No person or persons shall hereafter demolish any residential or commercial building or structure, within the limits of the City of Lubbock, Texas, unless said person shall, before demolition, secure a permit to do so from the building official. All such demolition projects shall comply with the provisions of this article, as well as section 3303 of the International Building Code adopted pursuant to article 28.09 of this chapter.
(1983 Code, sec. 6-70; Ordinance 2005-O0140, sec. 1, adopted 12/15/2005; Ordinance 2024-O0034 adopted 3/26/2024)
Demolition permits shall be obtained by a registered, insured contractor, or other person authorized to perform the work in accordance with section 28.04.001. Demolition permit fees shall be the minimum permit fee.
(1983 Code, sec. 6-71; Ordinance 2005-O0140, sec. 1, adopted 12/15/2005; Ordinance 2024-O0034 adopted 3/26/2024)
The demolition contractor or person performing such work shall take the following actions at the demolition site:
Provide protection of pedestrians during demolition as required by section 3303 of the International Building Code.
Coordinate with the appropriate utility companies to disconnect and make safe all sources of electricity, water, fuel gas and sanitary sewer. Sanitary sewer outlets shall be capped or otherwise secured from rainwater infiltration.
Provide proper and adequate safeguards to the public, employees and adjoining property during demolition and lot clearing activities, including obtaining street barricade permits where necessary for protection of vehicular traffic.
Fill all open excavations with clean fill dirt (no rubble or trash to be used).
Reestablish lot grades to convey stormwater runoff to the street, alley, or other approved conveyance without ponding and without directing stormwater runoff onto other private property.
Clear the lot of all trash, rubbish, building debris, dead shrubbery, tree limbs, etc.
In coordination with the appropriate department or franchise utility, repair all damage to public improvements incurred during the demolition activities, including, but not limited to, street surfaces, curb and gutter, sidewalks, driveway approaches, utility lines, signposts, drainage structures, etc.
(1983 Code, sec. 6-72; Ordinance 2005-O0140, sec. 1, adopted 12/15/2005; Ordinance 2024-O0034 adopted 3/26/2024)