[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ontario 5-22-2023 by L.L. No. 4-2023. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Purpose. In recent years, food trucks have become very popular. Most major cities have a large number and quite a variety of food trucks. There are even food truck rallies, festivals, and other gatherings where people can enjoy the variety of food offered by food truck vendors. With the evolution of food trucks, and their popularity, larger cities around the country have become concerned with their safety.
Scope. The mobile food preparation vehicles (MFPVs) equipped with a gasoline, diesel or electric generator, propane or compressed natural gas, Type I exhaust hood with or without a fire suppression system, or a solid-fueled cooking device and the Office of the Fire Marshal shall be authorized to conduct inspections as deemed necessary to determine the continuing compliance with all provisions of the Fire Code of New York State.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A nonmotorized vehicle, designed to be towed by a motorized vehicle, registered and able to be operated on the public streets of New York State, in which ready-to-eat food is cooked, wrapped, packaged, processed or portioned for sale or distribution.
The owner or operator of a food trailer or the owner's agent; hereinafter referred to as "vendor."
A motorized vehicle, registered and able to be operated on the public streets of New York State, in which ready-to-eat food is cooked, wrapped, packaged, processed, or portioned for sale or distribution.
The owner or operator of a food truck, mobile food preparation vehicle, tent or otherwise preparing and selling food outside a permanent structure or the owner's agent; hereinafter referred to as "vendor."
Vehicles that contain cooking equipment that produce smoke or grease-laden vapors for the purpose of preparing and serving food to the public. Vehicles intended for private recreation shall not be considered mobile food preparation vehicles.
A special public event that is either sponsored by the Town of Ontario or recognized by the Town of Ontario, including but not limited to a festival, parade, concert, or celebration.
Any structure, temporary or permanent, designed to provide shade or weather protection to users within its shadow.
No food truck vendor shall operate within the public rights-of-way within the Town of Ontario without first having obtained a valid food truck vending license or permit as prescribed in this chapter.
No food trailer shall be operated within the public right-of-way, except to the extent that vending is authorized in a specified space as part of either a special event or serving a private event. Operation of a food truck or food trailer on property that is not public right-of-way or a public park shall be regulated in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Zoning laws of the Town of Ontario. Food trailers operating on private property shall comply with the same requirements as food trucks.
All food trucks and food trailers must abide by all parking and vehicle and traffic laws, ordinances, rules and regulations at all times, including but not limited to any durational requirements in force and effect at that time and location. A food truck may operate in any legal parking space except as restricted by any ordinance, law, rule or regulation of the Town of Ontario or direction of the Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Ontario. No trucks on Route 104, Route 350.
No food truck shall operate within 500 feet of the closest point of any sidewalk café seating area approved by the Town of Ontario.
No food truck or food trailer shall operate within 500 feet of the boundary line of any festival, special event or civic event that is permitted or sponsored by the Town of Ontario, except when the vendor has obtained a permit to so operate from the Town of Ontario.
No food truck or food trailer shall operate in a location that has the effect of obstructing access to or egress from any structure or the free flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
All food trucks and food trailers must be equipped with trash receptacles of a sufficient capacity that shall be changed as necessary to prevent overflow or the creation of litter or debris.
No vendor shall cry out or make loud noises in any public street, sidewalk or place for the purpose of selling any food or merchandise.
No vendor shall chain or otherwise attach any signs, goods, merchandise, chairs, stools or food cart or other equipment used in vending to any tree, parking meter, hydrant, sign or post, light pole, telephone pole or other street appurtenance or leave any such items unattended on a public street, sidewalk, or place. Acceptance of any permits under this section shall be deemed consent that items left in violation of this subsection will be removed by the Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Ontario.
No vendor shall dispose of any litter or trash generated from the vending operation in public trash receptacles. Vendors shall store such litter or trash during the day in a trash receptacle firmly attached to the vending unit and carry the same with them at the end of the day. Vendors shall also be responsible for keeping the immediate area of their food cart free and clear of any litter, trash or spillage from the unit.
Any person desiring to operate a food truck or food trailer shall obtain from the Town of Ontario Clerk and place on prominent display during vending activities either an annual license obtained in accordance this section obtained in accordance with this section and Section 319 of the New York State Fire Code including amendments thereto.
The application for a license or temporary permit shall be on forms provided by the Town of Ontario Clerk and shall include the following:
Name and address of each applicant and each corporate officer of the food truck or food trailer vending corporation, or owner of an unincorporated business. If the applicant is an individual, he or she shall be designated as the vendor's operator, and the individual applicant may also designate one or more additional operators during or after the application process. If the applicant is not an individual, it shall specify and provide the name, address, and telephone number of at least one person who shall be the designated operator. A designated operator shall be a person who is directly responsible for supervising the operation of the food truck or food trailer. In the event that a vendor's designated operator is no longer serving in that capacity and the vendor has no additional designated operator to serve in that capacity, the vendor shall promptly (and no later than the latter within five business days after the individual operator has ceased service or at least three business days prior to the next date at which the licensee operates the food truck or food trailer) notify the Town of Ontario Clerk.
A valid copy of all necessary licenses, permits or certificates required by the New York State Health Department, Geneva office, including but not limited to, a valid New York State Department of Motor Vehicles registration, vehicle insurance, and valid driver's licenses of all vehicle drivers.
A description, including, where applicable, the length, make, model, production year, and VIN number of each food truck or food trailer that the applicant will use. Each truck to be used will require inspection. An inspection shall be required for each additional truck or trailer from which the applicant proposes to vend.
All license and temporary permit applicants and applicants for renewals thereof shall present each vehicle to the Town of Ontario Fire Marshall to determine that the vehicle meets all applicable New York State Fire Codes and rules and regulations required by the Fire Marshal. The Fire Marshal is hereby authorized to promulgate such additional rules and regulations as may be necessary to assure the fire safety of vending units.
License and temporary permit applicants must have a current permit from the New York State Department of Health, Geneva office and must comply with all laws, rules and regulations of said Department.
Before any license or permit authorized herein shall be issued, the applicant shall file with the Town of Ontario proof of insurance, issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of New York and approved by the Director of Finance as to form, which insurance must be kept continuously in force during the term of the license or permit. At the time of application, applicants shall provide proof of insurance that extends for the entire license period. The insurance shall be not less than $1,000,000 comprehensive/general liability insurance. Such insurance shall not expire, nor be canceled, altered, or amended, except on 10 days written notice to the Town of Ontario Code Enforcement Officer served personally or by certified mail. Municipal operations, employees and property shall not be excluded from coverage. The insurance must add the Town of Ontario as an additional named insured party for the dates for which the permit is issued.
Every food truck or food trailer vending license or permit shall contain the following conditions:
Each food truck or food trailer vending license shall expire on December 31 in the same calendar year as the date of issuance. License fees shall not be prorated.
The license or permit shall not be transferable from person to person without the written approval of the Town of Ontario Clerk.
The license or permit is valid for each food truck or food trailer listed on the license. Each truck/trailer requires an inspection, permit, and license.
There shall be issued to each vendor a suitable tag that shall be prominently displayed.
Application. All applicants for food truck and food trailer licenses or permits shall pay an application fee for a one-day permit or an annual permit. Permit fees are determined in accordance with the fees in the fee schedule established in accordance by resolution of the Town Board.
The County of Wayne shall establish requirements for food trucks and food trailers in parks regulated by the county.