This chapter is enacted pursuant to the provisions of Section 66498.8 of the Act which requires the City to adopt procedures for processing vesting tentative maps and vesting tentative parcel maps (referred to in this chapter as "vesting maps") under the Vesting Tentative Map Statute set forth in Section 66498.1 et seq. of the Act.
(Ord. 87-10)
Whenever this title requires the filing of a tentative map or a tentative parcel map for a residential development, a subdivider may file a proposed, vesting map subject to the provisions of this chapter.
Except as provided in this chapter, the proposed vesting map shall be filed and processed in the same manner and subject to the same requirements as a tentative map or tentative parcel map.
The proposed vesting map shall have conspicuously printed on its face either "vesting tentative map" or "vesting tentative parcel map."
The subdivider shall pay an additional fee in an amount established by City Council resolution for processing the proposed vesting map.
(Ord. 87-10)
In order for an application for a vesting map to be deemed complete, the application must be accompanied with the following information in a form satisfactory to the City:
The height, size and location of structures proposed for the property to be subdivided with sufficient plans and specifications to constitute a complete application for a building permit.
General architectural renderings.
Detailed landscaping plans.
Detailed final grading plans showing existing and proposed finished grades at one foot intervals.
A complete application for any design review required to construct the project.
The design and specifications for all public facilities and improvements, both on site and off site.
Detailed geological, drainage, flood control, soils, traffic and other reports deemed necessary by the City to permit a complete review of the design of improvements proposed for the subdivision.
A detailed description of the uses to which the real property and structures will be put.
A complete application for any variances required to construct the project.
A complete application for any rezoning required to complete the project.
A report demonstrating that all public facilities necessary to serve the subdivision or mitigate any impact created by the subdivision will be available for the entire time that the approved vesting map is valid plus any time during which the rights conferred by this chapter exist.
(Ord. 87-10; Ord. 92-14)
A proposed vesting map shall be disapproved if:
Either the proposed subdivision or the proposed development are inconsistent with the general plan, a specific plan or a Zoning Ordinance of the City.
The development of the proposed project has not already received or is not concurrently receiving all required permits and discretionary approvals.
The City Council finds that all public facilities necessary to serve the subdivision or mitigate any impact created by the subdivision will not be available for the entire time that the approved vesting map is valid plus any time during which the rights conferred by this chapter exist.
(Ord. 87-10)
Approval or conditional approval of a vesting map shall confer a right to proceed with development in accordance with Section 66498.1 of the Act.
Notwithstanding subsection A above, the City may condition or deny a subsequent permit, approval, extension or entitlement in accordance with Section 66498.1(c) of the Act.
The rights conferred by the approval or conditional approval of the vesting map shall expire:
If a final map or parcel map is not approved prior to the expiration of the vesting map.
The subdivider has requested and the City has approved a change in the type, density, bulk or design of the development, unless an amendment to the vesting map has been approved.
One year after the recording of the final map or parcel map in accordance with Section 66452.6(g) and (h) of the Act.
Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, the amount of any fees which are required to be paid either as a condition of the map's approval or by operation of any law shall be determined by application of the law or policy in effect at the time the fee is paid. The amounts of the fees are not vested upon approval of the vesting map.
The subdivider may apply for an amendment to the vesting tentative map in accordance with the Act.
(Ord. 87-10; Ord. 92-14)
Upon application received prior to the expiration of the vesting map, the Director of Development Services may extend the time of expiration for a period not to exceed one year from the date of expiration of the vesting map. No more than three such time extensions may be granted to any vesting map. The Director shall consider the current circumstances of the subdivision, the site and the surrounding area. The vesting map for which an extension is granted and conditions of approval shall remain substantially unchanged from the vesting map as originally approved. A need to alter or add conditions, attach additional development fees, or alter map design or number of units shall be grounds for denial of the time extension; the applicant may file for a new vesting map review and approval.
Upon an application by the subdivider to extend a vesting map, the map shall automatically be extended for 60 days or until the application for the extension is approved, conditionally approved, or denied, whichever occurs first. If the Director denies a subdivider's application for an extension, the subdivider may appeal to the legislative body pursuant to Chapter 1.12. During the time a determination or an extension request is pending, a final map for that subdivision shall not be approved for recordation pursuant to Chapter 1.12.
(Ord. 2022-07; Ord. 92-14; Ord. 87-10)