net density of proposed dwelling units will exceed one dwelling unit per acre.
Recommendations stating the Engineer's professional opinion as to the means of sewage disposal and water supply that will be preferable in the short- and long-term interest of the community in which the subdivision and/or land development is located.
Tree protection zone.
The tree protection zone shall be included on the plan.
The location of all trees to be retained including trunk and dripline locations. Driplines should be plotted accurately and to scale. When groups of trees are to be retained, only the locations of the trees on the perimeter need to be shown.
The location of proposed retaining walls around trees shall be shown.
Construction details of all retaining walls shall be shown including special soil and fill media where applicable.
Any grade changes which would alter surface and/or subsurface water movement either to or from the tree protection zone must be shown.
Landscape plan submission requirements.
Existing landscape features. Included at the time of preliminary plan submittal on either a separate tree survey plan or on the existing features plan, the location of existing live trees with a trunk diameter (DBH) of six inches or more shall be filed with the Township at an appropriate and legible scale of not less than one inch to 50 feet. DBH is the diameter of a tree at breast height, outside the bark, measured 4 1/2 feet from the ground surface. This requirement may be satisfied by the use of annotated aerial photographs at a scale as listed above, to include sufficient detail to allow the quantification of trees. This requirement may also be satisfied by the use of multiple sample areas of no less than 100 feet by 100 feet (10,000 square feet), each to be used to estimate the total forest/woodland tree count, when, in the opinion of the Township Zoning Officer or Township Engineer, the makeup of the forest/woodland is sufficiently consistent to merit the use of such samples. Information to be provided shall include the following:
Plan scale, North arrow, property lines and location map, with zoning district designations for the site and adjacent properties.
Existing contours per submission requirements.
Individual freestanding trees with trunk diameters (DBH) of six inches or more shall be shown indicating the location, species, and diameter of each tree.
Trees in hedge rows or lines with trunk diameters (DBH) of six inches or more indicating the outer canopy or dripline of the tree grouping as well as the location and species of individual trees.
Trees in forest/woodlands or groves with trunk diameters (DBH) of six inches or more indicating the species and outer canopy or dripline of the tree grouping.
Within the plan set, existing trees to remain and existing trees to be removed shall be designated either by indicating individual trunk diameters with an "X" for removal or by cross hatching or similar method to indicate woodlands to be removed.
Any subdivision or land development proposal which will result in the destruction of greater than 25% of the existing viable noninvasive trees six inches in diameter (DBH) or greater, as determined by a registered landscape architect, shall replace the removed viable noninvasive trees in excess of the 25%, as determined by a registered landscape architect, but in no case shall removal of forests exceed those allowed under § 370-503 of the Zoning Ordinance.
The plan shall contain a schedule listing the total number of existing viable noninvasive trees (DBH) over six inches in trunk diameter, as determined by a registered landscape architect. When forests are present, the schedule shall differentiate "forest trees" and "nonforest trees." The schedule shall list the maximum number of trees permitted to be removed in compliance with the provisions herein, § 370-503 of the Zoning Ordinance, the actual number of trees proposed for removal, the number of excess trees being removed, and the number of required replacement trees.
Preliminary landscape plan. The preliminary landscaping plan shall be drawn at a scale of not less than one inch to 50 feet and shall contain the following:
Plan scale, date, North arrow, and location map with zoning district designations for the site and adjacent properties.
Location of all existing and proposed buildings.
Location of all existing and proposed roads, parking, service areas and other paved areas.
Location of all outside storage and trash receptacle areas.
Sidewalks, berms, fences, walls, freestanding signs and site lighting.
Locations, common names, quantity and sizes of all proposed trees, shrubs and areas for lawns or other ground cover (see § 305-329F).
Locations of existing freestanding trees and woodlands to remain.
Sight triangles and sight distance lines.
Submission procedure.
The preliminary landscape plan and existing conditions or features plan shall be submitted at the time the preliminary plan is filed.
The landscape plan shall be signed and sealed by a landscape architect registered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Public notification.
The filing of a preliminary plan for a major subdivision or land development within Warrington Township, as determined by requirements of this chapter, shall require the owner to notify surrounding property owners by mail of the action and place a sign of notice on the subject premises. The owner shall notify the surrounding property owners of a meeting date and any other required information at least 14 days prior to the meeting. The Township shall require the owner to notify surrounding property owners of subsequent meetings or hearings following the initial meeting.
