[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Seymour 11-9-2017 as Ch. 21 of the 2017 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter is adopted pursuant to the powers granted under the Wisconsin Constitution and Wisconsin Statutes, including but not limited to §§ 92.15 and 93.90, Wis. Stats. Further this chapter is adopted pursuant to the powers granted to the Town Board under the grant of village powers pursuant to § 60.22, Wis. Stats., for the protection of public health and safety.
The Town Board of the Town of Seymour hereby finds after public hearing that the standards in § 145-6 of this chapter, which are more stringent than those comparable standards of the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (ATCP), are based upon reasonable and scientifically defensible findings of fact as documented by Board findings dated June 10, 2010, and adopted by the Board, and further that the more stringent standards in § 425-6 of this chapter are necessary to protect public health and safety.
The following definitions as listed in Ch. ATCP 51, Wis. Adm. Code, shall apply in this chapter:
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Located on land parcels that touch each other, or on land parcels that are separated only by a river, stream, or transportation or utility right-of-way.
Has the meaning that was given in § NR 243.03(3), Wis. Adm. Code, as of April 27, 2004.
An application that contains everything required under § ATCP 51.30(1) to (4), Wis. Adm. Code.
The entire livestock facility that is created by the expansion, after May 1, 2006, of an existing livestock facility. "Expanded livestock facility" includes all livestock structures in the expanded facility, regardless of whether those structures are new, existing or altered.
An increase in the largest number of animal units kept at a livestock facility on at least 90 days in any twelve-month period. The acquisition of an existing livestock facility, by the operator of an adjacent livestock facility, does not constitute an "expansion" unless that operator increases the largest number of animal units kept at the combined livestock facilities on at least 90 days in any twelve-month period.
Domestic animals traditionally used in this state in the production of food, fiber or other animal products. "Livestock" includes cattle, swine, poultry, sheep and goats. "Livestock" does not include equine animals, bison, farm-raised deer, fish, captive game birds, ratites, camelids or mink.
A feedlot, dairy farm or other operation where livestock are or will be fed, confined, maintained or stabled for a total of 45 days or more in any twelve-month period. A "livestock facility" includes all of the tax parcels of land on which the facility is located, but does not include a pasture or winter grazing area. Related livestock facilities are collectively treated as a single "livestock facility" for purposes of this chapter, except that an operator may elect to treat a separate species facility as a separate "livestock facility."
A building or other structure used to house or feed livestock, to confine livestock for milking, to confine livestock for feeding other than grazing, to store livestock feed, or to collect or store waste generated at a livestock facility. "Livestock structure" includes a barn, milking parlor, feed storage facility, feeding facility, animal lot or waste storage facility. "Livestock structure" does not include a pasture or winter grazing area, a fence surrounding a pasture or winter grazing area, a livestock watering or feeding facility in a pasture or winter grazing area, or a machine shed or like facility that is not used for livestock.
Excreta from livestock kept at a livestock facility. "Manure" includes livestock bedding, water, soil, hair, feathers, and other debris that becomes intermingled with livestock excreta in normal manure handling operations.
A livestock facility that will be used as a livestock facility for the first time, or for the first time in at least five years. "New livestock facility" does not include an expanded livestock facility if any portion of that facility has been used as a livestock facility in the preceding five years.
A person who applies for or holds a local approval for a livestock facility.
An individual, corporation, partnership, cooperative, limited liability company, trust or other legal entity.
To add animal units for which local approval is required.
A line that separates parcels of land owned by different persons.
Livestock facilities that are owned or managed by the same person, and related to each other in at least one of the following ways:
They are located on the same tax parcel or adjacent tax parcels of land. Note: A mere acquisition of a neighboring livestock facility does not constitute an "expansion" unless more animal units are added to the combined facilities.
They use one or more of the same livestock structures to collect or store manure.
At least a portion of their manure is applied to the same landspreading acreage.
A livestock facility that meets all of the following criteria:
It has only one of the following types of livestock, and that type of livestock is not kept on any other livestock facility to which the separate species facility is related (see definition of "related livestock facilities"): cattle, swine, poultry, sheep, and goats.
It has no more than 500 animal units.
Its livestock housing and manure storage structures, if any, are separate from the livestock housing and manure storage structures used by livestock facilities to which it is related.
It meets one of the following criteria:
Its livestock housing and manure storage structures, if any, are located at least 750 feet from the nearest livestock housing or manure storage structure used by a livestock facility to which it is related.
