[Added 3-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-03]
This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Royal Oak Vinsetta Bridges Historic District Ordinance."
The purpose of this article is to provide for the preservation and/or rehabilitation of the Vinsetta Bridges Historic District comprised of property that runs along the Vinsetta Boulevard median from the Lawndale turnaround to the turnaround just before 12 Mile Road, including four bridges, the open space between them, and bookmarked by the turnarounds on Vinsetta Boulevard, in the City of Royal Oak, Michigan, containing 126,275 square feet or 2.90 acres, more specifically described as:
A Parcel Of Land Being A Part Of Vinsetta Boulevard (150' Wide) Of Vinsetta Park Subdivision As Recorded In Uber 12 Of Plats, On Page 30, Oakland County Records Being Part Of Section 16, Town 1 North, Range 11 East, Royal Oak Township (Now City), Oakland County, Michigan And Being More Particularly Described As Follows: Commencing At The Northerly Corner Of Lot 142 Of Said Vinsetta Park Subdivision; Thence South 32 Degrees 53 Minutes 00 Seconds West, 146.20 Feet Along The Westerly Line Of Said Lot 142 To The Westerly Corner Of Said Lot 142; Thence North 61 Degrees 18 Minutes 12 Seconds West, 45.48 Feet To The Point Of Beginning; Thence 22.14 Feet Along The Arc Of A Curve To The Right, Having A Radius Of 13.84 Feet, A Central Angle Of 91 Degrees 36 Minutes 51 Seconds, And A Chord Bearing And Distance Of South 76 Degrees 32 Minutes 40 Seconds West, 19.85 Feet; Thence North 66 Degrees 12 Minutes 38 Seconds West, 19.45 Feet; Thence 29.87 Feet Along The Arc Of A Curve To The Right, Having A Radius Of 15.43 Feet, A Central Angle Of 110 Degrees 54 Minutes 35 Seconds, And A Chord Bearing And Distance Of North 22 Degrees 43 Minutes 03 Seconds West, 25.42 Feet; Thence North 32 Degrees 25 Minutes 18 Seconds East, 427.94 Feet; Thence North 32 Degrees 19 Minutes 11 Seconds East, 43.47 Feet; Thence North 31 Degrees 03 Minutes 56 Seconds East, 58.50 Feet; Thence 262.47 Feet Along The Arc Of A Curve To The Left, Having A Radius Of 1044.67 Feet, A Central Angle Of 14 Degrees 23 Minutes 43 Seconds, And A Chord Bearing And Distance Of North 20 Degrees 59 Minutes 15 Seconds East, 261.78 Feet; Thence North 13 Degrees 40 Minutes 18 Seconds East, 47.06 Feet; Thence North 14 Degrees 24 Minutes 59 Seconds East, 41.28 Feet; Thence North 12 Degrees 40 Minutes 55 Seconds East, 123.79 Feet; Thence 148.70 Feet Along The Arc Of A Curve To The Left, Having A Radius Of 611.11 Feet, A Central Angle Of 13 Degrees 56 Minutes 31 Seconds, And A Chord Bearing And Distance Of North 05 Degrees 47 Minutes 58 Seconds East, 148.34 Feet; Thence North 05 Degrees 16 Minutes 46 Seconds West, 37.94 Feet; Thence North 07 Degrees 55 Minutes 24 Seconds West, 61.99 Feet; Thence North 04 Degrees 32 Minutes 29 Seconds West, 29.58 Feet; Thence 142.66 Feet Along The Arc Of A Curve To The Right, Having A Radius Of 384.24 Feet, A Central Angle Of 21 Degrees 16 Minutes 23 Seconds, And A Chord Bearing And Distance Of North 12 Degrees 47 Minutes 37 Seconds East, 141.85 Feet; Thence North 23 Degrees 56 Minutes 57 Seconds East, 97.81 Feet; Thence North 27 Degrees 45 Minutes 51 Seconds East, 44.81 Feet; Thence North 29 Degrees 04 Minutes 09 Seconds East, 44.57 Feet; Thence North 29 Degrees 41 Minutes 41 Seconds East, 360.90 Feet; Thence North 31 Degrees 22 Minutes 08 Seconds East, 40.53 Feet; Thence 37.62 Feet Along The Arc Of A Curve To The Right, Having A Radius Of 39.00 