The Cardiff-by-the-Sea Specific Plan was prepared in accordance with applicable goals, policies and provisions of the Encinitas General Plan, which calls for the preparation of a specific plan for the beach-side commercial corridor within the Cardiff community.
The following are applicable goals and policies listed under each element category of the General Plan, followed by a discussion which addresses the specific plan's consistency with the general plan. Any future amendment of General Plan goals and policies should also include consideration of corresponding amendment of this Specific Plan.
Encinitas will strive to be a unique seaside community providing a balance of housing, commercial, light industrial/office development, recreation, agriculture and open space compatible with the predominant residential character of the community.
POLICY 1.8: 
Encourage the types of commercial activities which will supply the community with a diverse economic base.
POLICY 1.9: 
Maintain a proper balance between acreage of commercial land and population served.
POLICY 1.10: 
Encourage the reasonable regulation of signs to preserve the basic character of the communities and to avoid adverse effect on property values. New pole and roof signage shall be prohibited. Freestanding monument signs shall be permitted, but shall be limited to a maximum height of eight feet. A variance from this height limitation may be granted by the City based on extreme topographic constraints and a demonstration that all other reasonable alternatives have been considered to provide site/business identification. Detailed regulation and limitation shall be specified in the City's zoning regulations. (Coastal Act/30251/Visual Protection)
POLICY 1.11: 
Encourage the rehabilitation and redevelopment of obsolete or declining commercial development, in ways consistent with community design and development objectives.
The specific plan provides a broad mix of commercial uses and the specific plan design recommendations (Chapter 4) include a section on sign recommendations which encourage signs that are scaled and illuminated more appropriately to the pedestrian's environment and reflect the character of the Cardiff community. Setbacks, minimum lot sizes, landscape, maximum lot coverage and parking requirements have been modified in order to maintain the existing community character in the Cardiff Specific Plan area (refer to Chapter 3, Use and Development Regulations).
To assure successful planning for future facilities and services, and a proper balance of uses within the city, the City of Encinitas will establish and maintain a maximum density and intensity of residential and commercial uses of land within the city which will:
provide a balance of commercial and residential uses which creates and maintains the quality of life and small town character of the individual communities; and
protect and enhance the City's natural resources and indigenous wildlife.
POLICY 3.4: 
The City will allow those commercial uses which are necessary to satisfy the current and projected needs of the individual communities as indicated on the Land Use Map and under the policies of this plan.
POLICY 3.5: 
Commercial areas/zones shall be designated to avoid undue concentrations of commercial development which would increase traffic to levels beyond the current and projected capability of the City's services and facilities to deal with the increased traffic.
POLICY 3.7: 
With the exceptions described in Policy 3.12, once acknowledged as being consistent with the General Plan and Local Coastal Program, the allowable maximum density of any property designated for residential use shall not be increased except by the affirmative vote of a majority of those voting in the election approving the proposed increase.
POLICY 3.8: 
With the exceptions described in Policy 3.12, once acknowledged as being consistent with the General Plan and Local Coastal Program, property designated/zoned for non residential uses shall not be redesignated/rezoned to allow residential uses except by the affirmative vote of a majority of those voting in the election approving the proposed change.
POLICY 3.9: 
With the exceptions described in Policy 3.12, once acknowledged as being consistent with the General Plan and Local Coastal Program, property designated/zoned for residential use shall not be redesignated/rezoned to any non-residential use except by the affirmative vote of a majority of those voting in the election approving the proposed change.
POLICY 3.10: 
With the exceptions described in Policy 3.12, once acknowledged as being consistent with the General Plan and Local Coastal Program, property designated/zoned for non residential use shall not be redesignated/rezoned to allow more non residential uses or a greater intensity of use except by the affirmative vote of four or more City Council members based upon a finding that the proposed redesignation/rezoning will not substantially reduce revenues to the City and will not substantially increase traffic burdens on roads and highways.
POLICY 3.12: 
The following may be considered as exceptions to the requirements for voter approval for specified general plan land use map amendments:
Minor adjustments in land use boundaries to correctly reflect property or development site boundaries, which adjustments do not substantially change intended area development potential as approved by Council by unanimous vote.
Changes to land use designations to correct (a) map omissions and (b) mapping errors which are clearly demonstrated to be errors contrary to the intent of the General Plan as approved by a unanimous Council vote.