It and the other livestock facilities to which it is related have a combined total of fewer than 1,000 animal units.
One or more waste storage structures. "Waste storage facility" includes stationary equipment and piping used to load or unload a waste storage structure if the equipment is specifically designed for that purpose and is an integral part of the facility. "Waste storage facility" does not include equipment used to apply waste to land.
A waste storage impoundment made by constructing embankments, excavating a pit or dugout, or fabricating a structure. "Waste storage structure" does not include equipment used to apply waste to land. For purposes of §§ ATCP 51.12(2) and 51.14, Wis. Adm. Code, "waste storage structure" does not include any of the following:
A structure used to collect and store waste under a livestock housing facility.
A manure digester consisting of a sealed structure in which manure is subjected to managed biological decomposition.
A Wisconsin pollutant discharge elimination system permit issued by DNR under Ch. NR 243, Wis. Adm. Code.
The remaining definitions in Ch. ATCP 51, Wis. Adm. Code, are hereby incorporated by reference without reproducing them in full in this chapter.
General. A license issued by the Town of Seymour is required for new or expanded livestock facilities that will have 500 or more animal units.
Licenses for existing livestock facilities.
A license is required for the expansion of a preexisting or previously approved livestock facility if the number of animal units kept at the expanded livestock facility will exceed all of the following:
The applicable size threshold for a license.
The maximum number previously approved or, if no maximum number was previously approved, a number that is 20% higher than the number kept on May 1, 2006, or on the effective date of the license requirement, whichever date is later.
A license is not required for a livestock facility that existed before May 1, 2006, or before the effective date of the license requirement in this chapter, except as provided in Subsection B(1).
A license is not required for a livestock facility that was previously issued a conditional use permit, license or other local approval, except as provided in Subsection B(1). A prior approval for the construction of a livestock facility implies approval for the maximum number of animal units that the approved livestock facility was reasonably designed to house, except as otherwise clearly provided in the approval. Prior approval of a single livestock structure, such as a waste storage structure, does not constitute prior approval of an entire livestock facility.
The Town of Seymour does hereby create the position of Livestock Facility Siting Administrator who shall have the primary responsibility of administering this chapter and related matters thereto. The Livestock Facility Siting Administrator shall be appointed by the Town of Seymour to serve at the pleasure of the Board.
The standards for issuing a license are as follows:
The state livestock facility siting standards adopted under Ch. ATCP 51, Wis. Adm. Code, inclusive of all appendixes and worksheets and any future amendments to this chapter, except as may be noted in this section of this chapter, are incorporated by reference in this chapter, without reproducing them in full.
The following setbacks shall apply to livestock structures:
Property lines.
Except as provided for waste storage structures, livestock structures must be located a minimum of 100 feet from the property line if the livestock facility will have fewer than 1,000 animal units and 200 feet from the property line if the livestock facility will have 1,000 or more animal units.
The setback requirement does not prevent the use or expansion of a livestock structure that was located within the setback area prior to the effective date of the setback requirement, except that a structure may not be expanded closer to the property line.
Public road right-of-way.
Except as provided for waste storage structures, livestock structures must be located a minimum of 100 feet from a public road right-of-way if the livestock facility will have fewer than 1,000 animal units and 150 feet from a public road right-of-way if the livestock facility will have 1,000 or more animal units.
The setback requirement does not prevent the use or expansion of a livestock structure that was located within the setback area prior to the effective date of the setback requirement, except that a structure may not be expanded closer to the public road right-of-way.
Waste storage structure.
A new waste storage structure may not be located within 350 feet of a property line or within 350 feet of the nearest point of any public road right-of-way. A single new waste storage structure may be constructed closer to the property line or public road if a new structure is:
Located on the same tax parcel as a waste storage structure in existence before May 1, 2006.
No larger than the existing structure.
No further than 50 feet from the existing structure.
No closer to the road or property line than the existing structure.
This setback requirement does not apply to existing waste storage structures, except that an existing structure within 350 feet of a property line or road may not expand toward that property line or road.
The Town Board does hereby declare that the more stringent local standards in this section are necessary to protect the public health, safety, welfare or convenience and, to that end, adopts the following legislative findings of fact:
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
In large portions of the Town of Seymour, the water table is at a depth of zero to 24 inches when occupied by wetlands, streams, and ponds. Pollutants that reach these waters may contaminate the groundwater that is consumed by local residents that may have shallow wells (public health).