The mailed notice to nearby property owners shall occur at least 14 consecutive calendar days before the public meeting of the Planning Commission when the plan will be first reviewed. Notice shall be by first-class mail, and the owner shall provide the Township with documentation of the mailings prior to the public meeting. Mailed notices shall be required for the following plan types and relevant properties:
Major subdivision or land development plan. All properties within 500 feet of the application site.
Nonresidential development plan. All properties within 1,000 feet of the application site.
The mailed notice shall contain a narrative statement describing the proposed development and include, at a minimum, the name and address of the owner, the parcel number(s) and description of the application site, the number and type of residences and/or buildings being proposed, and a copy of the plan on paper measuring at least 11 inches by 17 inches that shows the proposed improvements and environmentally sensitive areas in different colors and graphic indicators with appropriate legends to clearly illustrate the distinctions between the same.
For purposes of the mailing notice requirement, distances shall be measured from the nearest part of the application site to any portion of an affected parcel to be notified.
The sign(s) of notice shall be placed on the application site providing notice of a public meeting for the preliminary plan application. The sign(s) shall be located so as to be in clear view of passersby and adjacent to the street line(s). If the application site is bordered by more than one public street, a public notice sign shall be placed adjacent to each street line, but in no case shall more than two signs be required. The sign(s) shall be erected within 10 calendar days of the filing of a preliminary plan application with the Township. The owner shall be required to apply for a sign permit from the Township for all signs and the Township Zoning Officer shall determine the sign location requirements for the public notice sign(s) shall be as follows:
Location. The posted sign(s) shall be placed in a conspicuous location, as close to, but outside, the street line as practical, parallel to the street, and clearly visible to the public. The Township may allow the posting of only one sign on corner lots of less than four acres. In no case shall a sign be placed so as to interfere with driver visibility or vehicular safety.
Size. The posted sign(s) shall be single-faced and shall measure four feet by eight feet with a yellow background with two-inch black lettering in sans serif typeface and shall be weather protected. The top of sign when installed shall be no more than seven feet from the ground under it.
Sign information. The sign(s) shall include, in boldface type, a narrative statement describing the proposed development including the type of residences and/or building proposed. The owner's name and phone number, the name of the plan, address of development site, the application number and the tax parcel number(s) shall be prominently displayed. A statement that additional information, including an illustrated plan depicting the proposed development, can be obtained from the Township's website. The owner shall be responsible for cleaning or replacing, within 10 days of notification, any sign that has been defaced, becomes illegible, or is removed. The sign will remain in place until final action on the final plan application is taken by the Township. Removal of the sign will be in accordance with § 305-505F(5)(e).
Proof of posting. The owner shall provide the Township with photographic proof of posting and a signed affidavit prior to the public meeting. Failure of any such posted notice to remain in place after the notice has been posted shall not be deemed a failure to comply with these standards or be grounds to challenge the validity of any decision made on the application unless the notice was removed by the owner at their direction.
Removal of posted sign. The owner shall remove the posted sign(s) not later than 10 calendar days after final action on the final plan application is taken by the Township.
Purpose. The purpose of the final plan is to obtain formal approval from the Board of Supervisors before plans for all subdivisions and land developments are recorded as required by § 305-701 of this chapter.
The final plan shall be submitted conforming to the conditions of the preliminary plan approval. The final plan and all information and procedures relating thereto shall in all respects be in compliance with the provisions of this chapter, except where variation therefrom may be specified, in writing, by the Board of Supervisors.
Prior to the recording of any final plan, a development agreement, in a form provided by the Township Solicitor, including the posting of financial security to guarantee the completion of all required public and/or site improvements, as defined in Appendix A,[1] shall be executed by the developer.
Editor's Note: Appendix A, Required Contracts, is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Deposit and fee. See the Township Fee Schedule.
Procedure. Procedure for approval of final plans shall be identical to the procedure as outlined for preliminary plans in § 305-505, except as noted below:
Developer prepares final plan and application.