A change from any land use designation to the Ecological Resource/Open Space/Parks designation, when property has been purchased or land development rights have been secured for land for open space or parks purposes as approved by a unanimous Council vote.
Minor land use designation changes when approved by affirmative vote of four or more City Council members. For purposes of this paragraph, "minor" is defined as changes for which certified environmental review per the California Environmental Quality Act has determined that there will be no unmitigable significant negative environmental impacts, and one of the following apply:
Exception for Decrease in Intensity:
The change is to a category of lower land use intensity or density than the existing category that results in a reduction in intensity. For purposes of this determination the following hierarchy of categories, from higher to lower, is established: Light Industrial, General Commercial, Visitor-Serving Commercial, Transportation Corridor, Local Commercial, Public/Semi-Public, Office Professional, Residential 25, Residential 15, Residential 11, Mobilehome Park, Residential 8, Residential 5, Residential 3, Rural Residential 2, Rural Residential 1, Rural Residential, Ecological Resource/Open Space/Parks.
Exception for Residential Density:
The change applies to 5 acres of land area or less, and is a change from a nonresidential to a residential category, or from a residential to another higher-density residential category, which would result in the allowance of ten or fewer additional dwelling units (prior to consideration of any density bonus) for the 5 acre site. The change shall also be determined to be compatible with, and generally not exceeding the density of, surrounding planned land use residential densities.
Exception for Change Within Land Use Class:
The change applies to 5 acres of land area or less, and is a change from one land use category to another when both are within the same class of categories. For purposes of this determination the following classes of categories are established:
Rural Residential, Rural Residential 1, Rural Residential 2
Residential 3, Residential 5, Residential 8
Residential 11, Residential 15, Residential 25
Office Professional, Local Commercial
Visitor Serving Commercial, General Commercial
Changes in land use designations when approved by affirmative vote of four or more City Council members, to allow projects that provide a significant public benefit. A "significant public benefit" shall be determined by the City Council.
The specific plan is not proposing to change the existing residential and commercial uses in such a manner that will impact future facilities and services. One of the major goals of the specific plan is to maintain the beach town atmosphere and pedestrian character of the Cardiff Specific Plan area which will be implemented through the plan's design recommendations (Chapter 4) and use and development regulations (Chapter 3).
The Specific Plan is proposing amendments to the general plan land use designations within the Cardiff-by-the-Sea Specific Plan area, which are consistent with general plan land use policies for the Cardiff Community. The proposed commercial areas do not differ significantly from existing commercially designated areas.
A total of 11 properties, which are currently designated as general commercial, and five properties which currently designated as office professional, are proposed to be designated as residential-11. No increases in the allowable maximum density will result on properties designated for residential use within the specific plan area.
At buildout, the overall land use intensity of the proposed land use plan, as measured from a traffic generation standpoint, is less than at buildout under the current general plan land use plan. The proposed general commercial, office professional and residential-11 zone changes will not pose significant traffic impacts as discussed in Chapter 5, Circulation Plan and based on a traffic assessment on trip generation in the Specific Plan area, prepared by Linscott, Law, and Greenspan Engineers (LLG) (June 16, 2009).
The City of Encinitas will ensure that the rate of residential growth:
does not create a demand which exceeds the capability of available services and facilities;
does not destroy the quality of life and small town character of the individual communities;
does not exceed a rate which excludes the public from meaningful participation in all aspects of land use decision making regarding proposed projects;
provides the City with the ability to plan ahead for the location, timing and financing of required services and facilities; and
does not exceed an annual allotment of dwelling units based on the projected ultimate buildout of dwellings in the City of Encinitas assuming a 25-year buildout period.
POLICY 4.2: 
The City will plan to provide services and facilities concurrent with projected need, sufficient to allow issuance of the maximum annual number of dwelling unit building permits. To guard against an unforeseen shortfall of services or facilities, the City will determine adequacy of services and facilities for each residential development at the discretionary review stage. For dwellings not subject to discretionary review, such determination shall be made with the earliest development permit submittal. No unit shall be approved or permitted for which inadequate services or facilities are available.
The specific plan land use build-out proposals will increase the number of dwelling units by approximately 33 dwelling units over the projected general plan build-out for the planning area. However, this increase will not significantly impact public services or facilities.
