These watershed regulations shall apply as established herein.
(Res. 115-07 § XX-41, 7-30-07)
Permit Required.
No person shall engage, commence or continue any activity, as per GJMC § 13.32.190, within the watershed except in conformance with a watershed permit issued by the City.
Permit Application.
Applications for a permit are to be made to the City Manager or his or her designee. The applicant shall submit to the City a complete written description of the proposed activity. The application shall contain, at a minimum, all of the information required by GJMC § 13.32.220 and 13.32.270, and quality of the information provided shall be such as to enable the City to review the application and make informed recommendations as set forth herein. The City reserves the right to reject all or part of an application that is not complete or does not address all of the requirements of GJMC § 13.32.220 and 13.32.270 in a concise and coherent manner.
(Res. 115-07 § XX-42, 7-30-07)
It shall be unlawful for any person, company, or publicly or privately owned organization to engage in any of the following activities without first applying for and obtaining a watershed permit under the provisions of these watershed regulations and according to the standards set forth in GJMC § 13.32.270.
Altering water drainage courses, surface or underground.
Timber harvesting, except for the approved removal of dead trees and deadfall.
Surface and subsurface mining operations, including drilling operations.
Excavating, grading, filling or surfacing of surface and subsurface soils.
Using, handling, storing or transmitting toxic, hazardous, radioactive or flammable or explosive materials and substances.
Spraying or the use of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers.
Spraying, aerial application, or use of toxic fire retardants.
Removing or altering vegetation.
Construction or installation of a wastewater treatment system or sewage disposal system.
Prescribed fires and fuels reduction activities, except with the approval of the City in cooperation with any federal or State land management agency which seeks to conduct a supervised prescribed burn.
Confined animal feeding operations involving more than 200 animals confined to less than 100 acres.
Discharge of treated or untreated process waters or wastewater.
Deposit solid waste of any kind.
(Res. 115-07 § XX-43, 7-30-07)
Private land owners conducting normal, domestic single-family development do not require a watershed permit; however, conducting these activities does require an advance notice of intent to be submitted to the City.
The City has formalized partnerships with the United States Forest Service, United States Bureau of Land Management and Mesa County to ensure protection of the quality and quantity of the City’s municipal water supply through Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs). The MOUs develop and implement a system for communication and consultation in the processes and practices of developing and implementing local, State and federal land use actions; and to ensure active involvement by each party in new and existing project planning and development within the Grand Junction watershed area.
A notice of intent to conduct an activity not requiring a City watershed permit is required from all federal, State, county and other local governments, and private land owners for the activities described in this section. The purpose of the notice is to promote a “good neighbor” policy by providing the City with proper notification of any activity such that the City can take appropriate action to manage and protect their water resources. The notice of intent may be submitted verbally or by letter addressed to the City Manager’s designee describing the details of the proposed activity. Details shall include what activity is proposed, where and when the activity will take place, and the number of acres to be affected. In the case of chemical use, the chemical names and application rates should be reported. A notice of intent to conduct an activity not requiring a City watershed permit does not require completion of a watershed permit application.
The following activities when conducted by the USFS, BLM and Mesa County, which are pre-approved in accordance with applicable agency processes, do not require a City watershed permit:
Application of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers, or other weed control activities.
Thinning, disease control/eradication, deadfall and fire fuels reduction projects.
Trail and road maintenance.
Facility construction and maintenance including:
Individual sewage disposal systems;
Domestic water wells;
Buildings, corrals, fences, ditches;
Roads; and
Farm lands,
to the extent that such activities follow County, State, and federal regulations and guidelines, and any and all existing published best management practices and guidelines protective of water resources in the watershed.
Recreation including:
Horseback riding;
Mountain biking;
Off-highway vehicle use;
Annual Lands End Hill Climb road race; and
Group recreation permits.
Such activities are allowed only on established roads, trails and routes; provided, that such use does not substantially impact the watershed or waterworks. Mountain biking, hiking and horseback riding by the public is permitted on land owned by the City in fee simple within the watershed on designated routes; provided, that such use does not substantially impact the watershed or waterworks.
(Res. 115-07 § XX-44, 7-30-07)
The unauthorized use of motorized vehicles by the public on land owned by the City in fee simple within the watershed is prohibited unless vehicles are confined to an approved, designated USFS or BLM travel route. Motorized vehicle use on land owned by the City in fee simple within the watershed is permitted for City employees, officials and their agents, employees and officials of the federal government on official business in the watershed, and for authorized lessees of lands owned by the City of Grand Junction within the watershed.
(Res. 115-07 § XX-45, 7-30-07)