The developer shall submit the required copies of the plan set, application and associated documentation to the Zoning Officer and other entities as required herein. The email address and/or contact information of the developer and the developer's engineer must be included with the application. The required copies to be submitted to the Zoning Officer and the acceptable format of said copies shall be submitted in accordance with the following:
Two paper copies and one digital copy of the subdivision/land development application.
Two paper copies and one digital copy of the full plan set.
Eighteen paper copies and one digital copy of the partial plan set. Partial plan sets shall consist of a cover page, record plans, existing conditions plan, construction improvements plan, landscaping and lighting plans and associated details, utility plans, stormwater management plans, and any other plans deemed to be necessary by the Zoning Officer.
Sixteen paper copies and one digital copy of the conditional use application, if applicable.
Two paper copies and one digital copy of the traffic impact study, if applicable.
Two paper copies and one digital copy of the environmental site assessment, if applicable.
Two paper copies and one digital copy of any other document as required by this chapter.
Township Zoning Officer, in consultation with the Township Engineer, checks submission against checklist for completeness and:
If a submission is incomplete, immediately returns submission to developer, indicates the deficiencies and the ninety-day review period shall begin only after a completed application is submitted; or
If submission is complete, accepts final plan submission and fees, and dates and initials the plan.
The Township Zoning Officer shall submit one copy of the final plan submission and application with a request for review and comment to the appropriate boards, committees, and commissions. The developer shall follow the submittal procedures established by the various external entities that require plan submissions, such as PennDOT, the Bucks County Health Department, the Bucks County Conservation District, or the Bucks County Planning Commission.
At a regular or special Township Planning Commission meeting following receipt of reports from agencies listed above, the Planning Commission shall:
Review the developer's submission.
Review all reports received.
Discuss submission with the developer.
Evaluate the plan, reports, and discussion.
Give interested members of the public the opportunity to discuss and inquire about the plan.
Determine whether the final plan submission meets the objectives and requirements of this chapter and other ordinances of the Township.
Make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for approval, conditional approval, or disapproval of the final plan.
Submit a report to the Board of Supervisors. When the application is not recommended, the recommendation shall specify the defects found in the application, describe the requirements which have not been met, and, in each case, site the specific provisions of the applicable ordinance which have not been satisfied.
The Board of Supervisors, within the time prescribed in the latest version of the Municipalities Planning Code,[2] shall:
Reevaluate the developer's submission, presentation, report of the Township Planning Commission and any other applicable reviewing agency.
Determine whether the final plans meet the objectives and requirements of this chapter and other ordinances of the Township.
Give interested members of the public the opportunity to discuss and inquire about the plan.
Either approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the final plan by resolution.
Inform the developer of the decision in writing by mail mailed at their last known address not greater than 15 days following the decision. When the application is not approved the decision shall specify the defects found in the application, describe the requirements which have not been met, and in each case cite the specific provisions of the applicable ordinances which have not been satisfied.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
Failure of the Board of Supervisors to render a decision and communicate it to the developer within the time and in the manner required herein shall be deemed an approval of the final plan, unless the developer has agreed in writing to an extension of time or a change in the prescribed manner of communication of the decision, in which case failure to meet the extended time or change in manner of communication shall have like effect.
If approved:
The Board of Supervisors shall adopt a resolution approving the final plan.
Approval will be conditioned upon the developer entering into a development agreement with the Township, prepared by the Township Solicitor, that includes the posting of financial security to guarantee the completion of the public/site improvements that are proposed in conjunction with the subdivision and/or land development, as set forth in Appendix A.[3]
Editor's Note: Appendix A, Required Contracts, is included as an appendix to this chapter.
Two exact copies of the approved final plan with signatures of the required agencies as specified in Article V, § 305-507B(3)(c), of this chapter shall be submitted as record plans to the Board of Supervisors for review and signature.
Submission requirements. The final plan shall be accompanied by the following information, which shall be considered in addition to that required for the preliminary plan submission under § 305-505.
Drafting standards.
The plan shall be drawn at a scale of one inch equals 40 feet, 50 feet, or 100 feet.
The plan shall be a clear, legible white paper print.
Dimensions shall be in feet and decimals to the nearest hundredth of a foot, and bearings shall be in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
Each sheet shall be numbered and shall show its relationship to the total number of sheets.
The boundary line of the subdivision or land development shall be shown as a solid heavy line.
