[Ord. No. 24-048, 7-1-2024]
Administrative Approval Of A Minor Subdivision. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall appoint an officer and/or officers from the Department of Planning and Development to serve as their representative. The representative shall have the authority to approve a minor subdivision under the following circumstances upon the review and approval of the Commission Chairman or his/her designated representative.
Minor subdivisions shall be limited so that no more than three (3) tracts or parcels of land are created from the original tract of land (parent parcel), may be approved within a ten (10) year period other than a lot line adjustment. Once ten (10) years has passed from the recording date, those established new lots become parent parcels and may be considered for a minor subdivision;
A minor subdivision is proposed in a locality where conditions are well defined and public infrastructure exist on the property or can be extended to serve the property;
The proposed subdivision is compatible with the surrounding land uses and zoning classifications; and
The applicant follows the procedures for administrative approvals set forth in Section 410.390.
Administrative Denial. If the Commission's representative and/or Chairman finds that any of the above listed circumstances cannot be met, these representatives shall deny the request for minor subdivision approval and cause said application to be submitted for consideration at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission.
[Ord. No. 24-048, 7-1-2024]
Lot Splits. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall appoint an officer and/or officers from the Department of Planning and Development to serve as their representative. The representative shall have the authority to approve lot splits under the following circumstances upon the review and approval of the Commission Chairman or his/her designated representative:
The proposed lot split is part of a previously final platted and recorded subdivision, does not create more than three (3) lots of record and each recorded lot is less than ten (10) acres;
The proposed subdivision is in compliance with all other provisions of this Title and any other ordinances and regulations of the City of Ozark and no substandard tract, parcel or lot will be created;
The proposed lot split subdivision will not create any non-conforming lots within the zoning district that it is proposed;
The proposed lot split will not result in substantial increases in service requirements, e.g., utilities, traffic control, parks, schools, streets, etc., nor interfere with the maintenance of existing service levels, e.g., additional curb cuts, repaving, etc.;
The lot split is consistent with the surrounding area. In determining consistency, the size and dimension of lots previously developed, the layout and design of existing subdivisions and the degree of deviation from previous development shall be considered; and
A tract, parcel or lot of record may only be split once using the administrative approval process. If an applicant wishes to further subdivide a previous administratively approved subdivision, the Commission's representative shall deny the application.
Administrative Denial Of Lot Split. If the Commission's representative and/or Chairman finds that any of the above listed circumstances cannot be met, these representatives shall deny the request for lot split and cause said application to be submitted for consideration at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission.
[Ord. No. 24-048, 7-1-2024]
Administrative Lot Combinations. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall appoint an officer and/or officers from the Planning and Development Department to serve as their representative. The representative shall have the authority to approve lot combinations in which the configuration of the property is created by the assembly or combination of existing lots of record under the following circumstances upon review and approval of the Commission Chairman or his/her designated representative:
The proposed lot combination is in compliance with all other provisions of this Article and regulations of the City of Ozark and no substandard lot will be created; and
The proposed lot combination involves property within a residential zoning district; or
The proposed lot combination involves property within zoning districts other than residential and the following conditions have been satisfied:
Upon a finding by the representative that the proposed lot combination does not substantially increase the density of development or does not substantially increase demands on public infrastructure serving existing lots; or
The lot combination creates a new parcel that is consistent with the surrounding area. In determining consistency, the size and dimension of lots previously developed, the layout and design of existing subdivisions and/or development and the degree of deviation from previous development shall be considered.
Administrative Denial Of Lot Combination. If the Commission's representative and/or Chairman finds that any of the above listed circumstances cannot be met, these representatives shall deny the request for lot combination and cause said application to be submitted for consideration at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission.
[Ord. No. 24-048, 7-1-2024]
Administrative Property Line Adjustment. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall appoint an officer and/or officers from the Department of Planning and Development to serve as their representative. The representative shall have the authority to approve a property line adjustment under the following circumstances upon the review and approval of the Commission Chairman or his/her designated representative.
