The City of Grand Junction watershed is hereby defined and established by the description in GJMC § 13.32.140 and the map of the watershed defined in GJMC § 13.32.150. The watershed is that area of land in which the City shall exercise its powers to maintain and protect the City’s water supply and waterworks from pollution, impairment, injury or damage.
(Res. 115-07 § XX-31, 7-30-07)
The jurisdiction of the watershed shall extend over all of the territory occupied by the City’s waterworks, and all springs, seeps, streams, surface intakes, ditches, drains, pipelines and reservoirs used in and necessary for the construction, maintenance and operation of the same, in and including the Sink Creek, Whitewater Creek, North Fork of Kannah Creek (North Fork), and Kannah Creek basins and all water tributary thereto, and all associated surface waters, springs, seeps, groundwater flows and reservoirs, and all water sources and drainage areas tributary thereto for five miles above the points from which water is diverted for use by the City. The watershed includes all decreed points of diversion for direct flow and storage rights to numerous springs, ditches and reservoirs, all of which are located in all or part of Sections 26, 27, 28, and 31 – 35, Range 95 West, Township 11 South; Sections 31 – 36, Range 96 West, Township 11 South; Sections 25, 26 and 32 – 36, Range 97 West, Township 11 South; Sections 3 – 9, 17 and 18, Range 95 West, Township 12 South; Sections 1 – 24 and 26 – 35, Range 96 West, Township 12 South; Sections 1 – 36, Range 97 West, Township 12 South; Sections 1, 12 – 14, 23 – 26, and 36, Range 98 West, Township 12 South; Sections 2 – 10 and 15 – 20, Range 96 West, Township 13 South; Sections 1 – 4 and 10 – 14, Range 97 West, Township 13 South, Sixth Principal Meridian; and Sections 13 and 24, Range 2 East, Township 2 South, Ute Principal Meridian, Mesa County, Colorado.
(Res. 115-07 § XX-32, 7-30-07)
A map of the watershed showing the boundaries of the watershed, including the boundaries of the land owned in fee simple by the City, with all notations, references and other information shown thereon (“watershed map”) may be adopted. The watershed map may be located at and available for viewing by the public in the office of the City Clerk, and copies are available upon request at a fee established by the City. It is also Appendix D at the end of this chapter.
(Res. 115-07 § XX-33, 7-30-07)
It shall be unlawful for any person to cause injury or damage to the City’s waterworks, including all springs, seeps, streams, surface intakes, ditches, drains, pipelines and reservoirs used in and necessary for the construction, maintenance and operation of the same.
(Res. 115-07 § XX-34, 7-30-07)