To support changes of scale from one building to the next;
To assure that larger buildings use techniques that reduce the
appearance of excessive bulk; and
To integrate a strong pedestrian orientation and human-scaled
element into the overall design.
Front yard setbacks used for parking.
Visible outdoor storage, loading, and equipment areas.
Abundance of curb cuts, or driveways in unsafe locations.
Pedestrian Connections – which are to occur formally (e.g.,
pathways) and informally (e.g., alleyways, mid-block paths, public
passageways through buildings, pedestrian lanes through parking lots).
Landscape Diversity – which is to occur through the use
of naturalized or native drought tolerant plant materials employed
in formal and informal arrangements.
Eclectic Architecture – which allows buildings of different
heights, materials, and designs to locate adjacent to one another
without rigid standards to force design compatibility between neighboring
Graphics in the Ground – which is to occur primarily,
though not exclusively, in the public right-of-way, through the use
of special paving material and/or eye-catching graphics to designate
crosswalks, community entry points, public and private plazas, alleys,
Landscaping is encouraged in the parking areas in front of the
office buildings facing Birmingham Drive if those parking areas are
not relocated to the side or rear of buildings.
Develop a pedestrian walkway along San Elijo Avenue which links
the uses fronting on San Elijo Avenue.
Create a pedestrian-friendly gateway entry and crosswalk at
the intersection at Birmingham Drive and Newcastle Avenue.
Development should respond to the gateway at Birmingham Drive
and Newcastle Avenue via compatible, complementary, or corresponding
design elements.
Encourage pedestrian activity along Birmingham Drive and in
front of the commercial uses along San Elijo Avenue through creation
of safe pedestrian access ways, enhanced landscaping, and unexpected
linkages among uses.
Landscaping and pedestrian continuity is emphasized along San
Elijo Avenue and Birmingham Drive.
Informal pedestrian connections should be established between
buildings, and at crosswalks and gateways.
Create a pedestrian-oriented environment on Newcastle by encouraging
that future reconstruction of property on the west side of Newcastle
Avenue orient to Newcastle Avenue.
Enhance public passageways between Newcastle Avenue and the
Town Center.
Locate an additional passageway that connects Newcastle Avenue
with the Town Center pedestrian plaza.
Locate active uses along the western edge of the Town Center
site – what is currently a parking lot – to create a pedestrian
environment along portions of San Elijo Avenue.
Encourage the preservation of through-views to the ocean from
within the Town Center site..
Create and enhance linkages between the Town Center site and
Newcastle Avenue.
Along the west side of Newcastle Avenue, pathways are widened
and parking bays created. Create widened pathways and parking bays
along the west side of Newcastle Avenue.
Retail frontage is encouraged along the west side of Newcastle
Encourage a richly landscaped corridor along the east side of
Newcastle Avenue.
Incorporate public spaces wherever possible.
Encourage the development of sidewalk cafes and other outdoor
uses throughout the Planning Area.
Create a web of internal interconnections within this Planning
Area via pedestrian pathways, alley connections, landscaped spaces
between buildings, etc., to allow a sense of discovery for pedestrians
as they weave through the area.
Interconnect this Planning Area with others via clear pedestrian
connections at mid-blocks and intersections, especially: on Chesterfield
Drive at San Elijo Avenue and Newcastle Avenue; and on Liverpool Drive
at San Elijo Avenue and Newcastle Avenue.
Pedestrian passageways show internal connections that support
travel by foot from Chesterfield Drive through to Liverpool Drive,
without using public sidewalks.
The alley can considerably enliven the block, create new connections
and linkages, and create the opportunity for new commercial ventures
which open out onto the alley.
Continuing the pedestrian linkages from the north on both San
Elijo Avenue and Newcastle Avenue to the park is encouraged.
Create a pedestrian-friendly gateway entry and crosswalk at
the intersection at Chesterfield Drive and San Elijo Avenue.
Development should correspond to the gateway at Chesterfield
Drive and San Elijo Avenue via compatible, complementary, or corresponding
design elements
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Achillea tomentosa
Wooley Yarrow
Coreopsis spp.
Echium fatuosum
Pride of Madeira
Euryops pectinatus
Felicia amelloides
Blue Marguerite
Gaura lindheimeri
Malva alcea
Pelargonium domesticum spp.
Penstemon spp.
Beard Tongue
Penstemon spp.
Pentas lanceolata
Romneya coulteri
Matilja Poppy
Mauve Clusters
Sedum spp.