Feet, A Central Angle Of 55 Degrees 15 Minutes 43 Seconds, And A Chord Bearing And Distance Of North 62 Degrees 12 Minutes 52 Seconds East, 36.18 Feet; Thence 26.60 Feet Along The Arc Of A Curve To The Right, Having A Radius Of 37.39 Feet, A Central Angle Of 40 Degrees 45 Minutes 47 Seconds, And A Chord Bearing And Distance Of South 60 Degrees 35 Minutes 45 Seconds East, 26.04 Feet; Thence 39.96 Feet Along The Arc Of A Curve To The Right, Having A Radius Of 33.64 Feet, A Central Angle Of 68 Degrees 04 Minutes 32 Seconds, And A Chord Bearing A Distance Of South 04 Degrees 08 Minutes 06 Seconds East, 37.65 Feet; Thence South 30 Degrees 18 Minutes 15 Seconds West, 405.36 Feet; Thence South 30 Degrees 46 Minutes 24 Seconds West, 38.50 Feet; Thence South 30 Degrees 09 Minutes 42 Seconds West, 99.84 Feet; Thence 137.28 Feet Along The Arc Of A Curve To The Left, Having A Radius Of 199.87 Feet, A Central Angle Of 39 Degrees 21 Minutes 12 Seconds, And A Chord Bearing And Distance Of South 14 Degrees 43 Minutes 40 Seconds West, 134.60 Feet; Thence South 05 Degrees 13 Minutes 14 Seconds East, 59.65 Feet; Thence South 06 Degrees 05 Minutes 09 Seconds East, 51.81 Feet; Thence South 00 Degrees 35 Minutes 35 Seconds West, 31.72 Feet; Thence 245.32 Feet Along The Arc Of A Curve To The Right, Having A Radius Of 1500.67 Feet, A Central Angle Of 09 Degrees 21 Minutes 59 Seconds, And A Chord Bearing And Distance Of South 05 Degrees 16 Minutes 19 Seconds West, 245.05 Feet; Thence South 10 Degrees 37 Minutes 42 Seconds West, 43.35 Feet; Thence South 12 Degrees 02 Minutes 44 Seconds West, 63.94 Feet; Thence South 12 Degrees 11 Minutes 29 Seconds West, 17.73 Feet; Thence 347.15 Feet Along The Arc Of A Curve To The Right, Having A Radius Of 1216.67 Feet, A Central Angle Of 16 Degrees 20 Minutes 53 Seconds, And A Chord Bearing And Distance Of South 23 Degrees 52 Minutes 24 Seconds West, 345.97 Feet; Thence South 32 Degrees 56 Minutes 55 Seconds West, 51.45 Feet; Thence South 32 Degrees 51 Minutes 42 Seconds West, 425.14 Feet To The Point Of Beginning.
The GPS coordinates of the four bridges are: Bridge #1:
Mayfield N 042 29.981 W 083 09.775
Bridge #2: Greenleaf N 042 30.021 W 083 09.737
Bridge #3: Woodsboro N 042 30.096 W 083 09.723
Bridge #4: Cedar Hill N 042 30.154 W 083 09.704
The Royal Oak City Commission determines that the property described above is eligible for local historic designation under the guidelines established by City of Royal Oak Code of Ordinances, Chapter 82, Historic Preservation.
The Royal Oak City Commission hereby designates the property described in § 82-110 as a historic district pursuant to City of Royal Oak Code of Ordinances, Chapter 82, Historic Preservation.
The owners of the properties or portions of the properties described in § 82-110 are required to apply for and obtain a certificate of appropriateness before commencing any work in the historic site. Provided however, that all public and/or semipublic bodies with public utilities within the Vinsetta Boulevard right-of-way are exempted from the need to seek a certificate of appropriateness from the Royal Oak Historic District Commission for any maintenance, repair, replacement, of other work on such utilities, or for routine maintenance of trees and other plant material. When considering an application, the Historic District Commission will be guided by the standards for rehabilitation set forth by the United States Secretary of the Interior at 26 CFR Part 67 and the City of Royal Oak Code of Ordinances § 82-14 et seq.