Perpetual Care.
Perpetual care as supported by the endowment fund shall be held to mean:
Cutting of the grass at reasonable intervals;
Raking, cleaning and watering at reasonable intervals;
Reseeding or resodding, if necessary;
Machine trimming as closely as possible around markers, monuments and memorials at reasonable intervals; and
Removal of seedlings, saplings and weeds from, on and around monuments and markers;
It shall also be held to mean the general preservation of the cemetery roads, walks, fences, plantings and the pruning of shrubs and trees to the end that the cemetery shall remain and be reasonably cared for as a cemetery;
Perpetual care shall not be construed as meaning the maintenance, repair or resetting of any grave marker or memorial placed upon any lot or grave space. Neither does the term “perpetual care” mean doing of any special or unusual work on any lot nor the reconstruction of any marble, granite, bronze, concrete or stone work or rebuilding or repair of any monument, memorial or marker damaged by the elements, an act of God, common enemy, thieves, vandals, strikes, malicious mischief, unavoidable accidents, invasions, insurrections or riot whether the damage be direct or collateral, other than as herein provided.
The City Manager’s designee shall have charge of the planting of trees and shrubs in accordance with appropriate ornamentation of the grounds. No trees, spreading plants or shrubbery shall be planted or grown on the lots or spaces. Roses and certain evergreens, as determined by City Manager’s designee, may be planted in blocks specifically authorizing them but only by cemetery personnel.
Grading of Lots.
In order to produce a pleasing effect and to ensure proper drainage, the grade of all lots and graves will be determined by the City Manager’s designee and, if need be, may be changed as required.
Grading and digging on the lots by persons other than City employees may be done only under the direction of the City Manager’s designee.
All graves will be sodded level. No mounding will be allowed on any grave.
Unauthorized Work by Cemetery Employees.
The employees of the cemetery are not permitted to perform any extra work for lot owners except at the direction of the City Manager’s designee.
Ornamental Appurtenances.
No trellises, baskets, boxes, shells, toys, crockery, glassware or other objects are permitted on any lot or grave space, unless specifically authorized by the City Manager’s designee. The City is not responsible for any such items and they may be removed by cemetery personnel for maintenance.
American Flags Allowed.
American flags of small or memorial size may be displayed in any part of the entire cemetery when flags are customarily displayed. The American flag is defined for this purpose as the flag of the United States of America.
Expense of Maintenance.
No expense for cleaning a monument necessitated by any cause whatsoever will be assumed by the cemeteries nor paid by the City.
The City shall not be responsible for scratching or chipping of any type of monument or marker resulting from routine maintenance of the cemetery.
Fences, Enclosures.
No fences, railings, copings or other enclosures shall be permitted around graves.
Artificial Flowers.
No plastic flowers, arrangements or wreaths shall be placed in the City cemeteries between April 15th and November 1st each year with the exception of 10 days before and after Memorial Day. On April 15th of each year and 10 days after Memorial Day, City crews will remove all plastic flowers, arrangements and wreaths from grave sites in the City cemeteries.
When placement is allowed, artificial flowers will be permitted in the City cemeteries only when placed in urns or other containers made of some durable material, excluding glass, pottery or other such material, which are permanently attached to the foundation base or marker. Urns or containers shall be placed and located so that they will not interfere with or hinder the mowing operations or other care required.
Artificial flowers, when placed in permanent containers and maintained as herein provided, will be allowed in the cemeteries at all times except during those periods as prescribed in this regulation.
Placement and Removal of Natural Flowers and Wreaths.
Natural flowers and floral arrangements may be placed or used throughout the year. These objects may be removed by the cemetery staff if the objects become injurious to the grass on the grave spaces, unsightly, dilapidated or if they hinder mowing operations or other care of the cemeteries.
Removal of Articles Considered Objectionable.
The City Manager’s designee may prohibit or remove from lots any article that the City Manager’s designee may consider objectionable.
(Ord. 4607, 10-16-13; amended during 2009 recodification; Adm. Reg. 1-99 § 30, 6-30-99)
Entrance into the cemeteries shall be through the designated entrance(s) only.
All persons are welcome to visit the cemeteries during the posted visiting hours while gates are open. Visitors shall at all times be orderly and shall not walk on flower beds or borders. Children shall not run at will in the cemeteries.
All persons are forbidden to pick or remove the flowers or plants without the City Manager’s designee’s permission, or to injure trees or shrubs on any lot or grave, or to injure or deface any monument, vault, structure or other property.
Litter is prohibited; litter, including but not limited to cigarette butts, must be disposed of in trash cans.
No persons with firearms shall enter the cemeteries except for military funerals or similar occasions, and any peace officer, sheriff or other law enforcement officer.
Pets are strictly prohibited, except for seeing eye or other physical assistance dogs, on the cemetery grounds; pets shall minimally be confined to vehicles but are generally discouraged from being taken to the cemeteries.
No driving or riding of any vehicle, bicycle or other conveyance shall be allowed on lots or upon the lawns or walks. Physical assistance conveyances are exempt from this provision. All persons driving in the cemeteries shall be responsible for any damage done by them. The speed limit in cemeteries is 10 miles per hour.
The cemeteries are devoted to the interment and repose of the dead. All persons shall show due respect and observe the ordinances, rules and regulations of the City for the use of the cemeteries.
The City cemeteries are not public forums; demonstrations, protests, parades, speeches or other forms of public activities are expressly forbidden in the City cemeteries. Educational activities may be allowed by the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee. Nothing shall be construed as prohibiting any funeral service or the uniformed services of the United States, the military forces of the State, or any Colorado law enforcement or fire organization, when the service is approved by the City and held for the purpose of interring remains or honoring the dead.
(Ord. 4607, 10-16-13; amended during 2009 recodification; Adm. Reg. 1-99 § 31, 6-30-99)