Tagetes lemmonii
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Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Baccharis piluaris
Prostrate Coyote Bush
Carissa prostrata
Prostrate Natal Plum
Ceanothus gloriosus
Point Reyes Ceanothus
Ceanothus griseus horizontalis
Carmel Creeper
Drosanthemum floribundum
Rosea Ice Plant
Dymondia margaretus
Juniperus conferta
Shore Juniper
Lampranthus productus
Purple Iceplant
Lantana montevidensis
Arenaria spp.
Cotoneaster horizontalis
Juniperus horizontalis
Liriope spicata
Lily Turf
Ophiopogon spp.
Mondo Grass-Share
Pachysandra terminalis
Japanese Spurge
Phyla nodiflora
Lippia Grass
Rosmarinus officinalis
Huntington Carpet, Prostratus
Senecio repens
Blue Chalk Stick
Thymus spp.
Grass and Lily-Like Plants
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Acornus gramineus
Acornus gramineus
Carex Glauca
Blue Sedge
Pandanus utilis
Screw Pine
Paspalum spp.
Phormium tena
New Zealand Flax
Zoysia japonica
Korean Grass
Agapanthus africanus
Lily of the Nile
Cynodon spp.
Bermuda Grass
Festuca ovina glauca
Elijaa Blue
Hemerocallis spp.
Red Hot Poker
Liriope spp.
Creeping Lily Turf
Muhlenbergia rigens
Deer Grass
Sansevieria spp.
Mother-in-Laws Tongue
Stipa tenuissima
Mexican Feather Grass
Yucca whipplei
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Bignonia sp.
Trumpet Vine
Ficus Rerens
Creeping Fig
Muehlenbeckia complexa
Wire Vine
Solandra maxima
Cup-of-Gold Vine
Tecomaria capensis
Cape Honeysuckle
Bougainvillea sp.
Beaumontia grandiflora
Easter Lily Vine
Gelsemium sempervirens
Caolina Jassamin
Hibbertia scandens
Guinea Gold Vine
Jasminum spp.
Macadyena unguis-cati
Cat's Claw Trumpet Vine
Parthenocissus tricuspidata
Boston Ivy
Rhoicissus capensis
Evergreen Grape
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Star Jasmine
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Arbutus unedo
Strawberry Tree
Beaucarnea recurvata
Elephants Foot
Callistemon spp.
Cordyline australis
Cabbage Tree
Cordyline spp.
Cypress montana
Dracaena spp.
Eriobotrya spp.
Heteromeles arbutifolia
Pinus torreyana
Torrey Pine
Podocarpus spp.
Prunus spp. (Prunis ilicipolia and cerasifera are prohibited)
Quercus agrifolia
Coast Live Oak
Melaleuca nesophila
Pink Melaleuca
Arecastrum romanzoffianum
Queen Palm
Brahea armata
Mexican Blue Palm
Brahea edulis
Guadalupe Palm
Butia capitata
Pindo Palm
Chamaerops humilis
Mediterranean Fan Palm
Metrosideros execelsus
New Zealand Christmas Tree
Pittosporum crassifolium
Karo (std.)
Tristania conferta
Brisbane Box
Yucca recurvifolia
Curve-leaf Yucca
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Agave spp.
Aloe arborescens
Aloe vera
Bidens ferulifolia
Carissa spp.
Natal Plum
Ceanothus spp.
Wild Lilac
Coprosma spp.
Mirror Plant
Heteromeles arbutifolia
Juniperus spp.
Lavendar spp.
Laventera assurgentifolia
Leptospermum laevigatum
Australian Tea Tree
Malvastrum lateritium
Trailing Mallow
Melaleuca spp.
Metrosideros villosus
Pittosporum tobira
Raphiolepis spp.
Indian Hawthorne
Rhus integrifolia
Lemonade Bush
Salvia spp.
Strelitzia spp.
Abelia grandiflora
Glossy Abelia
Baccharis spp.
Coyote Bush
Callistemon spp. (viminalis is prohibited)
Ceanothus spp.
Wild Lilac
Eleagnus spp.
Escallonia spp.
Feijoa sellowiana
Pineapple Guave
Garrya elliptica
Tassel Bush
Hibiscus spp.
Lantana spp.
Leptospermum spp.
Leucophyllum texanum
Texas Ranger
Ligustrum spp.
Nolina recurvata
Nerium oleander
Westringia fruticosa
Yucca aloifolia
Spanish Bayonet