All purchases of computer hardware and software must have prior approval of the City’s Information Technology (IT) Director or his designated representative.
Any purchase request submitted directly to Purchasing shall be returned to the requesting department without further processing.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 15.1), 1-16-12)
The procedures set forth in this chapter shall be followed for all hardware and software purchases, usage, and installation regardless of price, including monitors, printers, plotters, scanners, memory and multi-function cards, co-processor chips, disk drives, backup units and/or any other device/component which is controlled by computer.
Each department shall be responsible for ensuring no unauthorized software or programs are installed on their machines by their assigned personnel. Should an unauthorized installation be discovered on a department machine by IT personnel, the assigned department head and the Financial Operations Manager shall be notified by IT.
Only properly licensed software/hardware owned by the City of Grand Junction may be installed on City-owned machines. All City computer hardware/software classified as “infrastructure” or “City-wide” shall be under the jurisdiction of the Information Technology Division.
Any software or browser plug-ins downloaded from the Internet needed to view, hear or read web pages shall be the responsibility of the user to install and troubleshoot. Patches, minor updates and hardware drivers for approved software and hardware may be downloaded from the Internet.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 15.2), 1-16-12)
The department requesting the purchase shall prepare a computer hardware/software requisition form which shall be forwarded to the IT Manager by e-mail or hard copy. The requisition shall state the reason/need for the item, item description including system requirements, estimated costs, possible vendors and applicable accounting information.
The IT Manager or his designated representative shall evaluate the request. Routine items that are department specific for which no IT support is being requested can be authorized by the IT Manager.
Hardware and software items that affect more than one department, the City-wide or infrastructure systems, significant upgrades or version changes to existing software or items for which technical support is being requested must be approved by the IT Manager. The IT Manager can approve the request, approve an alternative purchase and/or arrange a meeting with the department involved to discuss the request.
Approved purchases under $5,000 shall be returned to the requesting department for purchase with a recommended vendor. Purchase requests of $5,000 or more shall be the responsibility of the IT Manager who shall follow the procurement rules and regulations as set forth herein.
“Sole Source” Computer Equipment Acquisition.
Purchases which would, because of dollar amount, require a bid procedure, but for which it is deemed not in the City’s interest to seek bids (because of the need to standardize equipment and/or provide equipment which fits within current maintenance/service policy), shall be so marked upon forwarding to IT Manager. Such purchase requests must meet City guidelines for sole source procurement (See Chapter 41.56 GJMC). Sole source computer related purchases shall be justified in writing by the IT Manager.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 15.3), 1-16-12)