The City Manager shall be responsible for the management of the City cemeteries, and may delegate the duties involved in improvement, maintenance and operation thereof. The City Manager shall report to the City Council the financial and physical status of the cemeteries and perpetual care funds, and shall incorporate in a proposed annual budget such allocations of funds as may be necessary for their proper management. The City Council shall levy and appropriate for the cemeteries the necessary funds in a manner consistent with all budgeting requirements.
(Code 1994 § 12-1; Code 1965 § 8-3)
The City Manager is hereby authorized and empowered to make, enforce, and modify or repeal, from time to time, such rules and regulations as may be advisable for the management, use, improvement and maintenance of the cemeteries and for the administration of endowment funds, not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter.
(Code 1994 § 12-2; Code 1965 § 8-13)
All payments made and received for perpetual care of grave spaces in City cemeteries shall be recorded and maintained in a separate fund from all other funds of the City, and shall constitute permanent trust funds, for the purposes provided in this chapter, to be known as the cemetery perpetual care fund, and such funds shall be invested in accordance with the investment policy of the City. The principal of such funds shall be preserved as an endowment for the perpetual care and maintenance of grave spaces in the cemeteries, and the income from such fund shall be used solely for such purpose. The aforesaid funds shall be entirely independent of, and in addition to, payments made for the purchase of lots or burial spaces for which perpetual care is purchased.
(Code 1994 § 12-3; Code 1965 § 8-11)