Final plans shall be prepared on sheets no larger than 24 inches by 36 inches, and all lettering shall be so drawn as to be legible if the plan should be reduced to half the size.
General information to be shown.
Name of the subdivision or land development.
Name and address of the owner/developer.
Name and address of the engineer, landscape architect, or surveyor responsible for preparation of the plan in accordance with Section 503(1) of the PA MPC.[4]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10503(1).
Date, North point, and scale.
A location map for the purpose of locating the site to be subdivided or developed at a scale of not less than one inch equals 800 feet showing the relation of the tract to the adjoining property and to all streets, roads, and municipal boundaries existing within 1,000 feet of any part of the property proposed to be subdivided or developed.
Present zoning classification on the subject tract and adjacent properties, and requirements pertaining to the subject tract.
Name of the current zoning ordinance with the latest revision date and the current subdivision and land development ordinance with the latest revision date.
All conditions of applicable zoning approval and granted variances.
All granted waivers.
Existing features to be shown.
Complete outline survey of the property to be subdivided or developed, showing all courses, distances, areas, property corners (existing monumentation, markers, pins, etc.), and tie-ins to all adjacent street intersections. The outline survey shall be determined by a field boundary survey performed and/or verified within one year of the final plan submission. Complete outline survey of the property to be subdivided or developed showing all courses, distances, and areas and tie-ins to all adjacent street intersections.
The location, names, classifications and widths of streets, the location of property lines and names of owners, the location of watercourses, sanitary sewers, storm drains and similar features within 400 feet of any part of the land to be subdivided or developed.
Location, size and ownership of all underground utilities, easements and street lines within the property.
The location and character of existing buildings, the location, size and species of all large trees standing alone, and the location and general condition of all significant topographic and physical features, including, but not limited to, USGS contours, existing vegetation, natural drainage, trees over 10 inches diameter, forest or wooded areas, wetlands, streams, vernal pools, and prime agricultural land.
Floodplain restriction overlay area, in compliance with § 370-503 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Limits of resource protection areas.
Limits of environmentally sensitive areas.
Limits of applicable conservation development and/or open space.
An aerial photograph of the site with the site boundary identified.
Proposed layout.
Lot layout, including dimensions and bearings, and consecutive numbering of lots.
The proposed names, classifications, cartway width and street line width of all proposed streets.
The arrangement of buildings and parking areas in proposed industrial, commercial and multifamily developments with all necessary dimensions noted on the plan.
Sufficient data to determine readily the location, bearing and length of every street, lot and boundary line.
The proposed building setback for each lot or the proposed location of each building.
Accurate locations of all concrete monuments.
The location, width and purpose of all easements or street lines and boundaries by bearings and dimensions.
For multifamily dwellings, the total area, total dwelling units, number of buildings, proposed density, total parking spaces, building coverage, and bedroom ratio shall be noted on the plan.
For projects proposing a development in more than one phase, a phasing plan delineating each phase of development with the above-required information noted on the plans for each phase shall be required.
The location of all existing and proposed fire hydrants and utilities.
Resource conservation site analysis plan. The resource conservation site analysis plan should overlay the proposed development with the existing conditions of the site and all other existing features of the site required in § 305-506E(3).
Improvement construction plan requirements;
All horizontal drainage and utility construction plans shall be accompanied by a grading plan with existing contours delineated by a dashed line and proposed contours by a solid line of not less than a two-foot interval with spot elevations at sufficient locations to review the proposed grade modifications.
The improvement construction plans shall be at any of the following scales:
Table 13. Improvement Construction Plan Scales
Improvement Construction Plan Scales
The horizontal plan for streets shall show details of the horizontal layout including:
Center line with bearings, distances, curve data, and stations corresponding to the profile views.
Street lines and curblines with radii at intersections.
Beginning and end of proposed construction.
Tie-ins by courses and distances to intersections with all public roads, with street names and widths.
Location of all concrete monuments with reference to them.
Property lines and ownership of abutting properties.
Location and size of all drainage structures, public utilities, and street name signs.
Location of sidewalks.
Profile views for streets shall include:
Profile of existing ground surface along center line of street.
Proposed center-line grade noting percent on tangents, elevations at fifty-foot station intervals, street center line intersections, and both ends of curb radii.
Vertical curve data including length and elevations at twenty-five-foot station intervals.
