The Subarea Plan was developed with involvement primarily by the 24 Road Steering Committee, property owners in the corridor, representatives of Grand Junction and Mesa County departments, and members of the Grand Junction Planning Commission. The process for developing the Plan began in September, 1999, when the City of Grand Junction retained a team of consultants comprised of BRW, Inc., in association with Leland Consulting Group to organize and direct the public process to develop and evaluate various alternative development patterns or options.
The project focused on investigating economic, financial, and market conditions in Grand Junction and the project area, as well as the physical conditions of the site related to utilities, land use, transportation and environmental features.
During the planning process, which lasted approximately four months, the consultant team led a series of seven workshops with the 24 Road Corridor Steering Committee, to review assembled data, prepare and review alternative land use schemes, determine a preferred land use plan, and review actions required to implement the preferred plan for the corridor.
The findings, conclusions and recommendations for the Plan are presented in this report, which will be presented to the Grand Junction Planning Commission and City Council during the early part of the year 2000.
(Res. 109-00 § 2, 11-1-00)