All lost and unclaimed property, except bicycles, animals and perishable property, in the possession of the police department shall be held by the department for a period of at least four months. Lost and unclaimed bicycles shall be held for a period of at least three months. Lost and unclaimed animals shall be turned over to the Escondido Humane Society and thereafter handled in accordance with the terms of this Code. Lost and unclaimed perishable property need be held by the department only long enough to permit compliance with the notice and auction requirements of this article.
All lost and unclaimed property in the possession of the department shall be tagged showing the date and circumstances of its acquisition by the department.
Cross reference—Animals and fowl, Ch. 4.
If, at the time that lost and unclaimed property is in the possession of the police department, the owner of said property appears and proves his ownership, the department shall restore the property to him.
The department may require that the reclaiming owner pay to the department the reasonable costs of storage and care of the property and the costs of publication incurred by reason of compliance with the terms of this article.
After the expiration of the applicable retention period, title to all lost and unclaimed property, except negotiable currency, shall vest in the person who found or saved the property, subject to the payment by the finder of all reasonable costs of storage and care.
(Ord. No. 83-16, § 1, 3-23-83)
After the expiration of the applicable retention period, and not less than seven days following the publication in a newspaper of general circulation of a notice of retention by the police department of lost and unclaimed negotiable currency or coin, the lost or unclaimed negotiable currency or coin shall be returned to the person who found or saved the property. Ownership of negotiable currency or coin shall not vest in the finder unless no owner appear and proves his ownership of the property while the police department is in possession of said property and unless the finder pays to the police department the reasonable costs of storage and care of the property and the costs of publication incurred by reason of compliance with the terms of this article.
The chief of police shall conduct a public auction at least once each year, or more frequently if, in the judgment of the chief, it is necessary for the more immediate disposition of lost or unclaimed property. The date of a public auction shall be not less than seven days following the publication in a newspaper of general circulation of a notice of the sale at public auction of lost and unclaimed property. All purchases at public auction shall be for cash and shall be final. All purchasers at public auction shall take immediate possession of purchased property and property purchased at public auction shall not be reclaimable by the original owner.
All proceeds from the sale at public auction of lost or unclaimed property shall be deposited in the general fund of the city. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 10-160, if the chief of police determines that any lost and unclaimed property in the possession of the police department is needed for a public use, such property shall become the property of the city if after the expiration of the applicable retention period, the lost and unclaimed property remains unclaimed by the proven owner. All lost and unclaimed negotiable coin and currency not disposed of by the provisions of sections 10-159 and 10-161, and all lost and unclaimed property not disposed of by the terms of sections 10-159 and 10-160, shall become the property of the city. All lost and unclaimed property which, in the opinion of the chief of police, is worthless and which is not disposed of by the terms of the above described sections, may be destroyed.