The proposed property line adjustment is in compliance with all other provisions of this Article, and regulations of the City of Ozark and no substandard lot will be created;
The property line adjustment is necessary to settle a property line dispute as determined by the appointed representative(s);
The property line adjustment is necessary to correct an encroachment of a structure on a property line as determined by the appointed representative(s);
The property line adjustment is necessary to meet the minimum requirements of this Article, the zoning ordinance or other applicable ordinances or regulations; or
The property line adjustment is requested by both property owners to adjust their common property line provided the adjustment causes no encroachment of either driveway or other structure.
Administrative Denial Of Lot Line Adjustment. If the Commission's representative and/or Chairman finds that any of the above listed circumstances cannot be met, these representatives shall deny the request for property line adjustment and cause said application to be submitted for consideration at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission.
[Ord. No. 24-048, 7-1-2024]
No yard or lot existing at the time of passage of this Chapter shall be reduced in size or area below the minimum requirements set forth herein, except for street widening. Yards or lots created after the effective date of this Chapter shall meet at least the minimum requirements established by this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 24-048, 7-1-2024]
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall appoint an officer and/or officers from the Department of Planning and Development to serve as their representative. The representative shall have the authority to approve a property description as a tract, parcel or lot of record under the following circumstances upon the review and approval of the Commission Chairman or his/her designated representative:
The property existed in its present configuration prior to its annexation into the City or prior to the adoption of this Section; and
The tract was lawful under this Chapter at the time the existing property description was recorded.
[Ord. No. 24-048, 7-1-2024]
Applicability. Site plans prepared and approved in accordance with the provisions of this Article are required to assist City administrative officials in ensuring compliance with all applicable requirements of this Article and to assist in the review of building permits. Whenever a site plan is required by Article VI of this Chapter, a building permit shall not be issued until the site plan is approved. If the site plan is submitted and included as part of the building permit package, a separate site application and submittal shall not be required.
Developments Requiring A Site Plan.
All development requests within the City of Ozark that propose a change to the current use of land and/or the enlargement of an existing structure or use shall comply with all requirements of this Chapter and all other development requirements with the City's most recently adopted codes and ordinances. (See Title V, Article X, Section 500.183 and City of Ozark Design Standards for Public Improvements.)
All developments within the City of Ozark that are not exempted by Subsection (C) and which are listed as permitted and conditional uses in zoning districts as specified in Article II of Chapter 405, "Use Regulations by Zoning District" and Article III of Chapter 405, "Supplemental Use Regulations" are required to submit site plans.
All developments proposed on property with an area of one (1) acre or larger are required to submit site plans.
Exemptions. The following uses and activities shall be exempt from the requirements of this Section:
Remodeling of a building or structure if no enlargement, expansion, demolition or structural modification is involved.
Deposit and contouring of fill on land, provided all other regulations of the City of Ozark are satisfied.
Site Plan Review Process.
For developments on property, the applicant shall submit an application and all required information to the Planning and Development Department for review. City staff and any applicable third-party reviewers shall review the site plan and submit a letter to the applicant indicating approval or denial, noting required modifications necessary for approval, within thirty (30) business days of application submittal. All administrative officials within departments potentially affected by the proposed project shall review the site plan to determine compliance with the applicable regulations of this Article and the standards established in Subsection (F). Upon completion of review, the City staff and third-party reviewers shall either approve the site plan or determine that the uniqueness of the project warrants further review and may cause the site plan to be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission at the next scheduled Commission meeting.
If City staff and third-party reviewers decline to approve the site plan or if they approved the site plan subject to certain modifications that are not acceptable to the applicant, the applicant may request review and determination by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The applicant shall submit a written request for review by the Planning and Zoning Commission within fifteen (15) business days of the decision by the City staff and third-party reviewers. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall have forty-five (45) business days from the date of the applicant's request to make a determination. The actions of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be final.
