[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Koshkonong 4-1-2024. Amendments noted where applicable.]
A self-propelled vehicle that is four-wheeled, powered by an electric or gas motor, designed and manufactured to carry two golfers and their equipment for operation on a golf course for recreational purposes, and whose speed attainable in one mile is not more than 20 miles per hour on a paved, level surface. A golf cart is not a low-speed vehicle.
A self-propelled vehicle that is four-wheeled whose speed attainable in one mile is more than 20 miles per hour and not more than 25 miles per hour on a paved, level surface and whose gross vehicle weight rating is less than 2,500 pounds.
The physical manipulation or activation of any of the controls of a golf cart necessary to put it in motion.
A person owning or operating a golf cart.
Any Township road, street, or highway located within the Township boundaries designed to accommodate motor vehicles. State and county public roads, streets and highways are excluded.
Exceptions. The operation of golf carts under the following circumstances is authorized notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter under the following circumstances:
The operation of golf carts at golf courses, private clubs or on private property, with the consent of the owner.
The operation of golf carts during a parade, a festival or other special event, provided the consent of the sponsor is obtained.
The provisions of Wis. Stats. § 349.18, as it may be subsequently amended, pertaining to the operation of golf carts is hereby adopted by reference and made part of this chapter as if fully set forth herein.
The operation of a golf cart on Township public roads is permitted on roads with a speed limit of 25 miles per hour or less.
The operation of a golf cart is permitted on Koshkonong Mounds Road and Koshkonong Lake Road for the purpose of traveling to and from the Koshkonong Mounds Country Club. Those operating golf carts for such permitted travel shall cross roads as permitted at the designated intersections of Old 26 Road/River Trail Pass to Koshkonong Mounds Road.
The operation of a golf cart is prohibited on:
State highways;
County highways;
Township public roads other than those listed in Subsections A and B above.
Township sidewalks and multi-use paths; and
Township parks and conservancies.
Golf carts shall not be operated on Township public roads, except in full compliance with the provisions of this section.
The operator has a valid driver's license. A learner's permit shall not be considered as a valid driver's license nor shall any license that has been revoked, temporary or otherwise, or suspended, for any reason, be considered as a valid driver's license during the period of suspension or revocation.
The operator shall have in effect a liability insurance policy with respect to the golf cart which satisfies all of the same requirements set forth in Wis. Stats. § 344.62, as may be amended from time to time, for the operation of a motor vehicle. The operator of the golf cart shall display proof of the insurance required under this subsection upon demand from any traffic officer.
The operator and passenger(s) are seated at all times in the designed and manufactured golf cart seats. The seating capacity of the golf cart as manufactured shall not be exceeded.
The operator and passenger(s) comply with all state traffic and motor vehicle regulations.
The brakes provided by the manufacturer of the golf cart shall be in proper working order.
The golf cart shall be equipped with the following minimum safety requirements:
One operating headlight, having at least a 55-watt halogen, or equal, bulb on the front fender; and
Two red reflectors at least one and one-half inches in height and three inches in width.
The golf cart shall be equipped with the standard safety features provided by the manufacturer in operating condition and shall not have been modified to exceed a speed of 20 miles per hour, nor otherwise modified in any way that creates a hazard.
The golf cart shall be prohibited from parking on public rights-of-way.
Commercial purposes. Golf carts may not be used as a taxicab or bus or for the commercial carrying of passengers or the hauling of freight.
Towing. Golf carts may not be used for the purpose of towing another cart, trailer or vehicle of any kind, including a person on roller skates, skateboard, or bicycle.
Violations of this chapter shall constitute a noncriminal violation enforceable by all duly authorized law enforcement officers of the Town of Koshkonong.
If any person shall violate this chapter, he or she shall be guilty of a forfeiture and shall be fined in the amount set forth in the deposit schedule adopted by the Town Board from time to time.
Disclaimer. Golf carts are not designed for nor manufactured to be operated on public streets and the Township neither advocates nor endorses the golf cart as a safe means to travel on public streets, roads, and highways. The Town of Koshkonong shall not be liable for accidents, injuries or death involving the operation of a golf cart on public roads.
Assumption of risk. Any person who owns, operates, or rides upon a golf cart on a public road within the Township does so at his or her own risk and peril and assumes all liability resulting from the operation of the golf cart.