Editor's note—Art. 4B contains § c of an amendment to Proposition F (City Clerk/City Treasurer Accountability Initiative), as approved at an election held on Nov. 4, 1986. Proposition F was originally approved at an election held June 5, 1984.
The office of treasurer of the City of Escondido is created as an elected position, responsible for conduct of the office in accordance with the laws of the State of California and pursuant to these provisions unless repealed, or amended by the state legislature or the people of the City of Escondido by public vote.
(Prop. F., § C(1), 11-4-86)
Editor's note—Ord. No. 2022-19, adopted December 14, 2022 repealed Section 2-94 pertaining to term of office and filling of vacancy, which derived from Prop F., § C(2), 11-4-86.
No person shall serve more than three terms as a city treasurer, whether consecutive or not. This term limit applies to appointed terms and elected terms. A partial term of two years or more in that office shall count as one term. A partial term of less than two years in that office shall not count as one term.
(Ord. No. 2022-20, § 2, 12-14-22)
The city treasurer shall receive the same compensation as a city councilmember.
(Ord. No. 2022-19, § 2, 12-14-22)
The city council shall appropriate monies for operating expenses, employee salaries and benefits, and capital expenditures as are reasonably required to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the city treasurer.
The treasurer shall be authorized to have at least two employees, including one who shall be designated by the treasurer as deputy treasurer. The deputy treasurer shall be subject to the same qualifications and oath of office as the treasurer.
Salaries and benefits for employees of the treasurer shall be approved by the city council in an amount equal to other city employees with the same or equivalent job classification.
(Prop. F., § C(4), 11-4-86)
Fiduciary bond requirements for the treasurer and deputy treasurer shall be set by the city council after consideration of recommendations from the city treasurer and city manager.
(Prop. F., § C(5), 11-4-86)
The treasurer shall have sole responsibility for management of that office, including, but not limited to, appointment of a deputy treasurer, hiring and discharge of employees and developing budgets for operating and capital expenditures.
(Prop. F., § C(6), 11-4-86)
In addition to those functions, duties, and responsibilities mandated by state law and herein, the treasurer shall in accordance with all applicable provisions of state law governing the duties and responsibilities of the treasurer with respect to the handling of city funds:
Receive directly or through other departments of the city all monies collected by or on behalf of the city and hold same by deposit or investment.
Make disbursements for expenditures authorized by the city council.
Perform all other functions necessarily incidental to the proper fulfillment of the treasurer's duties and responsibilities. Nothing in this section shall relieve the city council from its fiduciary responsibility with respect to city funds, for which both the city treasurer and city council shall be held accountable.
(Prop. F., § C(7), 11-4-86)
The city treasurer and city council annually shall select an independent certified public accountant to conduct an audit of the internal controls of the office of city treasurer.
(Prop. F., § C(8), 11-4-86)