The City of Encinitas will ensure that the rate of commercial growth:
does not create a demand which exceeds the capability of existing services and facilities;
does not destroy the quality of life and small town character of the individual communities;
does not exceed a rate which excludes the public from meaningful participation in all aspects of land use decision making regarding proposed projects;
provides the City with the ability to plan ahead for the location, timing and financing of required services and facilities; and
provides for the City's commercial needs during growth and thereafter as part of a fully developed city.
POLICY 5.1: 
Commercial growth within the City should be sufficient to support residential growth and provide adequate services to the citizens of the individual communities.
POLICY 5.2: 
Proposed commercial growth should reflect a general balance of uses within the community.
POLICY 5.3: 
The City shall develop and implement commercial zoning and development standards which will accomplish the goals and policies of the General Plan, emphasizing quality, community character, and community needs.
The specific plan build-out proposals are generally equal to or reduce the total general commercial square footage over the general plan build-out projection for general commercial.. However, these proposals are consistent with Goal 5 and Policies 5.1, 5.2 & 5.3 of the General Plan listed above.
The specific plan general commercial land use proposal will not pose a significant impact to public services and facilities within the planning area and are consistent with the general plan land use policies for the Cardiff Community.
Every effort shall be made to ensure that the existing desirable character of the communities is maintained.
POLICY 6.1: 
Permit commercial land uses and other types of non residential development only in those areas where such development presently is concentrated or where indicated by the General Plan as long as such development does not result in land use conflicts with surrounding residential development.
POLICY 6.5: 
The design of future development shall consider the constraints and opportunities that are provided by adjacent existing development. (Coastal Act/30251)
POLICY 6.6: 
The construction of very large buildings shall be discouraged where such structures are incompatible with surrounding development. The building height of both residential and nonresidential structures shall be compatible with surrounding development, given topographic and other considerations, and shall protect public views of regional or statewide significance. (Coastal Act/30251/30252/30253)
POLICY 6.7: 
Require commercial development to provide sufficient landscaping to soften the visual impact of commercial buildings and parking areas.
Chapters 3 and 4 include use and development regulations and design recommendations that are intended to maintain and enhance the existing character of the Specific Plan area by considering the opportunities, constraints, and visual and physical impacts to surrounding development within the planning area.
Development in the community should provide an identity for the City while maintaining the unique identity of the individual communities. (Coastal Act/30253)
POLICY 7.1: 
Establish design themes for commercial districts located within individual communities.
POLICY 7.3: 
Although common themes for each of the communities may be established, each community may also promote variety in the design of individual projects.
POLICY 7.4: 
Develop regulations and incentives for residential, commercial, and industrial developers to vary design, setbacks, driveways, rooflines, materials, colors, landscaping, etc. to ensure variation in the design of individual residential units within larger subdivisions and commercial/ industrial projects.
POLICY 7.6: 
Private development shall coordinate with street/public improvements; i.e. streetscape, landscape, site design and the like.
POLICY 7.7: 
The downtown area of Cardiff-by-the-Sea is designated a Specific Plan area. Development shall be allowed prior to the completion of the Specific Plan.
Commercial development shall be compatible to surrounding residential uses relative to height, building bulk and mass and related complimentary uses.
View preservation standards shall be developed that preserve existing public views and to the extent possible private views.
Streetscape program shall be established that compliments and enhances usual quality of the community.
Establish standards that will help to revitalize the commercial corridor.
Provide for residential uses in commercial zones along the corridor provided the residential uses are accessory and incidental to the principal commercial use.
Develop standards for development to vary design, setbacks, materials, colors, landscaping and the like to ensure a variation in the design of individual projects that can be tied together via common parking and internal circulation, and a common streetscape design.
The primary goal of the specific plan is to maintain the unique and desirable characteristics of the specific plan area, while providing continued private land use and public improvements. The primary objectives of the specific plan address each of the considerations described above. The Specific Plan provides zoning similar to the standard citywide zoning regulations. Use allowances and development standards have been created to fit the particular circumstances of the area which are consistent with the above goal and policies (see Chapter 3.0).
Design recommendations have been established which address streetscape, landscape, commercial and residential development (see Chapter 4.0), which are consistent with the above goals and policies.
A recommended plant palette has been established for the Cardiff Specific Plan (see Section 4.11.4).
Encourage the provision of a wide range of housing by location, type of unit, and price level to meet the current and future housing needs in the City.
POLICY 1.3: 
Ensure that new residential units are compatible in design with the surrounding residential neighborhood as planned by the City.
