This Chapter is intended to protect the public health, safety,
and welfare by reducing air pollution caused by vehicle trips and
vehicle miles traveled. This Chapter is intended to accomplish emission
reductions by meeting requirements of
Government Code Section 65089(b)(3)
which require development of a trip reduction and travel demand element
to the Congestion Management Plan (CMP), and Section 65089.3(b) which
requires adoption and implementation of trip reduction and travel
demand ordinances by local agencies.
(Ord. 747 § 4, 2022)
"Alternative transportation modes"
means any mode of travel that serves as an alternative to
the single occupancy vehicle, including, without limitation, public
transit, bicycling, walking, and all forms of ridesharing such as
carpooling and vanpooling.
"Applicable development"
means any project that is determined to meet or exceed the
employment threshold using the criteria contained in this Chapter.
An applicable development also includes developments which are owned
and/or managed as one unit, such as a business park or shopping center,
that also meet or exceed the employment threshold.
"Bicycle facilities"
means any capital improvements which would benefit employees
who ride a bicycle to their work site, including shower facilities,
locker facilities, bicycle parking, etc.
"Change of use"
means a development or facility space of a lessee which has
altered its initial use to another use not related to the previous
one. (Example: office space changes to commercial space.)
means the builder who is responsible for the planning, design,
and construction of an applicable development project. A developer
may be responsible for implementing this Chapter as determined by
the property owner.
means any person employed by a person(s), firm, business,
educational institution, non-profit agency, corporation, government
agency, or other entity, which employs one hundred (100) or more persons
at a single work site.
means any person(s), firm, business, educational institution,
non-profit agency, corporation, government agency, or other entity,
which employs one hundred (100) or more persons at a single work site,
and may either be a property owner or tenant of an applicable development.
"Employment generation factors"
refers to factors developed for use by the jurisdiction for
protecting the potential employment of any proposed development project.
"Employment threshold"
refers to the number of employees which an applicable development
must have for the requirements of this Chapter to be applicable to
that employer.
"Minimum standards"
means the minimum changes made to establish a transportation
demand management and trip reduction plan at an applicable development
project to a level which satisfies this Chapter.
"New development project"
means any non-residential project being processed where some
level of discretionary action by a decision making body is required.
"Peak period"
means those hours of the business day between 7:00 a.m. and
9:00 p.m. inclusive, Monday through Friday, which TDM program strategies
identify as the priority period for reducing work related vehicle
"Rideshare facilities"
means any capital improvements which would benefit an employee
who rideshares to the work site, including on-site amenities, preferential
parking, and rideshare drop-off areas at the entrance of the work
"Site development plan"
means a precise plan of development that may be subject to
public hearing before the Planning Commission. The following applications
shall for the purpose of this Chapter constitute a "site development
Application for a new Conditional Use Permit; and
The expansion or revision to a pre-existing Conditional Use
"Transit facilities"
means any capital improvements which would benefit an employee
who uses any form of transit to travel to the work site, including
transit stops, shelters, bus turnouts, park and ride lots, and other
transit amenities.
"Transportation management association" or "TMA"
means a voluntary entity of employers, property owners, and
other interested parties who share a mutual concern for local transportation
problems. TMAs have the ability to collectively pool participants'
resources to address these issues. A TMA must still meet a ten percent
(10%) reduction in work related trips for each individual applicable
new development.
"Transportation demand management" or "TDM"
means the implementation of programs, plans or policies designed
to encourage changes in individual travel behavior. TDM can include
an emphasis on alternative travel modes to the single occupant vehicle
such as carpools, vanpools, and transit; reduction or elimination
of the number of vehicle trips; or shifts in the time of vehicle commutes
to other than peak period.
"Work site"
means a building or grouping of buildings located within
the City which may physically contact or be separated solely by a
private or public roadway or other private right-of-way, and which
are owned or operated by the same employer (or by employers under
common control).
(Ord. 747 § 4, 2022)
Notwithstanding any other provisions, the following uses and
activities shall be specifically exempt from this Chapter:
(a) New development projects expected to employ fewer than one hundred
(100) persons.
(b) Temporary construction activities on any affected project, including
activities performed by engineers, architects, contract subcontractors
and construction workers.
(c) Other temporary activities, as defined in the City Zoning Code, or
as authorized by the Community Development Director when such activities
shall discontinue at the end of the designated time period.
(d) Minor modifications, revisions or amendments to a pre-existing Conditional
Use Permit involving, but not limited to, architectural, landscaping,
signage or accessory amenities or other such modifications as determined
by the Community Development Director.
(e) A residential project or residential component of a mixed-use development
or Conditional Use Permit.
(Ord. 747 § 4, 2022)
For the purposes of meeting its obligations under this Chapter,
the following fees are deemed necessary to review and monitor TDM
programs and shall be imposed on the subject property owner.
(a) Trip Reduction/TDM Program Review Fee. A trip reduction/TDM program
review fee due at the time of initial project application submission
to the Planning Department.
(b) Trip Reduction/TDM Program Review for Compliance Fee. A trip reduction/TDM
program renewal/review for compliance fee due at the time of initial
review by the Community Development Director.
(c) Late Submittal Fee. If an annual renewal application is not timely
submitted, a late submittal fee shall be required.
The City Council, by resolution, shall establish the amount
of the above fees in accordance with applicable law.
(Ord. 747 § 4, 2022)