This chapter may be cited as the "Municipality of Monroeville
Zoning Ordinance."
This chapter shall take effect on November 14, 2023.
Words used in a special sense in this chapter are defined in Article
II, Terminology.
The Key Community Goals and Growth Management Objectives, which
are the basis for the provisions of this chapter, are set forth in
the Municipality of Monroeville Comprehensive Plan, adopted January
10, 2006. The Monroeville Comprehensive Plan provides a focused vision
for guiding the future, as well as a strategic action plan for the
implementation of the Key Community Goals and Growth Management Objectives
and defines the intent of this chapter. The objectives are adopted
as a statement of legislative findings and may be used in evaluating
any proposed additions or deletions to this chapter. In addition to
the Comprehensive Plan, the Municipality has also entered into a Joint
"Implementable Comprehensive Plan" with Churchill Borough and Wilkins
Township; adopted an "Active Transportation Plan" and "Streetscape
Plan." These documents (and their subsequent revisions and amendments)
should also be referenced when considering development within Monroeville.
A. Land use. To address and encourage the revitalization and reuse of
the older commercial and residential infill areas while protecting
the integrity of the undeveloped land. The creation and implementation
of land use plans shall seek to achieve the foregoing objectives and
(1) Achieve the purpose for which each zoning district is intended, as
stated in each article of this chapter;
(2) Avoid incompatible land use if possible and protect against the detrimental
effect of incompatible land uses through planting, open space and
natural breaks in topography;
(3) Concentrate development where possible to prevent sprawl, conserve
open space and make full use of utilities and services;
(4) Regulate uses and development in floodplains which, acting alone
or in combination with other uses and development, may cause unacceptable
increases in flood heights, velocities and frequencies;
(5) Restrict and prohibit certain uses, activities, and development from
locating within areas subject to flooding;
(6) Require all those uses, activities, and developments that occur in
floodplains to be protected and floodproofed against flooding and
flood damage;
(7) Protect individuals from buying lands and structures, which are unsuited
for intended purposes because of flood hazards; and
(8) Create mixed use districts that combine commercial, retail and residential
B. Community development. To maintain a balance between residential
and commercial development, in order to preserve Monroeville's
unique sense of community and quality of life. The provision of the
necessary infrastructure of utilities and transportation arteries
shall be pursued by:
(1) The extension of the municipal improvements of water lines, storm
and sanitary sewers and roads, and their improvement where economically
feasible to guide and promote development; and
(2) The encouragement of public utilities to improve and extend services
consistent with the objectives set forth herein.
C. Housing and neighborhood quality. To preserve and enhance the strong
residential base and mix of housing types while promoting increased
pedestrian access, park and recreation opportunities throughout the
community. The provision of safe, adequate and attractive housing
for the entire population of the community shall be pursued by:
(1) The provision of a wide range of housing density alternatives and
a mix of housing types, correlating residential density and housing
type with topography, environmental conditions, and the capacity of
and distance from existing and proposed utilities, streets and community
(2) The removal of dilapidated housing, the rehabilitation of deteriorating
housing, the maintenance of sound housing and the development of new
housing; and
(3) The promotion of an attractive residential environment through the
implementation of the other objectives set forth herein.
D. Community facilities and services. To ensure that municipal administration,
services, and facilities are provided and coordinated in an efficient
and effective manner to meet the changing needs of the community;
to provide recreational and community facilities. The provision of
recreational and community facilities shall be pursued by:
(1) The creation of outdoor and indoor recreational facilities to accommodate
the existing and future population;
(2) The promotion of schools and parks in close proximity to each other
to decrease duplication of services and to provide the greatest value
for public expenditures;
(3) The promotion of acquisition or dedication of natural open space
for park and recreational purposes;
(4) The provision of residential areas with adequate commercial, governmental,
recreational and educational facilities; and
(5) The preservation of historical landmarks.
E. Transportation. To improve the safe flow of traffic and reduce the
overall traffic congestion while encouraging multiple modes of public/private
transportation in the Municipality. The "Active Transportation Plan"
(adopted by Resolution No. 19-54 by the Municipality on September
10, 2019) helps to illustrate various options and the future vision
for travelling throughout the Municipality. The provision of the necessary
infrastructure of utilities and transportation arteries shall be pursued
(1) Traffic planning and control which will provide safe, rapid and convenient
movement of people and goods within and through the Municipality,
with a separation of through and local traffic, provision for pedestrians,
and minimal disruption of existing and proposed development patterns
and community integrity.
F. Economic development. To market the Municipality's location
advantage and encourage a desirable business environment while promoting
diversified employment opportunities. The "Implementable Comprehensive
Plan," which was adopted by Churchill Borough, the Municipality of
Monroeville and Wilkins Township, is a guide to show how neighboring
communities can work in unison to achieve desirable economic goals
(Monroeville Resolution No. 18-16, March 23, 2018).
(1) The promotion of balanced economic growth and employment opportunities;
(2) Increase property values, employment opportunities, and the economic
base of the community;
(3) The concentration of commercial and industrial uses in the areas
where streets and utilities can provide the necessary services and
where conflicts with other uses can be minimized through site design
and transitional provisions; and
(4) The implementation of the other objectives set forth herein.
G. Route 22 business corridor. To develop a new downtown, by phasing
in landscaped development blocks; evolving away from the strip center
orientation and moving towards storefront retail in a well-designed
and maintained environment.
H. Environment. To continue to protect environmentally sensitive areas
as well as support the preservation and expansion of green spaces
within the Municipality. The preservation and improvement of the environment
shall be pursued by:
(1) Preserving and improving the natural environment;
(2) The elimination of visual and physical blight such as overhead utility
lines, concentrations of signs of excessive size and proximity, large
expanses of unbroken pavement and dilapidated structures;
(3) The preservation of natural topography and wooded steep slopes, including
the limiting of hillside development beyond a reasonable gradient,
and the control of floodplains and watersheds;
(4) The reclamation of derelict land; and
(5) The municipal acquisition of and the promotion of dedication of natural
open space and wooded steep slopes, in order to link the existing
and proposed park sites and neighborhoods and to prevent ecological
problems resulting from extensive cut and fill necessary to develop
wooded steep slopes.
A map entitled "Monroeville Zoning District Map" is hereby adopted
as part of this chapter. The Zoning Map shall be kept on file for examination in
the offices of the Department of Community Development in the Monroeville
Municipal Center.
No structure shall be located, erected, constructed, reconstructed,
moved, altered, converted, or enlarged, nor shall any structure or
land be altered or used, except in full compliance with all the provisions
of this chapter and after the lawful issuance of all permits and certificates
required by this chapter.
If any provision of this chapter or the application of any provision
to particular circumstances is held to be invalid, the remainder of
the chapter or the application of such provision to other circumstances
shall not be affected. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause,
phrase or word of this chapter is for any reason held illegal or invalid
by any court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be deemed
a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall
not render the remainder of this chapter invalid.
The provisions of this chapter shall be held to be the minimum
requirements for the protection of the health, safety, morals and
general welfare of the residents and those who work and visit the
Municipality of Monroeville.
All applicable ordinances, statutes, regulations, codes and
resolutions shall be subject to amendments.
All ordinances, including Ordinance No. 1443 and all amendments
thereto, or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of
this chapter are hereby repealed.