[Added 2-27-2023 by L.L. No. 5-2023]
The intent of the CRI, Camp Road Interchange District, is to provide an area for larger, upscale regional-type commercial operations at this important entranceway into the Town. This area has access to the NYS Thruway and major highways within the Town that provide transportation routes to and from surrounding communities. Important components of this area are automobile access, aesthetics, landscaping, adaptive reuse, residential buffering, and protection of incompatible uses. Enhancing the overall image of the Town shall be part of the design. See the Hamburg Gateway Revitalization Design Project for a sample of development of the lands previously owned by the NYS Thruway Authority.
Use and structures permitted in the CRI District are as follows:
Principal uses and structures:
Arts and cultural facilities.
Retail sales.
Eating and drinking establishments (no stand-alone bars).
Tourism and recreational and entertainment facilities (including indoor and outdoor sport and recreational facilities and gaming).
Custom shops associated with another allowed principal use.
Warehouses associated with another allowed principal use, but not including the storage of highly flammable or explosive materials.
Breweries and wineries.
Healthcare, spas, and wellness centers.
Private rental storage (mini-storage) is prohibited (see definition[1]). This prohibition also includes full-scale buildings in which interior spaces are being rented for individual storage usage.
Editor's Note: See § 280-342, Definitions.
Resort complexes.
A combination of any of the allowed uses in this district, especially in accomplishing a campus type setting.
Uses and structures allowed by special use permit. The following uses by special use permit authorized by the Planning Board (see Article XLVI):
Nursery schools and day-care centers.
Multifamily units when associated with other allowed uses in this district (mixed-use buildings are encouraged).
Accessory uses and structures:
Accessory uses permitted in the C-1 and C-2 Districts.
Accessory uses and structures customarily incidental to permitted principal uses.
There are no minimum lot size requirements in the CRI District.
There is no maximum height limitation of buildings in the CRI District.
There is no minimum or maximum lot coverage requirement in the CRI district. The project must be shown to meet setback, landscaping and aesthetic requirements.
Unless otherwise provided, the minimum required yards and other open spaces in the CRI District shall be as specified in this section.
Lot area. Lot area will be based on the size of the building, parking requirements and landscaping.
Lot width at the building line: none.
Front yard: 40 feet.
Side yards:
Principal buildings: none required, except that:
Where a side yard is provided, it shall be no less than five feet.
Where a side yard abuts any R District boundary, it shall be not less than 50 feet or the height of the principal building, whichever is greater.
Where a side yard is used for either vehicular ingress or egress, it shall be at least 12 feet.
Where a side yard is used for vehicular ingress and egress, it shall not be less than 25 feet.
Rear yard:
Minimum: 10 feet, except where it abuts any residential district boundary, it shall be a minimum of 50 feet or the height of the principal building, whichever is greater.
Note that a minimum buffer/setback has been established for lands abutting the existing residential subdivision (lands retained as zoned RA represent the buffer).
For applicable off-street parking regulations, see Article XXXII.
Parking areas should not front Camp Road and any parking lots that can be seen from Camp Road need to be screened.
For applicable sign regulations, see Article XXXVI.
For applicable supplemental regulations pertaining to use, height, area or open space, see Articles XXXVII through XXXIX.
Layouts for multiple buildings should be in a campus-like setting.
The Planning Board may require and modify landscaping plans for site locations to establish a positive design image.
The following minimum standards shall be met:
Enhanced landscaping for any frontages along Camp Road (focus on trees).
Screening to be provided along any project boundaries abutting residential areas.
Tree-lined entranceways shall be required.
The applicant shall submit building plans and elevations showing how any proposed structure meets the requirements of this article and any requirements of any applicable zoning overlay. Buildings visible from Camp Road shall have a higher design image, including pitched roofs, higher quality materials, and windows facing Camp Road.
A multimodal trail system should be incorporated into any project proposed in this district.
Internal sidewalks for connection to the trail system and Camp Road.
Overall developments within the CRI district area (including any commercial lands surrounding the properties zoned CRI) shall be connected and presents a campus-type setting.