There is hereby created the Sacramento County Department of Health Services.
(SCC 374 § 2, 1979; SCC 392 § 2, 1979; SCC 0860 § 2, 1992; SCC 0869 § 5, 1992; SCC 1618 § 5, 2018)
There is hereby created the Sacramento County Department of Child, Family and Adult Services.
(SCC 1618 § 6, 2018)
The Department of Health Services shall be vested with such powers, functions, duties and responsibilities as provided by County Charter, ordinance or other law on a Social Services Director, and a Health Director, including, but not limited to, the following:
Providing public health programs and services;
Providing physical health and behavioral health services within the juvenile detention facility and adult correctional health facilities;
Administering the California Children Services Program;
Providing indigent medical services;
Providing oversight, medical direction and implementation of countywide emergency medical services through the Local Emergency Medical Services (LEMSA) Agency;
The Director of the Department of Health Services is hereby authorized to exercise and perform all the duties vested in the Director of Mental Health by Welfare and Institutions Code Section 5608. Pursuant to the foregoing authority, the consolidated office is hereby designated to provide said duties and responsibilities to include;
Provide mental health prevention, treatment, and outreach programs and services;
Provide alcohol and drug prevention, treatment, and outreach programs and services;
The Director of Health Services shall also be vested with such powers, functions and responsibilities as provided by County Charter, ordinance or other law to perform such other duties as are prescribed from time to time by the County Executive and/or the Board of Supervisors.
(SCC 374 § 2, 1979; SCC 392 § 2, 1979; SCC 0860 § 2, 1992; SCC 0869 § 5, 1992; SCC 1204 § 3, 2001; SCC 1235 § 2, 2002; SCC 1408 § 7, 2009; SCC 1452 § 5, 2010; SCC 1618 § 7, 2018)
The Department of Child, Family and Adult Services shall be vested with such powers, functions, duties and responsibilities as provided by County Charter, ordinance or other law on a Social Services Director, and a Health Director, including, but not limited to, the following:
Providing family preservation and child protection programs and services;
Providing services and programs for adults and seniors;
Provide conservatorship investigations and conservator, Public Administrator, and public guardian programs and services.
Government Code Section 24000 designates the Public Administrator as a County Officer. Government Code Section 27430 authorizes the Board of Supervisors to create the Office of Public Guardian. Probate Code Section 2920 authorizes the Public Guardian to apply for appointment as a guardian or conservator if there is no one else qualified and willing to act in such capacity. Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 5354.5 and 5356 require the Public Guardian to act as conservator of a person if the court finds that no other person or entity is willing and able to act in that capacity. Welfare and Institutions Code Section 5351 authorizes the Board of Supervisors to designate a County agency to act as officer providing conservatorship investigation pursuant to applicable provisions of the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act (Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 5000 et seq.) ("LPS Act"). Welfare and Institutions Code Section 5355 authorizes the Board of Supervisors to designate a County Officer as conservator under the LPS Act. Pursuant to the foregoing authority, the Consolidated Office is hereby designated to provide said conservatorship investigation and conservator services.
The Director of Family, Child and Adult Services shall also be vested with such powers, functions and responsibilities as provided by County Charter, ordinance or other law to perform such other duties as are prescribed from time to time by the County Executive and/or the Board of Supervisors.
(SCC 1618 § 8, 2018)
The position of Director of the Department of Health Services is hereby created. The Director shall be appointed by the County Executive, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors, and shall be subject to removal by the County Executive in accordance with the provisions of the County Charter.
(SCC 374 § 2, 1979; SCC 392 § 2, 1979; SCC 0860 § 2, 1992; SCC 0869 § 5, 1992; SCC 1618 § 9, 2018)
The Director of the Department of Health Services shall have and exercise the following duties and responsibilities:
Planning, developing, managing and operating the Department of Health Services;
Serving as the appointing authority for all Department personnel, except as provided by Charter, ordinance or other law; and
Performing such other duties as are prescribed from time to time by the County Executive and/or the Board of Supervisors.
(SCC 374 § 2, 1979; SCC 392 § 2, 1979; SCC 0860 § 2, 1992; SCC 0869 § 5, 1992; SCC 1618 § 10, 2018)
The Sacramento County Health Officer shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors, and shall exercise all authority and perform all duties vested in the health officer by statute, ordinance or other laws, and shall be responsible therefor to the Board of Supervisors through the Director of Health Services and the County Executive.
(SCC 0869 § 5, 1992; SCC 1618 § 11, 2018)
The position of Director of the Department of Child, Family and Adult Services is hereby created. The Director shall be appointed by the County Executive, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors, and shall be subject to removal by the County Executive in accordance with the provisions of the County Charter.
(SCC 1618 § 12, 2018)
The Director of the Department of Child, Family and Adult Services shall have and exercise the following duties and responsibilities:
Planning, developing, managing and operating the Department of Child, Family and Adult Services;
Serving as the appointing authority for all Department personnel, except as provided by Charter, ordinance or other law; and
Performing such other duties as are prescribed from time to time by the County Executive and/or the Board of Supervisors.
(SCC 1618 § 13, 2018)