Cooperative procurement is a process by which two or more jurisdictions cooperate to purchase items from the same vendor. This form of purchasing has the benefits of reducing administrative costs, eliminating duplication of effort, lowering prices, sharing information and taking advantage of expertise and information that may be available in only one of the jurisdictions.
Cooperative procurement transactions must be legitimate and enforceable. There must be mutuality of understanding between buyers and sellers and a commitment on the part of participants in the cooperative procurement process to purchase from the successful vendor.
“Shopping” cooperative contracts (using one jurisdiction’s contracts to bargain with other vendors) is considered an unethical purchasing practice. City employees shall not engage in this practice.
(Res. 04-12 (§ 17.1), 1-16-12)
The Purchasing Manager is authorized to participate in, sponsor, conduct or administer a cooperative procurement agreement with one or more other public bodies in order to combine requirements, increase efficiency or reduce administrative expenses. Participation in cooperative procurements as described in this chapter is exempted from competitive bidding and advertising requirements.
The Purchasing Manager is authorized to use the Colorado Division of Purchasing or political sub-divisions of the State or other governmental entities in the purchase of supplies, materials or equipment when such actions shall serve the best interest of the City.
If the Purchasing Manager determines that another jurisdiction or co-op has entered into a competitive contract that allows participation by the City (“piggy-backing”), the City may make purchases from such contract(s).
(Res. 04-12 (§ 17.2), 1-16-12)