Note: Prior ordinance history: Ords. 3114, 3104, 2933 and 2713.
The function of the City Traffic Engineer shall be assigned by the City Manager to manage the City's traffic engineering activities, including supervision of traffic engineering studies, and the collection and maintenance of traffic movement data, and to provide responsible, professional and technical staff assistance. The City Traffic Engineer shall have a current license as a professional traffic engineer in the State of California, and at least three years of professional experience.
In addition to any other duties and responsibilities imposed by this code or State law, the City Traffic Engineer shall be responsible for the following:
The designation, location and removal of no parking zones or red zones (except bus red zones);
The designation, location and removal of stop signs and yield signs;
The designation, location and removal of school crossing guards;
Recommending to the City Council the designation, location and removal of maximum speed limits and speeds zones, through streets, road undulations and other traffic calming measures, commercial vehicle prohibitions, one-way streets, traffic signals, mid-block crosswalks and permanent street closures;
The designation, location and removal of keep clear markings;
The designation, location and removal of on-street disabled persons parking zones or blue zones, in areas outside the downtown parking district;
The designation, location and removal of both commercial and passenger loading/unloading zones or yellow and white zones, in areas outside the downtown parking district;
The designation, location and removal of timed parking zones or green zones, in areas outside the downtown parking district;
The designation, location and removal of right turn on red signal indication prohibitions;
The prohibition of U-turn movements;
The modification of traffic signals to maximize safety and efficiency.
(Ord. 3142 § 2, 1994; Ord. 3940 § 1, 2010)
In addition to any other duties and responsibilities imposed by this title and other provisions of this code or State law, the Director of Public Works/City Engineer shall be responsible for the installation, maintenance and removal of authorized traffic control devices, signs, marking and the discharge of related duties. The Director shall also be responsible for hearing appeals from decisions by the City Traffic Engineer made under Section 11-08.010.
(Ord. 3142 § 2, 1994; Ord. 3940 § 1, 2010)
The Police Chief shall be responsible for enforcement of traffic regulations, investigation of traffic accidents, and other duties imposed by this title, other traffic ordinances or State law.
The Police Chief shall be responsible for enforcement of the California Vehicle Code and any provisions of this code pertaining to the removal of abandoned, wrecked, dismantled or inoperative vehicles on private or public property.
The decision of the Vehicle Abatement Officer, following the hearing authorized under Section 11-36.110, shall be final and without appeal regarding abandoned, wrecked, dismantled or inoperative vehicles or parts thereof on private or public property.
(Ord. 3142 § 2, 1994; Ord. 3260 § 1, 1996; Ord. 3940 § 1, 2010)
(Ord. 3142 § 2, 1994; Ord. 3260 § 1, 1996; Ord. 3940 § 1, 2010)
In addition to any other duties and responsibilities imposed by this title and other provisions of this code or State law, the Director of Transit and Parking shall be responsible for the following:
The designation, location and removal of bus red zones.
(Ord. 3142 § 2, 1994; Ord. 3940 § 1, 2010)
The City Parking Manager function shall be assigned by the Chief Financial Officer to manage the City's downtown parking activities, including parking meter installation and maintenance, parking enforcement of timed parking zones and garages in addition to designation of permit parking zones.
In addition to any other duties and responsibilities imposed by this Code or State law, the City Parking Manager shall be responsible for the following:
Recommending to the City Council designated residential parking permit areas;
The designation, location and removal of on-street disabled persons parking zones or blue zones, within the downtown parking district;
The designation, location and removal of commercial and passenger loading/unloading zones or yellow and white zones, and other restricted public parking areas within the downtown parking district;
The designation, location and removal of timed parking zones or green zones, within the downtown parking district.
(Ord. 3940 § 1, 2010; Ord. 2017-008 § 2)
An appeal from a decision, finding or order of the City Traffic Engineer made under Section 11-08.010 must be filed in the office of the Director of Public Works/City Engineer within 10 business days of the City Traffic Engineer's decision.
The notice of appeal need not be on any special form; however, it shall be in writing and shall provide notice of the appellant's intent to appeal the decision and specify the reason for the appeal.
When the written notice of appeal is received by the office of the Director of Public Works/City Engineer, the Director shall notify the appellant of the date, time and place of the appeal hearing.
(Ord. 3142 § 2, 1994; Ord. 3940 § 1, 2010)