[Amended 8-23-2022 by Ord. No. 5739]
Purpose. The purpose of this district is to permit the development of multifamily residential and professional office uses in close proximity to Union Station and Kean University to encourage land use compatibility, provide the opportunity for the development of supportive land uses around Union Station and to address the Township's affordable housing unmet need obligation. The MUOD District promotes affordable residential development opportunities in close proximity to the train station or other mixed-use areas along Morris Avenue.
Location; requirements.
Location. The Mixed-Use Overlay District consists of the following tax parcels: Block 512, Lot 2.01, Block 606, Lots 4, 5, and 8, and Block 4401, Lot 1.
Use standards. Refer to the Schedule of Limitations (Attachment 4) for use standards.
Recreational/social amenities. Developments shall be required to include both interior and exterior common areas devoted to recreational, social and similar functions for residents and their guests, as set forth below:
At least 40 square feet per dwelling unit shall be devoted to interior common areas, such as but not limited to meeting rooms, community centers, fitness centers, indoor recreational areas, lounges, libraries, etc. Areas such as hallways, stairs, elevators, entrance lobbies, storage, mail areas, mechanical space or office space and similar areas shall not count towards meeting this requirement.
At least 40 square feet per dwelling unit shall be devoted to exterior common areas, such as but not limited to recreational areas, gardens, courtyards, plazas, decks, patios, etc. Such areas may be located at grade level, on building terraces or on the roof of the building. Lawn and landscaped areas shall not count towards meeting this requirement unless such areas are specifically designed to be part of the aforementioned features.
Parking shall be located in the side or rear yards only.
Parking setbacks shall conform to § 170-2601C for mixed-use districts.
Performance standards.
There must exist approved public water and public sewer systems which shall be available to each unit prior to the issuance of the building permit for that unit.
All other applicable regulations of this Chapter 170 shall be followed as required.
For developments to be constructed over a period of years, a phasing plan shall be submitted as part of the preliminary plan for the entire concept.
Area bulk and dimensional regulations. Refer to Schedule of Zoning Requirements (Attachment 5) for area, yard and bulk standards.
[Amended 8-23-2022 by Ord. No. 5739]
Purpose. To address its affordable housing unmet need obligation, the Township shall implement an Inclusionary Overlay Zone Ordinance that creates a realistic opportunity for housing in the Township that is affordable to low- and moderate-income households. This article establishes the Inclusionary Overlay Residential Zone and permits the creation of multifamily housing within certain areas, provided that such housing complies with a required inclusionary set-aside requirement and with the requirements of this article.
Location. The Inclusionary Overlay Residential District consists of the following tax parcels: Block 5711, Lot 1, and Block 3303, Lot 8.
Design standards.
Architectural design.
Buildings shall be required to incorporate high-quality architectural features that are characteristic of exemplary buildings reflecting the traditional architecture of other multifamily dwelling units in the Downtown Core or Downtown Transition Zone District. The applicant for any development shall demonstrate such design by providing examples of and comparisons with existing high-quality buildings within the Downtown Core or Downtown Transition Zone District.
Buildings having a gross floor area greater than 40,000 square feet shall be required to use architectural features that provide variety and reduce the visual impact of the building mass, through the use of varied facade materials, facade projections and recesses, judicious use of windows, other openings in the facade, and other similar features.
All HVAC and mechanical equipment shall be adequately screened from view.
Recreational/social amenities. Developments shall be required to include both interior and exterior common areas devoted to recreational, social and similar functions for residents and their guests, as set forth below:
At a rate of at least 40 square feet per dwelling unit, interior common areas, such as but not limited to meeting rooms, community centers, fitness centers, indoor recreational areas, lounges, libraries, etc., must be provided. Areas such as hallways, stairs, elevators, entrance lobbies, storage, mail areas, mechanical space or office space and similar areas shall not count towards meeting this requirement.
At a rate of at least 40 square feet per dwelling unit, exterior common areas, such as but not limited to recreational areas, gardens, courtyards, plazas, decks, patios, etc., must be provided. Such areas may be located at grade level, on building terraces or on the roof of the building. Lawn and landscaped areas shall not count towards meeting this requirement unless such areas are specifically designed to be part of the aforementioned features.
Parking shall be located in the side or rear yards only.
Parking setbacks shall conform to the underlying district.
Off-street parking shall conform to the provisions of Article 13 and Article 26.
Performance standards.
There must exist approved public water and public sewer systems which shall be available to each unit prior to the issuance of the building permit for that unit.
All other applicable regulations of this Chapter 170 shall be followed as required.
For developments to be constructed over a period of years, a phasing plan shall be submitted as part of the preliminary plan for the entire concept.
Area bulk and dimensional regulations. The bulk standards of the underlying zones shall be superseded by the following standards for any new multifamily development, provided that it conforms to the inclusionary set-aside standards of this article, as follows:
Refer to Schedule of Zoning Requirements (Attachment 5) for area, yard and bulk standards.