Except as provided otherwise in the Vehicle and Traffic Law or this chapter, a bicycle or the operator of a bicycle shall be afforded all the rights and privileges and be subject to all of the requirements and standards for a bicycle or the operator of a bicycle pursuant to Vehicle and Traffic Law Article 34 (Operation of Bicycles and Play Devices), as subsequently amended, which as of the date of the adoption of this chapter consists of the following (provided for informational purposes only with the obligation on operators to know, understand and abide by the laws):
Article 34, Operation of Bicycles and Play Devices
NY Veh & Traf Ch. Seventy-One, T. VII, Art. 34, Refs & Annos
§ 1230. Effect of Regulations
§ 1231. Traffic Laws Apply to Persons Riding Bicycles or Skating or Gliding on in-Line Skates
§ 1232. Riding on Bicycles
§ 1233. Clinging to Vehicles
§ 1234. Riding on Roadways, Shoulders, Bicycle or in-Line Skate Lanes and Bicycle or in-Line Skate Paths
§ 1235. Carrying Articles
§ 1236. Lamps and Other Equipment on Bicycles
§ 1237. Method of Giving Hand and Arm Signals by Bicyclists
§ 1238. Passengers on Bicycles Under One Year of Age Prohibited; Passengers and Operators Under 14 Years of Age to Wear Protective Headgear; Operators of Class Three Bicycles with Electric Assist to Wear Protective Headgear
§ 1239. Reflective Material and Devices for in-Line Skating
§ 1240. Leaving the Scene of an Incident Involving a Wheeled Non-Motorized Means of Conveyance Without Reporting in the Second Degree
§ 1241. Leaving the Scene of an Incident Involving a Wheeled Non-Motorized Means of Conveyance Without Reporting in the First Degree
§ 1242. Additional Provisions Applicable to Bicycles with Electric Assist
§ 1242-a. Operation of a Bicycle with Electric Assist While Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs
§ 1243. Shared Bicycle and Shared Bicycle with Electric Assist Systems; Data Protection
In addition to those provisions of Vehicle and Traffic Law and this chapter specifically addressing bicycles with electric assist, a bicycle with electric assist or the operator of a bicycle with electric assist shall be afforded all the rights and privileges and be subject to all of the requirements and standards for a bicycle or the operator of a bicycle pursuant to Vehicle and Traffic Law Article 34 (Operation of Bicycles and Play Devices), as subsequently amended. A copy of Vehicle and Traffic Law Article 34 shall be made available for public inspection in the Town Clerk's Office and on the Town's website and shall be updated annually.
In addition to the requirements of Vehicle and Traffic Law Article 34, pursuant to the local authority afforded to the Town under Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1242(3)(c) all persons operating a bicycle with electric assist within the unincorporated Town shall:
Not exceed 20 miles per hour;
Be wearing a helmet of good fit fastened securely upon the head with the helmet straps, and which helmet meets the standards established by the Commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicles; and
If operating the bicycle with electric assist during the period from one-half hour before sunset to one-half hour after sunrise and/or during inclement weather when visibility is reduced or limited, including but not limited to rain, snow, fog or haze, shall be wearing readily visible reflective clothing or material to the standards established by the Commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicles.
A person shall not tamper with or modify a bicycle with electric assist so as to change the motor-powered speed capability or motor engagement (between pedal and throttle-assist types of engagement) of a bicycle with electric assist. A person shall not tamper with or modify a bicycle with electric assist in a manner that allows the motor in a Class One or Class Two bicycle with electric assist to provide assistance above the speed of 20 miles per hour if the bicycle with electric assist is being propelled exclusively by the motor.
A device shall no longer be considered a bicycle with electric assist if the motor is modified such that the motor is capable of propelling the device at a speed that exceeds 20 miles per hour for Class One and Class Two devices if the bicycle with electric assist is being propelled exclusively by the motor.
In accordance with the authority afforded to the Town by Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1242(3)(c), a Class One or Class Two bicycle with electric assist may only be operated in the unincorporated Town of Ossining on paved streets or roads used for transportation of vehicles with a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour or less.
The Town Board may designate appropriate Town-owned public lands and properties under its jurisdiction for use by bicycles with electric assist. In so doing, the Town Board may impose restrictions and conditions for the regulation and safe operation of bicycles with electric assist, including specific trails where operation is restricted or prohibited and permitted hours of operation.
Parking on sidewalks.
In accordance with the authority afforded to the Town by Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1242(5), if there is no reasonably safe, practical and legal location in close proximity to the operator's destination to park in a parking space, parking lot or driveway, bicycles with electric assist may be parked on sidewalks over which the Town has jurisdiction in the following circumstances:
Where the bicycle with electric assist is owned by a natural person where the owner is engaged in personal use;
Where the bicycle with electric assist is used to transport property in commerce and the operator is actually engaged commercially in the loading or unloading of property, then the operator may temporarily park on the sidewalk; and/or
To comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended.
Bicycles with electric assist which are authorized by this section to park on the sidewalk may so park whether the bicycle with electric assist is attended or unattended. For Subsection C(1)(a) and (b), the Town shall provide a method by which the bicycle with electric assist can be identified as owned by a natural person or is used to transport property in commerce. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no bicycle or bicycle with electric assist may be parked on a sidewalk if it interferes with the free passage of pedestrians on a sidewalk, including but not limited to pedestrians pushing or traveling with or in a device such as a stroller, shopping cart, walker or wheelchair.
In accordance with the authority afforded to the Town by Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1243, the Town Board authorizes the operation of a shared bicycle with electric assist system within the unincorporated Town. No such system shall operate in the unincorporated Town unless the contractor or provider has entered into a contract with the Town that authorizes such activities subject to the terms and conditions therein. Concurrent with the implementation of any such shared system, the Town shall promulgate rules and regulations for the operation of the shared system.
Notwithstanding the foregoing and any other provision of law to the contrary, any contractor or provider of a shared bicycle with electric assist system operating within the unincorporated Town shall comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including but not limited to Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1243.
To the extent that violations of this article are not governed by Vehicle and Traffic Law Article 34 (Operation of Bicycles and Play Devices), violations of any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine or penalty not exceeding $250 or by imprisonment in the County Jail not exceeding 15 days; each day any violation of any provision of this article shall continue shall constitute a separate offense.