All City taxes, including special improvement taxes, shall be collected by the County Treasurer, as provided by the laws of the State relating to taxation in municipal corporations.
(R.O. 1947 § 18)
On November 30th of each year, at 9:00 p.m., all unpaid taxes are delinquent, and thereafter the County Treasurer must collect, for the use of the City, 10% upon all delinquent taxes.
(R.O. 1947 § 129)
Required: Except as otherwise provided in the following sections, when any contract is entered into by the City with any other person to do and perform any work or make any public improvements for the City, such contractors shall give a good and sufficient bond to be approved by the Council in a sum equal to the contract price agreed to be paid for the faithful performance of the work, which bond shall run to the City.
Faithful Performance; Filing: Such bond shall contain a provision that the contractor or other person shall faithfully perform all of the provisions of such contract and pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material men and all persons who shall supply such contractors, corporations or persons or subcontractors with provisions, provender, material and supplies for carrying on such work. Such bonds shall be filed with the City Clerk and kept in his or her office.
(R.O. 1947 §§ 172, 173)
Advertisement for Bids Required; Rejection: All contracts for work or for supplies or materials, which exceed the sum of $4,000, must be let to the lowest responsible bidder, and shall be advertised in one or more newspapers published in the City for such a period as the Council by order or resolution may direct; provided, however, that the Council may postpone action on any such contract until the next regular meeting after bids are received in response to such advertisement, and may reject any and all bids and readvertise as provided in this section.
Who Shall Advertise for Bids: All contracts referred to herein shall be advertised by the committee or officer, jointly or severally, having control over the work or material, as the City Council may, by order or resolution, duly entered in its minutes, direct.
Contents and Form of Advertisement: The advertisement required herein shall be in such form that the officer or committee having control over the work or material may direct, and shall contain a general reference to the subject matter of the proposed contract, its terms and conditions with such specifications as the nature of the same will permit, or a designation of the place where such specifications may be seen, and may require security to accompany each bid; also a notice that sealed bids or proposals will be received thereon by the City Clerk at his or her office until 7:30 p.m. of a day and date therein specified; also that the City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The advertisement shall show by whom it is ordered published and shall be signed by the City Clerk.
Time and Manner of Opening Bids:
The bids referred in this section shall be opened by the City Clerk in the presence of the City Council, while in actual session at any regular, adjourned or special meeting thereof.
The City Clerk shall not receive any bids left at his or her office after 7:30 p.m. of the day specified in the advertisement. He or she shall present and open bids received prior to that time at the first meeting held thereafter.
Awarding of Contract:
After the bids referred to in this section shall have been opened and read in the presence of the Council, the contract to which the same relate, shall be let or awarded by the officer or committee having control of the work or material, to the lowest responsible bidder, subject to the approval and ratification of the Council entered on its minutes.
The award or letting of the contract shall be made immediately or within such time as may be specified by the Council after the time for opening the bids has been closed.
Contractor's Bond: The committee or officer referred to in this section shall, upon letting or awarding any contract, as hereinbefore provided, fix the amount of bond or undertaking to be given by the contractor conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract, which shall be executed by at least two sureties, to be approved by such official or committee and the Mayor.
Preparation of Contract; Execution:
Upon receiving a statement of the awarding or letting of any contract, it shall be the duty of the City Attorney to prepare a contract and bond in accordance with such statement.
All contracts herein provided for shall be executed on the part of the City, by being signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk, and together, with the accompanying bonds, shall be filed with the City Clerk.
(R.O. 1947 §§ 239-246; amd. Ord. 544 § 1; Ord. 747 § 1; Ord. 830 § 1)
Maintenance: The City Treasurer shall maintain an Airport Improvement Fund, and all monies deposited therein shall be budgeted and spent by the City Council for airport maintenance and improvement purposes only.
Aircraft Fuel Assessment: All persons selling or dispensing aircraft fuel at the City airport shall levy and collect an assessment of four cents ($0.04) per gallon on each gallon of aircraft fuel sold or dispensed at the City airport. All money so received shall be collected monthly by the City Treasurer and deposited in the Airport Improvement Fund.
(Ord. 710 §§ 1, 2; amd. Ord. 949 § 1)
All warrants lawfully drawn upon the City Treasurer and not paid upon presentment for want of funds and properly endorsed by the City Treasurer with the date of such presentation shall bear simple interest at the rate of 6% per annum from the date of such presentation until such warrant is called for payment according to law.
(Ord. 820 § 1)
Required; Amount: Whenever any person petitions the City for the establishment of a special improvement district for any purpose permitted by law, such person shall, contemporaneously therewith, deposit with the City Clerk the sum of $150.
Allocation: Such sum shall be used by the City for costs of initial publication of notice costs, title research costs and any other miscellaneous administrative costs attributable to the procedure taken to establish such special improvement district.
Alternative Allocation: If such special improvement district is not established and created by the City Council after due notice of hearing and hearing on such petition, all the initial costs expended by the City pursuant thereto shall be deducted from the sum deposited, and the balance remaining, if any, will be refunded to the petitioner depositing such sum with the City; if additional costs have been incurred by the City for such purpose and remain unpaid, such remaining sum shall be paid by and collected from such petitioner. If such special improvement district is duly created and established, such sum deposited will be refunded to the person depositing such sum with the City, and such costs expended shall be paid by such district.
(Ord. 864 §§ 1—3)
On all bonds issued by the City pursuant to the authority granted to the City by Montana Code Annotated Section 90-5-102, there shall be paid to the City by the lessee of the project or the borrower of the funds, the sum of $2.50 per $1,000 face value of said bonds. Such sums paid to the City shall be for the purpose of defraying administrative expense of the City in connection with the authorization, sale and issuance of said bonds for the project and shall be considered a cost of the project.
(Ord. 1000 § 1)