The 24 Road Corridor Design Standards provide development standards for public and private improvements in the 24 Road Corridor in order to implement the goals and objectives of the 24 Road Corridor Subarea Plan and to:
Establish a practical, interconnected system of streets, parks, and parkways that allows easy orientation and convenient access for all modes of transportation;
Utilize natural open spaces, such as creeks, and developed public spaces, streets, parks and parkways, to organize and coordinate development;
Accommodate a broad mix of development types that encourage alternative transportation, especially walking, and transit use;
Provide common usable open space that is of mutual benefit to surrounding property owners, businesses, and residents; and
Establish a pattern and character for the long-term evolution of the corridor.
Adherence to these standards and guidelines will ensure that public and private improvements in the 24 Road Corridor will be well planned and executed in a high quality manner, which were important goals established through the 24 Road Corridor Subarea Plan.
These standards supplement other development regulations in the Grand Junction Municipal Code. Where there is a conflict between this title and GJMC Title 21, Zoning and Development Code, the more restrictive standard shall apply.
View corridor along 24 Road highlights natural features
(Ord. 4719, 9-21-16)