No Commissioner shall at the same time hold an elective, appointed,
or employment office under the United States Government, the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania or any political subdivision of the Commonwealth;
except one member of the Commission may be a member of Council of
the Municipality, and one member may be of the teaching profession.
The Chairperson, or in his or her absence the Vice-Chairperson,
shall preside at all meetings and hearings of the Commission, decide
all points of order or procedure and perform any duties required by
law or by the within rules and regulations.
The Secretary shall carry on, at the discretion of the Commission,
all official correspondence of the Commission, send out all notices
required by law and by these Rules and Regulations, keep a record
of each examination or other official action of the Commission, and
perform all other duties required by law or by these Rules and Regulations.
Except for the biennial organization meeting, all meetings shall
be held either at the call of the Chairperson or at the call of two
members of the Commission. Unless all members shall waive the requirement,
a minimum of 24 hours' written notice of each meeting shall be
given each member. Except when otherwise provided in these Rules or
by Pennsylvania law, meetings shall be open to the public unless a
public meeting would breach the normal confidentiality of employee
data. All rules or regulations of the Commission shall be adopted
at a public meeting following the regulations of the Pennsylvania
Sunshine Act.