Cross sections shall include:
Street line width and location and width of paving.
Type, thickness, and crown of paving.
Type and size of curb.
Grading of street line area, outside of paving.
Location, width, type, and thickness of sidewalks.
Typical location of sewers and other utilities with sizes noted.
Horizontal plans for storm sewers, water mains and sanitary sewers shall include:
Location and size of line with stations corresponding to the profile view.
Location of manholes or inlets with invert and grate or rim elevations at top of each manhole or inlet.
Property lines and ownership, with details of easements where required.
Beginning and end of proposed construction.
Location of water and sewer service laterals.
Location of all other drainage facilities and public utilities.
Profiles for storm drains and sanitary sewers shall include invert elevations and the profile of existing ground surface with elevations at top of manholes or inlets.
A proposed lighting plan containing:
Location of driveways, structures, curb and sidewalk.
Layout of all proposed utilities (including storm sewer).
Proposed tree planting locations coordinated with proposed grading and underground utilities, maintaining required horizontal separation distances.
Location of parking area lighting, and streetlight fixtures, with radial extent of illumination in the form of numeric footcandle values in units of footcandles (fc); numeric footcandle values shall be in increments of 0.50 fc.
The spacing of light poles/pole foundations along streets shall be indicated for all lighting; pole, foundation, and luminaire types shall be noted.
Photometry detail indicating coverage area of proposed luminaire and lumens shall be indicated, including a candela numeric lumen output.
Details and appropriate manufacturer's information of all lighting and accessory equipment to be used, including fixtures, wattage, fixture height, poles, foundations, and conduit.
Landscape plan submission requirements.
Final landscape plan. The final landscape plan shall contain a final version of all the plan requirements stated in § 305-505E(8)a and shall further contain the following:
A plant schedule indicating the botanical and common names, height, spread, caliper, quantity and any special remarks for all plant material proposed.
If not provided on a separate plan, a list of existing trees to be removed, existing and proposed water bodies and significant natural features.
Details for the planting and staking of trees, the planting of shrubs and any other details which depict other related installation.
Existing and proposed underground and aboveground utilities, such as site lighting, transformers, hydrants, manholes, valve boxes, storm, sanitary and water lines, etc.
All existing and proposed contours at two-foot intervals, and in order to determine the relationship of planting and grading, areas with slopes in excess of three horizontal to one vertical (33.3%) will be indicated on the plan and seeded, sodded or planted with ground cover.
Information in the form of notes or specifications concerning planting areas to be devoted to lawns. Such information shall convey the proposals for seeding, sodding, ground cover, mulching, and the like.
A detailed cost estimate shall be attached to the final landscape plan submission, showing the value of all proposed landscaping, and to include all labor, materials, and guarantee.
Submission procedure.
The final landscape plan shall be submitted at the time the final plan is filed.
The landscape plan shall be signed and sealed by a landscape architect registered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Submission of final plans in AutoCAD format. An exact copy of the final subdivision or land development plans shall be submitted in an electronic format, in AutoCAD DWG or DXF format, designated by the Township, as a condition of final plan approval.
Appeal. Appeals shall be in accordance with the provisions of the PA MPC.[5]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
Recording plans. The action of the Board of Supervisors in approving any subdivision or land development plan, together with an approved duplicate copy of such plan shall, within 90 days of the date of approval or 90 days after delivery of an approved plan signed by the Board of Supervisors that complies with the conditions imposed for such approval, whichever is later, be recorded by the Township in the office of Recorder of Deeds of Bucks County. The developer shall reimburse the Township with the cost of recording plus 10%, in accordance with the Township Fee Schedule. The Board of Supervisors may extend the ninety-day period upon receipt of a written request submitted by the developer.
Record plan requirements.
The record plan shall be clear, legible blue or black line print on white opaque linen or Mylar, and shall be an exact copy of the approved final plan on a sheet of the size required for final plans. Two copies of the record plan shall be submitted for Township signatures.
The final plans as approved and recorded shall be interpreted to include all information required and approved under § 305-506 of this chapter, unless otherwise waived by the Board of Supervisors. All plans, reports, and studies submitted for final approval under § 305-506 of this chapter shall be stamped and dated and retained as part of the record set of approved final plans. Changes made at the time of final approval must be dated and recorded with the Township Zoning Officer and noted as revised sheets before building permits are issued.
