[Adopted 4-19-2022 by Ord. No. 1-22]
The purpose of this article is to protect the natural deer herd of Price County from the spread of chronic wasting disease through regulation of captive cervids farms and hunting ranches in Price County. This article has been created pursuant to County Board authority under Chs. 59 and 90, Wis. Stats.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Members of the Cervidae deer family (such as elk, moose and white-tailed deer).
A progressive, fatal prion disease of deer, elk, and moose that is characterized by weight loss, tremors, lack of coordination, drooling, excessive thirst, and listlessness.
A parcel of land in which the activity of breeding, raising, importing or exporting captive deer, elk or moose takes place.
An enclosed area consisting of at least 80 contiguous, unimpeded acres of land in which deer, elk or moose are hunted.
Adoption of standards. In addition to the Wisconsin Statutes and other state laws adopted, there is also adopted in its entirety Wisconsin Administrative Code § NR 16.45, entitled "Farm-raised deer; white-tailed deer, specifications," including all amendments to the same.
Compliance. All captive cervid operations in Price County, whether now existing at the time of enactment of this article, must comply with the fencing standards specified in Wisconsin Administrative Code, § NR 16.45.
The Price County Land Conservation and Zoning Administrator and Price County Animal Control Officer shall ensure captive cervid operations comply with all applicable fencing standards. Inspection of all captive cervids operations shall occur on at least an annual basis. A captive cervid operation may be inspected any time there is cause to believe a fence is not in compliance with standards or after a weather event that is known to have impact on fences within Price County.
In the event the Price County Land Conservation and Zoning Administrator or Price County Animal Control Officer determines that a fence is out of compliance with applicable fencing standards, either department may, but is not required to, send written notice to the landowner to correct the violation within a specified time period prior to Price County initiating enforcement action.
Price County retains the authority to proceed directly to enforcement through citation or the initiation of legal proceedings in the event any fence is found not to comply with applicable fencing standards.
Adoption of standards. In addition to the Wisconsin Statutes and other state laws adopted, there is also adopted in its entirety Wisconsin Administrative Code, Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (ATCP) §§ 10.53 (Farm-raised deer; chronic wasting disease herd status program") and 10.56 (Moving farm-raised deer in Wisconsin"), including all amendments to the same.
Importation requirements. Importing into Price County via any means a live cervid that is to be housed in the County is prohibited unless all of the following provisions are complied with:
The animal comes from a herd enrolled in the Herd Status Program as specified in Wisconsin Administrative Code § ATCP 10.53.
The animal has a certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI) as specified in Wisconsin Administrative Code § ATCP 10.56(2) and (3).
An affidavit certifying cervid origin is submitted demonstrating the animal comes from a location that is not within 10 miles of where there is a documented case of a communicable disease in a wild or captive cervid recorded within five years prior to the animal being moved.
Submission of documentation. The documentation required per Subsection B(2), above, shall be submitted via certified mail to the Price County Clerk within 30 days of the date the live cervid(s) was (were) brought into Price County. The County Clerk shall then provide copies to the Land Conservation and Zoning Administrator and the Animal Control Officer.
This article will be enforced by the Price County Sheriff's Office and the Price County Land Conservation and Zoning Department.
Anyone causing, creating or maintaining a violation of this article shall be subject to a forfeiture as provided in Chapter 290 of the County Code, together with cost of prosecution.
[Added 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 2-23]
It shall be unlawful to be a habitual offender. If found to be a habitual offender, the court may order no animal ownership for a minimum period of three years, not to exceed 10 years.