The Cardiff Specific Plan implements the City's General Plan and the commitment of the Housing Element to provide a range and balance of housing opportunities. The specific plan area increased the number of residentially zoned properties, which will continue to contribute to the City's housing stock.
Chapter 4 outlines residential design recommendations which encourage good design that is compatible with other well designed buildings without severely restricting the building owner's preference or the dictates of economics regarding materials and style.
The City will promote the development of high quality housing, enforce the maintenance of safe and decent housing, and improve the quality of life in residential neighborhoods.
POLICY 3.5: 
Continue to implement design review criteria that encourage high quality standards of design and materials in all residential developments.
Landscape recommendations and a plant palette have been established for the specific plan area (see Section 4.11).
Section 4.6 discusses residential design recommendations which encourage good design that is compatible with other well designed buildings without severely restricting the building owner's preference or the dictates of economics regarding materials and style.
Encinitas should have a transportation system that is safe, convenient and efficient, and sensitive to and compatible with surrounding community character. (Coastal Act/30252)
POLICY 1.2: 
Endeavor to maintain Level of Service C as a basic design guideline for the local system of roadways understanding that the guideline may not be attainable in all cases.
POLICY 1.3: 
Prohibit development which results in Level of Service E or F at any intersection unless no alternatives exist and an overriding public need can be demonstrated.
POLICY 1.4: 
Require, where feasible, interconnecting off-street pedestrian and vehicular circulation between adjacent commercial and office land uses. This policy should be required along major transportation corridors to minimize traffic conflicts associated with pedestrian and vehicular movement to and from these properties. (Coastal Act/30252)
POLICY 1.7: 
Encourage adjacent properties to use common access points to access prime arterials, major roads, collectors and augmented local streets.
POLICY 1.9: 
Minimize private driveway access onto both major and collector roads.
POLICY 1.12: 
The City will promote increased off street parking for existing and future commercial and residential uses in the near coast area, will minimize curb cuts for new development in the vicinity of beach access points in order that the maximum amount of curb parking will be available to beach users, and will encourage remote parking/shuttle service and park and ride facilities in the Coastal Zone. The City will require that all commercial, industrial and residential uses be designed and constructed with sufficient off street parking and loading facilities to assure adequate parking is provided with new development such that no adverse impacts on coastal access are documented. Parking ratios shall be utilized as specified and detailed in the City's Zoning Code and in implementing Specific Plans which provide sufficient parking spaces so as not to require patrons/employees/residents to utilize parking which is necessary/required for other approved uses or street and other public parking that should otherwise be available for public use. (Coastal Act/30252)
POLICY 1.15: 
The City will actively support an integrated transportation program that encourages and provides for mass transit, bicycle transportation, pedestrians, equestrians, and car pooling. (Coastal Act/30252)
POLICY 1.17: 
Standards shall be established and implemented to provide for adequate levels of street lighting, based on criteria of safety and related to volumes of vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle activity and potential points of conflict. Such standards shall be designed to respect different community and neighborhood needs for lighting, different community standards for design and special attention given to preservation of dark sky.
POLICY 1.18: 
Standards shall be established and implemented to provide for a comprehensive system of traffic control devices and signing, based on sound traffic engineering principals, to assure traffic safety and preservation of community character.
POLICY 1.19: 
The City will provide for adequate levels of maintenance of all improved components of the circulation system, such as roadways, sidewalks, bicycle facilities, roadway drainage systems, pedestrian, recreational trails, bicycle trails and facilities.
Land use policies are inextricably linked to the circulation of people and goods within the Specific Plan area and between surrounding communities. The policies in the Specific Plan are such that intensities of commercial, office, and housing uses do not increase significantly, and therefore generation of new vehicular traffic is not expected.
A traffic assessment regarding trip generation in the Specific Plan area was prepared by Linscott, Law, and Greenspan Engineers (LLG) (June 16, 2009). Based on the results of the traffic assessment, the proposed Specific Plan is expected to result in a reduction of area build-out potential traffic of approximately 750 average daily trips, 30 AM peak hour trips and 72 PM peak hour trips as compared to the existing General Plan land use designations.
Chapter 4.0, Design Recommendations, provides recommendations that encourage more efficient and compatible circulation patterns within the specific plan area. Alley access for delivery trucks and vehicular access also is encouraged.
