[Added 12-14-2022 by Ord. No. 2022:17]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Shall mean and include any motor driven, wheeled, and unlicensed or unregistered means of conveyance, including but not limited to mini bikes, trail bikes, unregistered or unlicensed motorcycles, motor scooters, go-karts, all-terrain vehicles and other recreational vehicles. This definition applies to such vehicles that are designed primarily for the transportation of the driver and does not apply to lawn mowers, tractors, farm, lawn or garden equipment electric assisted bicycles nor to vehicles expressly exempted from registration under Title 39 of the New Jersey Statutes.[1]
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 39:1-1 et seq.
Any person who shall own or keep an unlicensed motor-driven vehicle as defined in § 247-68 shall register such vehicle with the Police Department. The application for such registration shall include the following information: the name and address of the registrant and the year, serial number, horsepower, type, model and color of the vehicle being registered as well as proof the vehicle is insured. Each registrant shall pay the fee of $5 which shall be used to defray the costs of registration and display plate. Upon acceptance of the application and fee, the Police Department shall issue a display plate bearing the registration number, which plate shall be affixed to the front of the vehicle.
Registrants shall have 10 days from the effective date of the acquisition of such vehicle within which to register the vehicle. No person under 18 years of age may register any vehicle unless his or her parent or guardian consents in writing to such registration on the registration form to be provided.
In the event ownership of the vehicle is transferred, the new owner shall register the vehicle pursuant to the terms of this section.
Any vehicle registered hereunder must be insured under the same limits as is required for motor vehicles under N.J.S.A. 39:6A-3.
It shall be unlawful to operate any unlicensed motor-driven vehicles within the Borough in the following circumstances:
Anywhere within the Borough as a group event where two or more such vehicles are being operated in close proximity.
On private property owned by a person other than the operator or the operator's immediate family without the express written permission which must be carried by the person so authorized while operating a motor-driven vehicle on another's property and such operator shall provide such authorization to an enforcement officer upon request.
On any public street.
On any public property owned by any governmental entity without express written permission to do so by the government entity owner, which written permission must be carried by the person so authorized while operating a motor-driven vehicle on public property and such operator shall provide such authorization to an enforcement office upon request.
Without any muffler device or with only a straight exhaust pipe, or with a muffler lacking interior baffle plates or other effective muffling device.
In a manner creating loud, unnecessary or unusual noise so as to disturb.
In a careless, reckless or negligent manner likely to endanger persons or property.
Without the operator or passenger thereon wearing a protective helmet of a type approved by the Director of the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission.
It shall be unlawful for the registrant, as described in § 247-69, to allow, permit or enable the registered vehicle to be used or operated by another in violation of this section.
The provisions of this article may be enforced by a police officer, the Borough Code Enforcement Officer or any other person designated by Borough Council.
Penalties for violations of this article shall be a fine not to exceed $500 and a fine of $1,000 for any subsequent violation within five years of the first violation. Additionally, the enforcement officer may immediately confiscate the unlicensed motor-driven vehicle used in violation of this article, said vehicle to be returned upon payment of any towing, removal and/or storage fees and upon payment of any fine, or upon the direction of the Court.