[Adopted 2-27-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-OR-006]
The owner of any building or structure within the following categories shall be required to install on any building or structure, at the direction of the Fire Official or his or her designee, where it is determined to be necessary to guarantee access for emergency equipment: hotels, motels, or multiple dwellings that are occupied throughout the day or night and have common corridors to living units or spaces; properties that utilize a locked gate to control vehicle access; structures protected by an automatic alarm system or automatic fire-suppression system; elevator-equipped buildings; or any structure deemed by the Fire Official or his or her designee as difficult to access due to secured openings.
Approval of system type; keys to be provided. Prior to installation the owner of the building or structure shall receive approval from the Fire Official, or his or her designee, for the type of key lock box to be installed. At the direction of the Fire Official, or his or her designee, the owner shall provide keys for the following areas: master keys or key cards for the building or structure; boiler rooms; sprinkler rooms and control valves; fire alarm control panels; electrical rooms; elevators and elevator control rooms; and such other rooms or doors where entry by the Fire Department may be required.
Additional materials as deemed necessary. The Fire Official, or his or her designee, may require that in addition to keys, the owner store within the key lock box combination access codes for locks and doors, as well as material data sheets, emergency contact numbers and other pertinent information as may be determined to be necessary to address emergencies.
Maintenance of keys and information. The owner of each building and structure that is required to maintain a key lock box shall be required to maintain updated keys and documents for all locks.
Compliance. Any new building or structure that is required to have a key lock box shall have one installed and operational prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. An existing building or structure that is required to have a key lock box shall have one installed and operational within 30 days of receiving notice from the Fire Official, or his or her designee.
[Added 2-27-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-OR-010]
The manager, owner, tenant, or person responsible for a building or structure shall immediately notify the Fire Department upon any of the following occurrences: activation of a fire alarm; the presence of smoke; an explosion or fire; activation of a fire protection system, and or spillage or leakage of any hazardous or flammable material, and shall cause the building or structure to be immediately evacuated upon the order of the Fire or EMS Chief, Fire Official, or Incident Commander, or their designees.
[Added 2-27-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-OR-007]
The owner of a commercial property or multifamily complex, or the owner's agent or designee, is prohibited from clearing or resetting an activated fire alarm system until authorization has been received from a member of the Fire Department or Bureau of Fire Prevention.
[Added 2-27-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-OR-009]
For the purpose of assuring that emergency personnel arriving at the scene of a fire or other emergency can immediately identify access routes to each unit within a commercial building, the owner of a multitenant commercial property shall identify each rear exterior door to a unit with a minimum of four-inch letters of contrasting colors stating the business name and the unit number.
Immediately upon a change in tenant the business name shall be updated.
[Added 2-27-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-OR-008]
The property owner, or tenant renting the property, when starting an outdoor fire, must observe the following guidelines:
Outdoor fires must be located at a distance of no less than 10 feet of any property line and 10 feet of any combustible structure, including, but not limited to, dwellings, garages, sheds, decks and fences.
Outdoor fires utilized for cooking must be contained in a metal grill, or other enclosed structure, so that any flame remains contained within the metal grill or enclosed structure.
Outdoor fires utilized for recreational purposes must be contained in a manufactured device and utilized strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements, or in a noncombustible stone, brick, tile or metal fire pit with mesh safety/spark screen cover of no more than three feet in diameter, each being designed for such purpose.
Outdoor fires must be accompanied by a functioning fire extinguisher or garden hose connected to an unlimited water source to extinguish the fire.
Fuel used for outdoor fires shall be limited to seasoned fire wood, natural gas or propane. Flammable/combustible liquids, garbage, rubber, plastics, yard waste, green wood, leaves, or soft wood, such as pine and cedar, may not be burned outdoors to prevent unnecessary smoke and odor, and to assure that the fire remains under control.
Flames may not exceed two feet at any time, and if smoke should travel to an adjacent property, the fire must be extinguished immediately.
Residential outdoor fires must be supervised at all times by the property owner or tenant who started the fire through its extinguishment.
The Fire Chief, Director of Public Safety, Fire Official, Code Enforcement Officer, or any of their designees, may require that a residential outdoor fire be extinguished if he/she determines that the outdoor fire constitutes a hazardous condition in violation of these regulations.
The Fire Chief, or Fire Official, may prohibit all outdoor fires within the Township when the presence of an outdoor fire threatens the public health due to weather or other local conditions.
[Added 2-27-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-OR-008]
A property owner, or tenant, who is found to be in violation of any of the regulations in Article III, shall upon conviction be subject to a minimum fine of $100 for a first offense, and for any subsequent violation be subject to the imposition of a penalty in accordance with the general penalty provisions in Code § 1-18.