Concentrated farm operations of greater than 500 animal units will result in a higher level of traffic moving raw materials into and finished products out of such large farm operations. More traffic generated by a large farm operation increases the likelihood of accidents and the endangerment of local residents and operators of trucks or farm equipment traveling on the same roadways within the Town of Seymour (public safety).
These more stringent standards are based on reasonable and scientifically defensible findings of fact listed in § 145-2 of this chapter.
A livestock operator must complete the application form and worksheets prescribed by Ch. ATCP 51, Wis. Adm. Code, including any authorized local modifications. The application form and worksheets demonstrate compliance with standards in Ch. ATCP 51, Wis. Adm. Code, and this chapter.
The operator must file four duplicate copies of the application form, including worksheets, maps and documents (other than engineering design specifications) included in the application.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
A nonrefundable application fee as set forth in the Town's fee schedule payable to the Town of Seymour shall accompany an application for the purpose of offsetting the Town of Seymour costs to review and process the application.
Pursuant to § ATCP 51.30(5), Wis. Adm. Code, within 45 days after the Town of Seymour receives an application, it shall notify the applicant whether the application is complete. If the application is not complete, the notice shall describe the additional information needed. Within 14 days after the applicant provides all of the required information, the Town of Seymour shall notify the applicant that the application is complete. This notice does not constitute an approval of the proposed livestock facility.
Pursuant to § ATCP 51.30(6), Wis. Adm. Code, within 14 days after the Town of Seymour notifies an applicant that the application is complete, the Town of Seymour shall notify adjacent landowners of the application. The Town of Seymour shall use the approved notice form in Ch. ATCP 51, Wis. Adm. Code, and mail by first-class mail a written notice to each adjacent landowner.
Upon determination of completeness, the Town of Seymour Clerk shall give notice of a public hearing to receive information from the applicant and receive public input on the application. Public notice shall be a Class 2 notice the last of which is at least a week before the date of the public hearing. The public hearing may be continued, but final decision shall be made within the time limits described in Subsection D.
Pursuant to § ATCP 51.32, Wis. Adm. Code, the Town of Seymour shall grant or deny an application within 90 days after the Town of Seymour gives notice that the application is complete under Subsection B above. The Town of Seymour may extend this time limit for good cause, including any of the following:
The Town of Seymour needs additional information to act on the application.
The applicant materially modifies the application or agrees to an extension.
The Town of Seymour shall give written notice of any extension. The notice shall specify the reason for the extension and the extended deadline date by which the Town of Seymour will act on the application.
A license shall issue if the application for the proposed livestock facility:
Complies with this chapter;
Is complete; and
Contains sufficient credible information to show, in the absence of clear and convincing information to the contrary, that the proposed livestock facility meets the standards specified in this chapter, specifically § 145-6 above.
A license shall be denied if any of the following apply:
The application, on its face, fails to meet the standard for approval in Subsection A.
The Town of Seymour finds, based on other clear and convincing information in the record, that the proposed livestock facility does not comply with applicable standards in this chapter.
Other grounds authorized by § 93.90, Wis. Stats., that warrant disapproving the proposed livestock facility.
The Town of Seymour must issue its decision in writing. The decision must be based on written findings of fact supported by evidence in the record. Findings may be based in part on the presumptions created by Ch. ATCP 51, Wis. Adm. Code.
If the Town of Seymour approves the application, it must give the applicant a duplicate copy of the approved application, marked "Approved." The duplicate copy must include worksheets, maps and other documents (other than engineering specifications) included in the application.
The Town of Seymour Clerk, as required by § ATCP 51.34(5), Wis. Adm. Code, within 30 days of the Town of Seymour decision on the application, shall do all of the following:
Give the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection written notice of the Town of Seymour decision.
File with the Department a copy of the final application granted or denied, if the Town of Seymour has granted or denied an application under this chapter. (The copy shall include all of the worksheets, maps and other attachments included in the application, except that it is not required to include the engineering design specifications.)
A license and the privileges granted by this license run with the land approved under the license and remain in effect, despite a change in ownership of the livestock facility, as long as the new operator does not violate the terms of the local approval. An applicant may record with the Register of Deeds, at the applicant's expense, the duplicate copy of the approved application.
The Town of Seymour requests that upon change of ownership of the livestock facility the new owner of the facility shall file information with the Town of Seymour Clerk providing pertinent information, including but not limited to such information as the name and address of the new owner and date of transfer of ownership.