The following information shall appear on the record plan in addition to the information required for a final plan or minor subdivision plan:
The impressed seal of the licensed engineer, landscape architect or surveyor responsible for the plan in accordance with Section 503(1) of the PA MPC.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10503(1).
The impressed corporation seal if the developer is a corporation.
The impressed seal of a notary public or other qualified officer acknowledging owner's statement of intent.
A statement to the effect that the developer is the owner of the land proposed to be developed and that the subdivision or land development shown on the final plan is made with his/her or their consent and that it is desire to record the same.
Acknowledgement of said statement before an officer authorized to take acknowledgements.
The following signatures shall be placed directly on the plan in black or blue ink.
The signatures of the owner or owners of the land. If the owner of the land is a corporation, the signatures of the president and secretary of the corporation shall appear.
The signatures of the notary public or other qualified offices acknowledging the owner's intent.
The signature of the licensed engineer, landscape architect or surveyor who prepared the plan in accordance with Section 503(1) of the PA MPC.[2]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10503(1).
The review number assigned by the County Planning Commission.
The signature of the Township Engineer.
The signature of the Chairperson and Secretary of the Township Board of Supervisors.
Effect of recording.
After a subdivision or land development plan has been duly recorded, the streets, parks and other public improvements shown thereon shall be considered to be a part of the Official Map, when adopted, of the Township.
Streets, parks and other public improvements shown on a subdivision or land development plan to be recorded may be offered for dedication to the Township by formal notation thereof on the plan, or the owner may note on the plan that such improvements have not been offered for dedication to the Township.
Every street, park or other improvement shown on a subdivision or land development plan that is recorded, as provided herein, shall be deemed to be a private street, park, or improvement until such time as the same has been offered for dedication to the Township and accepted, by resolution, or until it has been condemned for use as a public street, park, or other improvement.
Any such plan shall be submitted as an amended final plan or subdivision plat.
The area where modifications or additions are proposed shall be delineated as the "project area" on a copy of the recorded plan or subdivision. The project area shall include all proposed work and shall be subject to the approval of the Township.
The application shall meet all of the requirements of this chapter for all work proposed within the project area. Full detail shall not be required for existing work outside the project area.
Zoning and subdivision and land development requirements in effect at the time of application shall apply within the project area but not otherwise.
The application shall be accepted, reviewed, approved, and recorded fully in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, but only as to the project area.
The developer shall notify the Board of Supervisors in writing by certified or registered mail of the completion of the required improvements and shall send a copy to the Township Engineer.
The Board of Supervisors shall, within 10 days after receipt of such notice, direct and authorize the Township Engineer to inspect all of the aforesaid improvements.
The Township Engineer shall:
Inspect the completed required improvements.
File a report, in writing, with the Board of Supervisors, and mail a copy of the same to the developer by certified or registered mail, within 30 days after receipt by the Township Engineer of the aforesaid authorization from the Board of Supervisors. Said reports shall be detailed and shall indicate approval or rejection of said improvements, either in whole or in part, and if said improvements or any part thereof shall not be approved or shall be rejected by the Township Engineer, said report shall contain a statement of the reasons for such nonapproval or rejection.
If the Board of Supervisors or Township Engineer fails to comply with the time limitations contained herein, all improvements will be deemed to have been approved and the developer shall be released from all liability, pursuant to its performance guaranty bond or other security agreement. The developer shall proceed to complete said improvements to Township requirements and, upon completion, the same procedure of notification as outlined herein shall be followed.
In the event that any improvements which may be required have not been installed as provided in this chapter or in accordance with the approved final plan, the Board of Supervisors is hereby granted the power to enforce any corporate bond or other security by appropriate legal and equitable remedies. If proceeds of such bond or other security are insufficient to pay the cost of installing or making repair or corrections to all the improvements covered by said security, the Board of Supervisors may, at its option, install part of such improvements in all or part of the subdivision or land development and may institute appropriate legal or equitable action to recover the monies necessary to complete the remainder of the improvements, including court costs and attorney fees. All of the proceeds, whether resulting from the security or from any legal or equitable action brought against the developer, or both, shall be used solely for the installation of the improvements covered by such security, and not for any other municipal purpose.
