The LI Limited Industrial Commercial District is intended to allow industrial use; discourage any use which would interfere with the use of the district as an industrial center; assure design to protect the character of adjacent and nearby neighborhoods; and to minimize traffic congestion, overcrowding of land, noise, glare, and pollution for the functional enjoyment of industrial uses and the protection of public safety and the general welfare of the municipality.
A building may be erected, altered, or used, and a lot may be used or occupied for any of the purposes listed in the Use Table[1] and no other.
Editor's Note: The Use Table is included as an attachment to this chapter.
As indicated in the Dimensional Table.[1]
Editor's Note: The Dimensional Table is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The first 50 feet from the property line where adjacent to a residential district shall be devoted to buffer areas to be maintained as green areas covered by well-maintained lawns, evergreens and suitable tree and shrub plantings.
Plans for any LI Limited Industrial use shall be submitted to the Planning Commission of the Borough, if there be one in active operation at the time of the application, and if not, to the Borough Council, prior to the issuance of any building permit or certificate of occupancy, and such plans shall include the following:
A plot plan of the lot showing the location of all present and proposed buildings, drives, parking lots, waste disposal fields and other constructional features on the lot; and all buildings, streets, alleys, highways, streams and other topographical features of the lot and within 200 feet of any lot line.
Architectural plans for any proposed buildings.
A description of the industrial operations proposed in sufficient detail to indicate the effects of those operations in producing traffic congestion, noise, glare, air pollution, water pollution, fire hazards or safety hazards.
Engineering and architectural plans for the treatment and disposal of sewage and industrial waste.
Designation of the fuel proposed to be used and any necessary architectural and engineering plans for controlling smoke.
Any other pertinent data or evidence that the Planning Commission or Borough Council may require.
The Planning Commission, if there be one in active operation at the time of the application, shall review all plans for LI Limited Industrial uses submitted to them, and shall submit these plans, with its recommendation thereon, to the Borough Council for final approval or disapproval.
Upon receipt of plans for any LI Limited Industrial use and recommendations thereon by the Planning Commission, or upon receipt of plans if application be made directly to the Borough Council, the Borough Council shall have the power of approval or disapproval of these plans. The secretary of the Borough Council shall notify, in writing, the Zoning Officer of their final decision and any special conditions agreed upon regarding any LI Limited Industrial use.