Chapter 5.0, Circulation, provides recommendations to promote the efficient and safe movement of people and goods within the Specific Plan area. Policies and standards are presented to ensure that components of the transportation system provide optimal circulation of vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles while minimizing conflicts and maintaining safety.
The City will make every effort to develop a varied transportation system that is capable of serving both the existing population and future residents while preserving community values and character. (Coastal Act/30252/30253)
POLICY 2.1: 
Adopt and implement standards for rural, semi rural, and urban roadways within the City consistent with community character.
POLICY 2.4: 
When considering circulation patterns and standards, primary consideration will be given to the preservation of character and safety of existing residential neighborhoods. Where conflicts arise between convenience of motorists and neighborhood safety/community character preservation, the latter will have first priority.
POLICY 2.8: 
Where necessary, require acquisition of right-of-way as a condition of approval of all final subdivision maps. Encourage landscaping of rights of way if not being used for public roads, hiking/riding trails or beach access trails.
POLICY 2.9: 
Develop new alternate road and intersection standards to promote retention of existing neighborhood atmosphere.
POLICY 2.10: 
Establish landscaping buffer and building setback requirements along all roads which are local augmented status or larger, except where inappropriate. (Coastal Act 30252)
POLICY 2.12: 
Encourage unique characteristic community design standards for traffic signals and intersection signing and other street improvements, structures and furniture.
POLICY 2.13: 
Encourage landscaped medians and parkways on all roadways where practical.
POLICY 2.14: 
Develop rural, semi rural, and urban standards and criteria for private streets including a mechanism for on going maintenance.
POLICY 2.16: 
Develop a program to improve alleyways with paving and drainage improvements.
POLICY 2.18: 
Where possible, functioning of the street system should be improved by the installation of intersection improvements.
Streetscape and street improvements outlined in Chapter 4.0 and in Chapter 5.0, respectively, will reduce congestion, provide increased on-street parking, improve bicycle facilities, and create a safe pedestrian environment. In addition, specific street standards are proposed for the plan area streets which are more reflective of the neighborhood characteristics.
The City of Encinitas will promote the use of other modes of transport to reduce the dependence on the personal automobile. (Coastal Act/30252)
POLICY 3.1: 
The needs of the handicapped will be considered in new development plans including handicapped parking, loading, etc.
POLICY 3.2: 
Continue to assist in expanding public transportation and emphasize public transportation in future development with preference given to cost effective alternatives. (Coastal Act/30252)
POLICY 3.3: 
Create a safe and convenient circulation system for pedestrians. (Coastal Act/30252)
POLICY 3.4: 
Cooperate with San Diego County, SANDAG, and other jurisdictions to help plan and implement a regional multi modal transportation system that is accessible to residents in the City. (Coastal Act/30252)
POLICY 3.6: 
The City should provide and encourage efficient links between possible rail transit service and other transportation modes, including rerouting of bus service to interface with transit stops.
POLICY 3.8: 
A program shall be developed to install sidewalks or paths, where appropriate, around schools, churches, active parks, commercial and other areas of pedestrian activity where public safety or welfare is at issue (Coastal Act/30252)
POLICY 3.10: 
Standards shall be established for the location and design of news racks, signs, walls and other improvements which encroach into the public right-of-way. (Coastal Act/30251)
POLICY 3.11: 
The City will strive to implement a safe, direct, and convenient circulation system for commuting and recreational bicycle traffic. The City will support the development of additional bicycle facilities in the Coastal Zone, including the following:
All Circulation Element roads will include provisions for bicycle lanes unless precluded by design and safety considerations in which cases, alternative routes shall be provided to form a continuous network;
The provision of secure bicycle storage facilities at all beaches designated for high and moderate levels of use; and
The installation of bicycle and surfboard racks on all buses serving the Coastal Zone. (Coastal Act/30252)
The street standards for the Specific Plan area will create a safer and more accessible pedestrian network. Areas with broken or discontinuous sidewalks are expected to be repaired and realigned through City capital improvements. Streetscape and street improvements are outlined in Chapter 4.0 and in Chapter 5.0.
The City should make every effort to develop a circulation system that highlights the environmental and scenic amenities of the area. (Coastal Act/30251)
POLICY 4.2: 
Promote and encourage roadside and median landscaping. (Coastal Act/30251)
POLICY 4.3: 
Separate pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic by encouraging adequate space for walking and biking by striping roadways, excepting freeways. Coastal Act/30252)
POLICY 4.9: 
Prohibit whenever legally possible, or strictly regulate billboards on city streets, roads, freeways, railroad rights of way, and lagoons. (Coastal Act/30251/30253)
POLICY 4.10: 
Develop street lighting standards, where appropriate, consistent with neighborhood/community character and night sky viewing.
