There is hereby continued a Department of Administration and Finance. This Department shall be responsible to provide the administrative leadership for the City; to oversee all City departments; to operate such offices established within the Department; to support and assist all elected officials, boards and commissions of the City; and to provide sound financial and fiscal operations for the City budget and finances, as well as all other duties, powers, and responsibilities as required by the Home Rule Charter, City ordinances, Administrative Code, and directive of the City Council. This Department shall be headed by the City Administrator, who shall be appointed as set forth in the Home Rule Charter.
The following offices are within the Department of Administration and Finance:
Deputy City Administrator. The City Administrator is authorized to appoint Deputy City Administrators to assist in the daily operation of the City. The Deputy City Administrators shall serve under the direction of the City Administrator and shall perform all duties as assigned by the City Administrator.
[Amended 12-20-2017 by Res. No. 12062; 2-21-2024 by Res. No. 12971]
Office of the Building Code Official. This office shall be responsible to enforce the City Building Code and all applicable ordinances and all other duties as assigned by the City Administrator.
Office of Property Maintenance Code Enforcement. This office shall be responsible to enforce the City Property Maintenance Code, the City Rental Property Inspection/Licensing Ordinances,[1] and all other applicable ordinances, and all other duties as assigned by the City Administrator.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 370, Property Maintenance, and Ch. 378, Rental Property, Art. I, Registration.
Office of the Zoning Officer. This office shall be responsible to enforce the City Zoning Ordinance[2] and to administratively support the City Zoning Hearing Board and all other duties as assigned by the City Administrator.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 480, Zoning.
Emergency Management Agency. This office shall be responsible for all aspects of emergency coordination with county, state and federal emergency management agencies and shall serve as the point coordinator during emergencies declared by the Mayor as set forth in the Home Rule Charter and as directed by the City Administrator.
Office of the Recycling Coordinator. This office shall be responsible for the preparation of all required City recycling reports; collection of required commercial recycling reports; enforcement of the Recycling Ordinance[3] and applicable ordinances and regulations; preparation and administration of recycling grants; public and commercial recycling education; assisting the Department of Streets and Sanitation with the City recycling program.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 412, Art. I, Recycling.
Administrative clerks. The City Administrator shall direct all City clerks authorized and appropriated to the Department of Administration and Finance.
City Hall janitor. The City Administrator shall direct or shall cause to be directed the operations of the City Hall janitor.
Employee Safety Committee. Pursuant to Resolution No. 11299, adopted on September 19, 2012, there is hereby established an Employee Safety Committee as follows:
To promote the safety of staff members of the government of the City of Pittston, there is hereby established a Worker's Safety Committee, under the direction of the City Administrator.
The Committee shall be comprised of at least one member from the Police Department, Fire Bureau, Streets and Sanitation Department and Administration and Finance Department. The Police Chief, Fire Chief, Street Department Superintendent and the City Administrator shall each appoint a member of their respective Departments to the Worker's Safety Committee. The City Administrator or their designee shall also serve on the Committee. The City Administrator may appoint additional staff members to the Committee as deemed prudent, but the total number of Committee members shall remain an odd number to prevent tie votes associated with the work of the Committee.
No member of the Worker's Safety Committee shall receive additional compensation for serving on the Committee. Meetings will be scheduled during normal business hours.
The Committee shall meet regularly as prescribed by the City Administrator, and minutes of all meetings will be maintained on file. The City Administrator may designate a member of the administrative staff to administer the Committee on the City Administrator's behalf.
No provision of this subsection shall be construed to affect the right of any employee, officer or official of the City of Pittston with regard to applicable workers' compensation insurance laws or affect the provisions of any collective bargaining agreement.
[4]Comptroller. The Administration Department includes the City Comptroller as established in Pittston City Code Chapter 61, Officers and Employees, Article V.
[Added 1-20-2021 by Res. No. 12516]
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection J, St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee, added 3-18-2015 by Res. No. 11698, was repealed 12-20-2017 by Res. No. 12062.
Right to Know Officer. The Administration Department includes the Right to Know Officer as set forth in Chapter 61, Officers and Employees, Article III.
[Added 12-21-2015 by Res. No. 11810]
Sewage Enforcement Officer. The Administration Department includes the City Sewage Enforcement Officer, as appointed by law (Pittston City Code Chapter 61, Officers and Employees, Article VI), whose responsibility is to enforce Pittston City Code Chapter 386, Sewers and Sewage Disposal.
[Added 1-20-2021 by Res. No. 12516]
Chief Financial Officer. The City Administrator is authorized to appoint a Chief Financial Officer who will assist in the daily operation of the finances of the City, including but not limited to budgeting, financial management and operations, auditing, debt management and administering Pittston City Code Chapter 23, Budget, Financial and Debt Management Policy.
[Added 2-21-2024 by Res. No. 12971]
Floodplain Administrator. The Administration Department includes the City Floodplain Administrator as appointed pursuant to Pittston City Code Chapter 270, Floodplain Management.
[Added 2-21-2024 by Res. No. 12971]
Staffing of the offices within the Department of Administration and Finance shall be as set by the City Administrator pursuant to the Home Rule Charter, Administrative Code, applicable ordinances and as appropriated for within the annual approved budget. The City Administrator shall determine appropriate staffing levels for these positions, which may include combining offices and functions and/or maintaining vacancies as may be required by current operational needs and to adhere to appropriations.