Definition of Alarm.
As used in this section, an “alarm” means a signal from a system requiring the dispatch of a police officer.
User Fee for Alarms.
Any person using an alarm system shall pay to the City a fee as established by resolution of the City Council and on file in the City Clerk’s office for response to a place of business or home by members of its Police Department occasioned by an alarm from the system where such alarm exceeds the following:
One alarm in any 30-day period;
Two alarms in any 90-day period;
Three alarms in any 180-day period; or
Four alarms in any 360-day period;
provided, however, that any alarm caused by criminal activity shall not be considered an alarm under this section; and provided further, that any alarm occurring within 15 days after the installation of the system shall not be considered.
Collection Method.
The recovery of any sums owing, including court costs, attorney fees and expert fees, may be made through an action at law in addition to other remedies which may be available to the City.
(Code 1994 § 20-56; Code 1965 §§ 22-60 – 22-62)
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Alarm company
means any individual, partnership, corporation or company engaged in the business of selling, installing or maintaining alarm systems.
Installed alarm
means any fire, intrusion or holdup alarm signal that terminates in the Grand Junction Regional Communications Center and is monitored by dispatch personnel.
Installed alarm month
means any month in which an alarm is installed on or between the first day and the fifteenth day of the month, and the signal is monitored by dispatch personnel, which will be considered a full month.
Each alarm company will pay such sum as may be from time to time established by the City Council, by resolution, per installed alarm per month, to the Grand Junction Regional Communications Center for each alarm monitored by dispatch personnel.
Each alarm company will be billed on the first day of each calendar quarter, i.e., January 1st, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st. Each alarm company will pay the amount owed by the fifteenth day of the second month of each quarter, i.e., February 15th, May 15th, August 15th and November 15th. Any adjustments for nonpayments by, bad debts and disconnections of a company will be made on an individual basis by the Board of Directors of the Grand Junction Regional Communications Center.
(Code 1994 § 20-57; Code 1965 §§ 22-70, 22-71)
No installer may code a direct dial alarm system to any telephone without the express permission of the person to whose telephone it is to be coded. Direct dial alarm systems shall not be coded to call 911.
(Ord. 4493 § 2, 2011. Code 1994 § 10-56; Code 1965 § 22-50. Formerly 5.08.060.)
Every person maintaining an audible alarm shall post a notice containing the names and telephone numbers of the persons to be notified to render repairs or service and secure the premises during any hour of the day or night that the burglar alarm is actuated. Such notice shall be posted near the alarm in such a position as to be legible from the ground outside the building where the alarm system is located. Such requirement shall not apply to audible automobile alarms.
(Ord. 4493 § 2, 2011. Code 1994 § 10-57; Code 1965 § 22-51. Formerly 5.08.070.)