POLICY 4.11: 
Keep street lighting, curbs, and gutter requirements consistent with individual neighborhood character.
POLICY 4.12: 
Encourage undergrounding of utilities within street rights of way and transportation corridors. (Coastal Act/30251)
POLICY 4.14: 
Where feasible, minimize the dependence on private motor vehicles. (Coastal Act/30252)
Streetscape and street improvements outlined in Chapter 4.0 and in Chapter 5.0, respectively, will reduce congestion, provide increased on-street parking, improve bicycle facilities, and create a safer pedestrian environment. In addition, specific street standards are proposed for plan area streets, which are more reflective of the neighborhood characteristics.
Public health and safety will be considered in future land use planning. (Coastal Act/30253)
Development within the Specific Plan area shall comply with Chapter 30.57 and Titles 9, 10, and 11 of the Encinitas Municipal Code.
The City of Encinitas will make an effort to minimize potential hazards to public health, safety, and welfare and to prevent the loss of life and damage to health and property resulting from both natural and man-made phenomena.
POLICY 2.4: 
Setbacks, easements, and access, necessary to assure that emergency services can function with available equipment, shall be required and maintained.
Development within the Specific Plan area shall comply with Titles 9, 10, and 11 of the Encinitas Municipal Code.
The City will conserve, protect, and enhance the water resources in the planning area. (Coastal Act/30231)
POLICY 1.1: 
Require new development to utilize measures designed to conserve water in their construction.
POLICY 1.10: 
Promote the use of water efficient sprinkling and gardening systems to include ordinances and technology to encourage drought tolerant plants.
POLICY 1.11: 
If a development can be connected to the sewer system, the system must have the capacity to handle the additional load of the proposed project.
General landscape recommendations have been established which address water conservation (see Section 4.11). To meet future water demand for landscaping and other needs, a study of the potential to tap into groundwater or use reclaimed water in the Specific Plan area is a consideration.
The City will make every effort to ensure significant scientific and cultural resources in the planning area are preserved for future generations. (Coastal Act/30250)
POLICY 7.1: 
Require that paleontological, historical and archaeological resources in the planning area are documented, preserved or salvaged if threatened by new development. (Coastal Act/30250)
POLICY 7.2: 
Conduct a survey to identify historic structures and archaeological/cultural sites throughout the community and ensure that every action is taken to ensure their preservation. (Coastal Act/30250/30253(5))
POLICY 7.3: 
The City will pursue the development of a historic resources program to assist in the identification, preservation, and restoration of those buildings, structures, and places within the City that have historic significance.
Paleontological, historical, and archaeological resources shall comply with development standards pursuant to Section 30.34.050 of Title 30 of the Encinitas Municipal Code.
The City will encourage the abundant use of natural and drought tolerant landscaping in new development and preserve natural vegetation, as much as possible, in undeveloped areas. (Coastal Act/30240/30251)
POLICY 9.1: 
The City will initiate and pursue the landscaping of appropriate median and parking areas with trees on all new and existing arterial streets. (Coastal Act/30251)
POLICY 9.4: 
Encourage and adopt standards for the use of drought tolerant and/or natural landscaping and efficient irrigation systems throughout the City. (Coastal Act/30231/30240)
POLICY 9.5: 
Encourage and adopt standards for clean up, landscaping, beautification, utility undergrounding, and additional landscaping in parking facilities where needed in existing commercial areas. (Coastal Act/30251/30252)
POLICY 9.6: 
Require landscaping in the design of new residential, commercial, and industrial areas and buildings as detailed in the City Zoning Code regulations. (Coastal Act/30251/30253)
POLICY 9.7: 
Encourage and adopt standards for landscaping of existing commercial and industrial uses to screen and buffer unsightly and congested commercial/industrial areas from surrounding land uses. (Coastal Act/30251)
General landscape and design recommendations, which address landscape design and a plant palette that encourages the use of drought tolerant plants has been established for the Specific Plan area (see Chapter 4.0).
