[Adopted 7-6-2023 by Ord. No. 364]
This article shall be known as the "Lower Pottsgrove Township
Peddling and Soliciting Ordinance of 2023."
Any person who is the owner or lawful occupant of private property
within the Township may prohibit the practice of going in or upon
the private property of such owner or occupant by peddlers and solicitors
by posting upon such property a sign which reads "No Peddling or Soliciting"
in a location which is reasonably visible to persons who intend to
enter upon such property.
All peddlers and solicitors are prohibited from entering upon
any property that is posted with a "No Peddling or Soliciting" sign
and may be prosecuted for trespassing.
Every peddler shall, in the carrying on of his business or activities
in the Township, comply with the following rules of conduct:
A. The peddler or solicitor shall carry the license issued by the Township
pursuant to this article and official identification, such as a driver's
license, upon his person always and shall exhibit both upon request
of any person to whom the peddler or solicitor is attempting to peddle
or solicit to.
B. The peddler or solicitor shall not enter or attempt to enter any
dwelling house or place of business without invitation or permission
of the occupant and shall immediately leave the premises upon request.
C. The peddler or solicitor shall only engage in peddling or soliciting
within the Township during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to dusk Eastern
standard fime. For purposes of this section only, the term "dusk"
shall be defined as the time of day just before night when the daylight
is almost gone but when it is not completely dark.
[Amended 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 366]
D. The peddler or solicitor shall not call out or shout to sell his
services or goods, nor shall the peddler or solicitor use any loudspeaker
or horn or other device for announcing his presence by which the public
is annoyed.
E. The peddler or solicitor shall not occupy any fixed location upon
or along any of the streets, alleys, sidewalks of the Township for
the purpose of peddling or soliciting, with or without any stand or
F. The peddler or solicitor shall not peddle or solicit in any Township
parks or open space properties within the Township.
G. The peddler or solicitor shall not park any vehicle upon or along
any of the streets, alleys, or sidewalks of the Township for the purpose
of sorting, rearranging, or cleaning any of his goods, wares, or merchandise
or of disposing of any carton, wrapping material or of any stock or
wares or foodstuffs that have become unsaleable through handling,
age or otherwise.
H. The peddler or solicitor shall not sell any product or type of product
not mentioned in his application and license.
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in commercial
or business solicitation, hawking, and/or peddling for the purpose
of soliciting orders, sales, or subscriptions for any goods, wares,
or merchandise, or for the purpose of soliciting or obtaining any
business or commercial information, without first having registered
with and obtained a license pursuant to this article from the Township.
The following are exempt from the requirement to secure a license
pursuant to this article when conducting activities consistent with
this article:
A. Officers or employees of the Township, county, state or federal government,
or any subdivision thereof, when on official business.
B. Charitable, religious, or nonprofit organizations or corporations
which have received tax-exempt status pursuant to 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3),
or other similar civic, charitable, or nonprofit organizations.
C. Representatives of political organizations and political candidates.
D. Activities and arrangements having prior consent of the occupant
are exempt from the provisions of this article.
E. Farmers engaged in selling only the produce of their own farms from
a truck or other vehicle.
Upon making application therefor and paying the proper fee,
as established herein, and upon successful completion of a Pennsylvania
police background check, or current state background check, a license
shall be issued pursuant to this article to each peddler or solicitor.
Such license shall contain the information required to be given upon
the application thereof. Every person to whom a license has been issued
pursuant to the provisions of this article shall carry the license
at all times, which shall be prominently displayed and visible to
any person upon whom he shall call on or with whom he shall talk in
carrying on the licensed activities.
The Board of Commissioners of the Township or its authorized
agent shall keep a record of all licenses issued pursuant to this
article, and the Chief of Police shall investigate periodically the
activities of all holders of such licenses.
The Board of Commissioners of the Township or its authorized
agent is hereby authorized to suspend or revoke any license issued
pursuant to this article when it deems such suspension or revocation
to be beneficial to the public health, safety, or morals or for violation
of any of the provisions of this Article or for giving false information
upon any application for a license pursuant hereto. Notice of suspension
or revocation shall be given to the applicant in writing, mailed to
the address provided on his application.
This article shall not be applied so as to place any undue burden
upon interstate commerce with respect to any business or activity
referred to herein. It is the intent of this article to protect the
health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the Township and
not to unduly regulate or control the proper conduct of any business
or commercial property.