The Board of Supervisors shall notify the developer of acceptance of the required improvements if satisfied that the developer has complied with all specifications and ordinances of the Township.
The developer shall:
Furnish the Township with one electronic copy of the plans clearly showing the improvements.
Pay all costs for the recorder of deeds and/or clerk of court for the recording and/or registration of the approval and acceptance of the required improvements.
Applicability. This section shall apply to the seller (the "seller") of a vacant subdivided residential lot or a newly constructed home located within Warrington Township ("dwelling unit not previously occupied") to a member of the general public (the "buyer").
Intent. These requirements are intended to inform the buyer of important facts pertaining to the new residential property including, but not limited to, the general nature of the subdivision and/or land development project (the "project") in which the new residential property is located.
Disclosure requirements.
Prior to the seller conveying to the buyer title to any dwelling units not previously occupied, the buyer shall sign a residential disclosure statement in a form provided by the Township ("disclosure statement") which verifies that the seller has complied with this section and has provided, shown and/or reviewed with the buyer all of the information that is required by this section. The developer shall provide the completed disclosure statement, found in § 305-510D, to the seller and a copy of the completed disclosure statement to the Township. The disclosure statement shall be reviewed for accuracy and completeness by the Township Solicitor and Township Engineer prior to being provided to any prospective buyer.
The approved subdivision and/or land development plan for all phases of the project ("approved plan") shall be made available for inspection by the buyer in the location where property sales are transacted by the seller. The approved plan shall include the record plan and all other accompanying plans approved with the record plan by Warrington Township.
A copy of the most recent approved plan shall be made available to the buyer for inspection and a full-size copy of the record plan, plot plan, and as-built plan shall be provided to the buyer. The approved plan and text narrative shall contain the following information:
Common areas, such as parklands, streets and open spaces which are part of the project.
All lot lines.
Membership in a common ownership regime such as a homeowners' or condominium association, if applicable. Copies of the declaration documents and bylaws shall be provided to the buyer prior to the buyer's signing an agreement of sale.
All current dimensional requirements for the primary uses of each dwelling unit not previously occupied, such as lot size and required setbacks, building coverage, impervious coverage, area available for future impervious coverage, height limitations and deed restricted areas.
All current dimensional requirements for the accessory uses permitted on each lot, such as lot size, required setbacks, height limitations and deed restricted areas.
The location of all easements encumbering each dwelling unit not previously occupied, describing the uses of the easements, including any underground pipe within such easement (including, but not limited to, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water, gas, cable television and electric lines), a description as to which dwelling units not previously occupied are affected by these easements and the limitations imposed by such easements.
The location of all areas which are classified as wetlands by current governmental law, rule, regulation or ordinance, with a notation that such federal, state and local laws and regulations govern the use of property within wetlands, which may limit the use and development of such areas.
The location of all areas classified as floodplain or other resource conservation areas by current governmental law, rule, regulation or ordinance, with a notation that such federal, state and local laws and regulations govern the use of property within such areas, which may limit the use and development of such areas.
The location of stormwater management facilities, including detention/retention basins, stormwater management easements and the ownership and maintenance responsibilities for such facilities and easements.
The date of the zoning and/or subdivision and land development ordinances which govern the approved plan shall be made available to the buyer. If the approved plan is governed by a court order or stipulation, such documentation, including all amendments, shall be made available to the buyer.
The present zoning classification of the project and property which abuts the project.
The buyer of a dwelling unit not previously occupied which is located within 100 yards of a natural gas transmission line must be informed, in writing, of the existence, location and owner of the natural gas transmission line.
The buyer of a lot that was the subject of a minor subdivision must be informed that pursuant to § 305-504F of this chapter, any additional subdivision of a tract that is the subject of a minor subdivision plan within 10 years of the date of approval of the minor subdivision plan shall be deemed to be a major subdivision for the purposes of this chapter and shall follow the procedure applying thereto.
Buyer responsibility. The buyer shall be responsible to review the subdivision and/or land development plan, the developer agreement, and the building permit plan. The buyer shall be responsible to become informed about existing conditions within the neighborhood of the lot and the vicinity of the subdivision or land development that may affect the buyer's unique lifestyle requirements.
305-510-Sample 1.tif