GOAL 13 
Create a desirable, healthful, and comfortable environment for living while preserving Encinitas' unique natural resources by encouraging land use policies that will preserve the environment. (Coastal Act/30250/30251)
POLICY 13.5: 
The City shall promote and require the conservation and preservation of natural resources and features of the area in their natural state and avoid the creation of a totally urbanized landscape. Encourage the planting of trees and other vegetation, especially native species to enhance the environment. (Coastal Act/30240/30251).
General landscape and design recommendations, which address landscape design and a plant palette that encourages the use of drought tolerant plants has been established for the Specific Plan area (see Chapter 4.0).
The maintenance of the open space resources in the planning area will continue to be emphasized. (Coastal Act/30240)
POLICY 1.14: 
The City shall attempt to acquire the Santa Fe railroad right-of-way, should it become available, for the development of recreational facilities and landscaping as well as transportation and other public needs.
In the event the North County Transit District (NCTD) Right-Of-Way changes its current use, as part of the Specific Plan, the site would be subject to the General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment process in order to be included as part of the Cardiff-by-the-Sea Specific Plan area.
Provide an acceptable noise environment for existing and future residents of the City of Encinitas.
POLICY 1.1: 
Review actions or projects that may have noise generation potential to determine what impact they may have on existing land uses. If a project would cause an increase in traffic noise levels, the policy of the City of Encinitas is to accept an increase up to an Ldn of 55 dB in outdoor residential use areas without mitigation. If a project would increase the traffic noise level by more than 5 dB and the resulting Ldn would be over 55 dB, then mitigation measures must be evaluated. If the project, or action, would increase traffic noise levels by 3 dB or more and the resulting Ldn would exceed 60 dB in outdoor use areas in residential development, noise mitigation must be similarly evaluated. The impact of non transportation projects must generally be evaluated on a case by case basis. The following recommendations will aid in evaluating the impacts of commercial and industrial projects.
Performance Standards Adjacent to Residential Areas. New commercial construction adjacent to residential areas should not increase noise levels in a residential area by more than 3 dB (Ldn) or create noise impacts which would increase noise levels to more than an Ldn of 60 dB at the boundary of the nearest residential area, whichever is more restrictive.
Performance Standards Adjacent to Commercial and Industrial Areas. New commercial projects should not increase noise levels in a commercial area by more than 5 dB (Ldn) or increase noise levels to an Ldn in excess of 70 dB (office buildings, business and professional) or an Ldn of 75 dB (industrial) at the property line of an adjacent commercial/industrial use, whichever is more restrictive.
These criteria may be waived if, as determined by a noise analysis, there are mitigating circumstances (such as higher existing noise levels) and/or no uses would be adversely affected. Where conditions are unusual or where backgrounds are unusually low and the characteristics of a new noise source are not adequately described by using the Ldn noise descriptor, additional acoustical analysis is encouraged and the conclusions of such analysis will be considered by the City.
POLICY 1.2: 
An Ldn of 60 dB is the maximum acceptable outdoor noise level in residential outdoor use areas. The City recognizes that there are residential areas in which existing noise levels exceed an acceptable level. The City will adopt a Noise Wall/Barrier Installation Policy for determining which areas should receive soundwalls along the major street system and to evaluate possible cost participation programs for constructing these soundwalls.
POLICY 1.4: 
The City will limit truck traffic in residential and commercial areas to designated truck routes. Limit construction, delivery, and through truck traffic to designated routes. Distribute maps of approved truck routes to City traffic officers.
POLICY 1.5: 
The City will establish and maintain coordination among City, County, and State agencies involved in noise abatement and other agencies to reduce noise generated from sources outside the City's jurisdiction.
POLICY 1.7: 
Apply Title 24 of the California Administrative Code, associated with noise insulation standards, to single family dwellings.
Future development within the specific plan area shall be required to comply with Title 24 of the California Administrative Code and other citywide regulations.
Require that new development be designed to provide acceptable indoor and outdoor noise environments.
Future development within the specific plan area shall be required to comply with Title 24 of the California Administrative Code and other citywide regulations.
Ensure that residents are protected from harmful and irritating noise sources to the greatest extent possible.
Future development within the specific plan area shall be required to comply with Title 24 of the California Administrative Code and other citywide regulations.
Provide for measures to reduce noise impacts from stationary noise sources.
POLICY 4.1: 
Ensure inclusion of noise mitigation measures in the design and operation of new and existing development.
Future development within the specific plan area shall be required to comply with Title 24 of the California Administrative Code and other citywide regulations.