Monument sales companies, agents or employees shall comply with any and all rules and regulations for placing monuments, markers and other memorials. A design or sketch with the dimensions for the foundation and placement of the marker or monument or other such memorial may be required with the application. No memorial will be allowed on any grave or plot until the plot is fully paid for and the proper fees have been paid. The City reserves the right to reject and remove any memorial which, after being erected, does not comply with the established standards.
No monument or grave marker will hereafter be placed in the City cemeteries when made of materials other than granite, marble or bronze unless otherwise approved by the City Manager.
No foot markers shall be erected above ground level. Only flat, flush foot markers shall be allowed.
No corner markers shall be erected to extend above the ground.
No coping or other lot or grave enclosures shall be erected.
Freestanding crosses with a minimum of a four-inch square granite base, statues on a four-inch square granite base, as well as monoliths, shafts and columns, are permitted, unless specifically prohibited in designated blocks or portions thereof by the rules and regulations for the City cemeteries.
Mausoleums are prohibited unless specifically permitted in designated blocks or portions thereof by the rules and regulations for the City cemeteries. The edge of a mausoleum must be at least 18 inches from the property line of another owner and no other burial shall be permitted upon the area of ground required by the mausoleum. Exact placement of a mausoleum must be approved in advance by the City Manager.
Sarcophagi and ledger stones are prohibited.
(Adm. Reg. 1-99 § 25, 6-30-99)
A memorial (customarily a family monument or marker) to be placed on a lot consisting of two or more burials shall be located in the center of the lot.
When the memorial is located in the center of the lot, and if upright individual grave markers on the east side of the center memorial would abut the foundation of the center memorial, then the grave markers shall be flush markers.
Unless otherwise provided by specific provisions for specific blocks, monuments or markers to be placed on individual grave spaces shall be located on the west end of the grave space.
No head markers or monuments shall act as foot markers.
Unless otherwise limited or allowed by specific provisions for designated blocks, monuments and markers and other memorials shall not exceed three-fourths of the width of the space or lot.
Monuments, markers and other memorials may be of any height but may be limited by the specific provisions of designated blocks or portions thereof, except that such restrictions shall not apply to markers erected by the federal government for service personnel.
The placing of temporary memorials, except those placed by a funeral home, is prohibited. Temporary memorials may be removed by cemetery personnel for maintenance.
Flush, flat grass markers of granite or standard bronze set flush with the established grade of the plot may be placed on any plots in the cemetery. Upright markers are permitted in the following cemeteries only:
Calvary/St. Anthony;
Cremation Garden, designated plots only;
Crown Point;
Municipal, Block 6 and 10, Block 5 – designated plots only;
Oddfellows (IOOF);
Orchard Mesa Cemetery, Blocks A, B, C, F and G;
In Block 6 of Municipal Cemetery, one monument for each two grave sections will be permitted. In Veterans Cemetery, the only permitted markers are regulation veterans’ headstones. An upright stone is allowed for a full size space with a veteran’s flat marker designating the burial of cremains.
(Adm. Reg. 1-99 § 26, 6-30-99)
Foundations for memorials must be built of concrete, solid masonry or granite to the satisfaction of the City Manager’s designee. Foundations for above-grade memorials shall be the length and at least the width of the memorial to be placed. The foundation shall be at least four inches deep. The top of the foundation shall be flush with the ground and have a six-inch square apron around the memorial.
Monument/memorial placement is the sole and absolute responsibility and liability of the company, person, employee or agent selling and placing the monument. Such liability and responsibility shall include safety of the public and cemetery personnel as well as liability for damage to other monuments, memorials, plantings, trees and cemetery equipment while in, on or installing a monument or memorial.
Monument companies’ installer(s) shall fully cover foundation holes, if left unattended, with a material strong enough to withstand 300 pounds of weight and must place orange safety cones around the hole.
Where an existing foundation must be removed in order to add a new burial, the cost of replacing the foundation and memorial shall be the owner’s responsibility.
Bases for monuments, markers or other memorials must be squared. No wedging will be permitted. The base must be rock pitch (rough cut) at least four inches above the ground. If smooth cut, the corners must be rounded. The City accepts no responsibility for any damage incurred to such bases.
Vases or urns made of metal or other nonbreakable material may be attached to the granite or marble base, or may be placed into the foundation.
(Ord. 4607, 10-16-13; Adm. Reg. 1-99 § 27, 6-30-99)
Persons engaged in erecting monuments shall not attach ropes to other monuments or trees. They shall not scatter any material, to include soil or waste material, over adjacent lots or to leave the same on the ground longer than is absolutely necessary. They are required to set work as soon as possible after entering the cemetery. They shall be financially responsible for any damage done by them to other monuments, the grass, trees, or any other object whatsoever in the cemetery. Monument companies shall annually file with the City Manager’s designee a certificate of liability insurance in an amount determined by the City Council, which in no event shall be less than $500,000. The monument companies shall also annually file proof of Colorado employee’s liability (or worker’s compensation insurance). If there are no employees, a waiver of worker’s compensation, in a form as required by the City Attorney, shall be permitted. If the certificate of liability insurance or proof of the worker’s compensation coverage for a monument company is not on file with the City or if the insurance policies are not in effect, then the monument company shall not do any work or activity in a City cemetery.
Monument installers within the immediate vicinity of a funeral shall suspend their labors until the conclusion of the funeral service.
Monument companies and others, including but not limited to stone masons, monument purveyors and employees or agents thereof, are prohibited from placing their names on any work, monument or memorial.
No memorial work shall be done in the cemetery on Sundays or holidays. Advance approval shall be required from the City Manager’s designee for memorial work to take place on the Saturday before Memorial Day. The placement of floral pieces, flowers, flags or other nonpermanent commemoration is permissible without advance authorization.
City Manager’s designee may deny a monument company to do any work or activity in a City cemetery if the designee determines that it is not in the best interest of the cemetery.
(Ord. 4607, 10-16-13; amended during 2009 recodification; Adm. Reg. 1-99 § 28, 6-30-99)
The City shall not be liable for damage(s) or injury to any monument, memorial or marker from mowing and trimming activities occurring within the cemetery.
(Adm. Reg. 1-99 § 29, 6-30-99)