The National Electrical Code published by the National Fire Protection Association, as amended and adopted by the State of Colorado Electrical Board pursuant to Title 12, Article 23, C.R.S. (hereafter “NEC” or “National Electrical Code”), is hereby adopted to regulate the design, construction, quality of materials, erection, installation, alteration, repair, location, relocation, replacement, addition to, use and maintenance of electrical systems.
(Ord. 4829, 1-16-19; Ord. 4499, 2-13-12; Ord. 4013, 1-3-07; Ord. 3318, 12-6-00; Ord. 2812, 2-15-95. Code 1994 § 8-53; Code 1965 § 7-81(b))
The National Electrical Code adopted in GJMC § 15.16.010 is amended to include:
Applicants shall pay for each electrical permit at the time of issuance, a fee for electrical permits and inspections as determined by City Council and set forth in a resolution.
(Ord. 4829, 1-16-19)