The Office of Municipal Clerk is hereby established.
There shall be a Municipal Clerk appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Borough Council. The term of office of the Clerk shall be three (3) years which shall run from January 1 in the year in which the Clerk was appointed in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:9-133.
No person shall be appointed as Municipal Clerk unless he or she shall have a registered Municipal Clerk Certificate issued, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-133.
The Clerk shall be granted tenure in office upon reappointment after having held the position of municipal clerk for a period of three consecutive years provided that the clerk shall hold a certificate as a registered municipal clerk.
The Municipal Clerk shall:
Serve as Clerk of the Council, attend all meetings of the Council and of Council Committees when required by the Chairman and shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Council and of the Committees. The minutes of each meeting of the Council shall be signed by the Clerk who shall retain the original copies of all ordinances and resolutions;
Act as secretary of the municipal corporation and custodian of the municipal seal and of all minutes, books, deeds, bonds, contracts, and archival records of the municipal corporation. The Borough Council may, however, provide by ordinance that any other specific officer shall have custody of any specific other class of record;
Serve as the chief administrative officer in all elections held in the Borough;
Serve as chief registrar of voters in the Borough,
Serve as the administrative officer responsible for the acceptance of applications for licenses and permits and the issuance of licenses and permits, except where statute or ordinance has delegated that responsibility to some other Borough officer;
Serve as coordinator and records manager responsible for implementing local archives and records retention programs;
Cause the corporate seal of the Borough to be affixed to instruments and writings when authorized by ordinance or resolution of the Council or when necessary to exemplify any document on record in his office, or to certify any act or paper which from the records in his office shall appear to have been a public act of the Borough or a public document;
Serve as Registrar of Vital Statistics;
Be the depository for and the custodian of all official surety bonds furnished by or on account of any officer or employee, except his own bond which shall be placed in the custody of the treasurer; of all insurance policies on or with respect to risks insured for the benefit of the Borough or to protect it against any claim, demand or liability; and all formal contractors for work, labor, services, supplies, equipment and materials to which the Borough may be a party;
Be the depository for and the custodian of all performance bonds running to the Borough as obligee, or any other form of security given by a contractor, subdivision developer or other persons on account of work done or to be done in or for the Borough;
Have custody of all leases of property owned by the Borough;
Report to the Council annually, at such times as the Council may require, on the coverage, expiration date and premium of each surety bond and contract of insurance; the nature and terms of outstanding leases, the rent reserved by each and their respective expiration dates;
Perform such other duties as are now or hereafter imposed by Statute, regulation or ordinance.
The Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Borough Council, may also appoint a Deputy Municipal Clerk to assist the Municipal Clerk with the completion of his or her powers and duties.