A license remains in effect regardless of the amount of time that elapses before the livestock operator exercises the authority granted under license, and regardless of whether the livestock operator exercises the full authority granted by the approval. However, the Town of Seymour may treat a license as lapsed and withdraw the license if the license holder fails to do all of the following within two years after issuance of license:
Begin populating the new or expanded livestock facility.
Begin constructing all of the new or expanded livestock housing or waste storage structures proposed in the application for local approval.
A license and the privileges granted by a license issued under this chapter are conditioned on the livestock operator's compliance with the standards in this chapter and with commitments made in the application for a license. The operator may make reasonable changes that maintain compliance with the standards in this chapter, and the Town of Seymour shall not withhold authorization for those changes. A violation of the license or a failure to comply with the commitments made in the application may result in suspension and/or termination of the license as provided in § 145-13 of this chapter.
The Town of Seymour shall monitor compliance with this chapter as follows:
Upon notice to the livestock facility owner, request the right of the Town of Seymour Livestock Facility Siting Administrator under § 145-5 of this chapter to personally view the licensed premises at a reasonable time and date to ensure that all commitments of the application as approved are being complied with.
If the livestock facility owner refuses the Town of Seymour Livestock Facility Siting Administrator the right to view the licensed premises, the Administrator may request the assistance of the Sheriff or a Deputy Sheriff to obtain an inspection warrant from the Circuit Court to inspect the licensed premises for the purpose of protection of the public health and safety under § 66.0119, Wis. Stats.
If a licensed premises is found not to be in compliance with the commitments made in the approved application, the Livestock Facility Siting Administrator shall issue a written notice to the livestock facility owner stating the conditions of noncompliance and directing that the commitments of the approved application and license be complied with in a reasonable amount of time stated in this written notice.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
If noncompliance with the license conditions as described in the written notice given by the Administrator continues past the stated reasonable time to comply, the Administrator may take further action as provided in this chapter, including but not limited to issuance of a citation or seeking of injunctive relief.
If the livestock facility owner disputes that the conditions of the license have not been complied with, the livestock facility owner may request a hearing in writing within five days of receipt of the notice of noncompliance. The Town of Seymour shall schedule a hearing within five days to determine if the conditions of the license have been complied with or whether noncompliance with the commitments of the approved application and local approval exists.
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter, or who fails, neglects or refuses to comply with the provisions of this chapter, or who knowingly makes any material false statement or knowing omission in any document required to be submitted under the provisions hereof, shall be subject to the following penalties:
Upon conviction by a court of law, pay a forfeiture of not less than $500 nor more than $500 plus the applicable surcharges, assessments and costs for each violation. Each day a violation exists or continues shall be considered a separate offense under this chapter.
In addition, the Town of Seymour may seek injunctive relief from a court of record to enjoin further violations.
In addition, the Town Board may suspend or revoke the local approval of a license under this chapter after due notice to the livestock facility owner and a public hearing to determine whether the license should be suspended or revoked. The Town of Seymour shall exercise sound judgment in deciding whether to suspend or revoke a license. The Town of Seymour shall consider extenuating circumstances, such as adverse weather conditions, that may affect an operator's ability to comply.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
In addition to any other penalty imposed by this chapter, the cost of abatement of any public nuisance on the licensed premises by the Town of Seymour may be collected under this chapter or § 823.06, Wis. Stats., against the owner of the real estate upon which the public nuisance exists. Such costs of abatement may be recovered against the real estate as a special charge under § 66.0627, Wis. Stats., unless paid earlier.
In addition to other appeal rights provided by law, § 93.90(5), Wis. Stats., provides that any aggrieved person may request review by the Livestock Facility Siting Review Board of any decision by the Town of Seymour in connection with a permit application based on the following scenarios: an aggrieved person may challenge the decision on the grounds that the Town of Seymour incorrectly applied the standards under this chapter or violated § 93.90, Wis. Stats.
An "aggrieved person" under this section as defined in § 93.90(5), Wis. Stats., means a person who applied to the Town of Seymour for approval of a livestock siting or expansion, a person who lives within two miles of the livestock facility that is proposed to be sited or expanded, or a person who owns land within two miles of a livestock facility that is proposed to be sited or expanded.
An aggrieved person may request review of any decision of the Livestock Facility Siting Administrator or action by the Town of Seymour. Any appeal brought under this section must be requested with 30 days of the Town of Seymour approval or disapproval or within 30 days after the decision on appeal before the Town Board.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Any appeal to the State Livestock Facility Siting Review Board shall comply with § 93.90, Wis. Stats., and administrative rules of said Board.