The provisions of this chapter shall be enforced by the Zoning Officer with the aid of the Police Department and the Borough agencies.
The provisions of this chapter shall be enforced by an agent, to be appointed by the Borough Council, who shall be known as the "Zoning Officer." He shall serve at the pleasure of the Borough Council and shall receive such fees or compensation as the Borough Council may, by resolution, provide.
It shall be the duty of the Zoning Officer, and he shall have power to:
Keep a record of all plans and applications for permits, and all permits issued with notations as to special conditions attached thereto. All records shall be open for public inspection.
Review applications for building permits for erections or alterations of structures or changes of use, determine whether such construction or use is in accordance with the general requirements of this chapter, all other applicable ordinances and with the laws and regulations of the commonwealth. The Zoning Officer shall issue no permit unless it conforms with all applicable ordinances, statutes and regulations.
Conduct inspections and surveys to determine compliance or noncompliance with the terms of this chapter. In carrying out such surveys, the Zoning Officer or his representative may enter upon any land or buildings.
Make written orders requiring compliance with the provisions of this chapter to be served personally or by registered mail.
Institute proceedings in courts of proper jurisdiction for the enforcement of provisions of this chapter.
Maintain a map showing the current zoning classification of all land.
Participate in all proceedings before the Zoning Hearing Board, present facts and information to assist the board in reaching decisions which shall be compatible with this chapter and have decisions of the board reviewed in a court of proper jurisdiction when, in the judgment of the Zoning Officer, such review is desirable or indicated.
No building shall be constructed or enlarged in the Borough or the use of any building changed until a building permit has been secured from the Zoning Officer. Upon completion of the work authorized by any permit, the applicant for the permit shall notify the Zoning Officer of such completion. No permit shall be considered as complete or as permanently effective until the Zoning Officer or his designee has noted on the permit that the work has been inspected and approved as being in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.
All applications for building permit shall be made in writing by the owner or owners or authorized agent and shall be filed with the Zoning Officer.
The application:
Shall include a statement as to the proposed use of the building;
When required by the Zoning Officer, shall be accompanied by a plot plan based upon a plan prepared by a registered engineer or land surveyor, showing the location of the building in relation to property and road lines; and
Shall be complete and contain all information necessary to enable the Zoning Officer to ascertain whether the proposed building complied with the provisions of this chapter.
Shall be accompanied by payment of all related fees.
Any contractor who seeks to perform any home improvement contract that requires a Borough-issued building and/or zoning permit shall be required to include on the permit application(s) a valid contractor registration number as issued by the Bureau of Consumer Protection, Office of the Attorney General, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in accordance to the Act of October 17, 2008, P.L. 1645, No. 132, as amended, hereby the "Pennsylvania Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act."[1] As used in this subsection, the terms "contractor" and "home improvement contract" shall have the same definitions as those terms have in the Pennsylvania Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act. Failure to provide a valid contractor registration number shall result in the Borough's denial of the application for building and/or zoning permit.
Editor's Note: See 73 P.S. § 517.1 et seq.
An appeal or application for a special exception or variance from the terms of this chapter may be filed with the Zoning Officer and shall state:
The name and address of the applicant.
The name and address of the owner of the real estate to be affected by the proposed exception or variance.
A brief description and location of the real estate to be affected by such proposed change.
A statement of the present zoning classification of the real estate in question, the improvements thereon and the present use thereof.
A statement of the section of this chapter under which the variance or exception requested may be allowed, and the reasons why it should be granted.
A reasonably accurate description of the present improvements and the additions intended to be made under the application, indicating the size of such proposed improvements. In addition there shall be attached a plot plan of the real estate to be affected, indicating the location and size of the lot, and the size of improvements now erected and those proposed to be erected thereon.
An appeal from the decision of the Zoning Officer shall be taken within 30 days.
The applicant for a permit shall, at the time of making the application, pay to the Zoning Officer for the use of the Borough a fee in accordance with a Fee Schedule adopted by resolution of the Borough Council upon the enactment of this chapter, or as such schedule may be amended by resolution of the Borough Council.[1] No fee shall be refunded.
Editor's Note: The current Fee Schedule is on file in the Borough offices.