Effect Of Site Plan Approval. Approval of the site plan or of the site plan with modifications acceptable to the applicant shall authorize the continued processing of applications for any further permits which may be required by this Code or any other ordinances of the City, including, but not limited to, approvals of a building permit, a certificate of occupancy or a special use permit. A site plan approval shall be valid for a period no longer than one (1) year from the date of approval unless a building permit is issued and construction has begun within the one (1) year period. If no such permits are issued and/or construction has not begun within said one (1) year period, the approval of the site plan will automatically expire and any authorization granted by this Section shall terminate.
Site Plan Review Standards. Site plans shall be reviewed and approved based on the following applicable criteria:
The site plan application indicates no violations of any applicable provisions of this Code; and
All the requested corrections and/or revisions to the site plan have been completed; and
The site plan will not result in unauthorized encroachment on an easement, roadway, utility, public or private right-of-way; and
In the case of a site plan submitted in conjunction with an approved development plan, special use permit or planned unit development, the site plan meets all specified standards found within this Code as well as any additional standards required by the Planning and Zoning Commission; and
The proposed site plan does not and/or will not create specific drainage or erosion problems; and
The screening and buffer area landscaping plan for the site, if any, adequately shields the proposed use from adjacent uses that may not be compatible with the proposed use; and
The circulation elements of the site plan, including road and pedestrian circulation elements, does not and/or will not create hazards to safety on or off the site, uncoordinated pedestrian or vehicular circulation paths on or off the site or result in undue interference or inconvenience to vehicular or pedestrian travel; and
The proposed ingress and egress access points do not and/or will not create transportation conditions that negatively affect the general health, safety and welfare of the public.
In the case that a site plan is submitted that will have outdoor display(s) of merchandise for sale in the front yard area, the site plan shall reflect the designated area(s) for such display and will be marked as such on the site plan and does not and/or will not in any way take away from any other requirements for the site.
[Ord. No. 24-048, 7-1-2024]
The Planning and Zoning Commission authorizes the Community Development Director to serve as their representative and as such, shall have the authority to approve a site plan submitted for review under the requirements of the City Code.
[Ord. No. 24-048, 7-1-2024]
The Department of Planning and Development shall review all subdivision proposals and all other proposed new developments to ensure that:
All such proposals are consistent with the need to minimize flood damage; and
All public utilities and facilities, such as sewer, gas, electrical, communications and water systems, are located, elevated and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage; and
Adequate drainage is provided so as to reduce exposure to flood hazards; and
New or replacement water supply systems and/or sanitary sewage systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the systems and discharges from the systems into floodwaters. On-site waste disposal systems shall be so located as to avoid impairment or contamination during flooding.
[Ord. No. 24-048, 7-1-2024]
Modifications Of Previously Platted Property. Any modification of a previously platted property that is administratively approved under the provisions of this Article shall be considered a "replat" of the originally recorded final plat. If approved, the applicant shall record the final plat with the Christian County Recorder of Deeds after the approval certificates are signed by the Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman, Administrative Representative, County Collector, Mayor of Ozark, as attested to under the hand and Seal of the City Clerk. The approval certificates on one (1) mylar and one (1) paper copy of the final plat shall be so signed and sealed by the Christian County Recorder of Deeds. One (1) electronic copy of the recorded deed shall be returned to the City of Ozark Planning and Development Department. All replat documents must be completed and sealed by a licensed surveyor registered in the State of Missouri and shall contain information as required by Section 410.270.
Application Procedures. Application for administrative approval of a minor subdivision, lot split, lot combination, property line adjustment or tract certification shall be filed with the Department of Planning and Development. The Department of Planning and Development may require submission of any and all information, material and documents necessary to determine compliance with this Article.
Supplemental Information Required. The department is authorized, at its discretion, to require the preparation and submission of a survey or the attachment of restrictions and conditions to the property description.
Administrative Review. The Planning and Zoning Commission's Chairman and appointed Department of Planning and Development representative shall review the application and may submit it for review and comment to other agencies and departments as deemed necessary. The Department of Planning and Development shall, in writing, either approve or disapprove the application within thirty (30) days of its submission.
Administrative Approval Of Application. If approved, the appointed representative as set forth in the following Section shall be provided one (1) mylar and one (1) paper twenty-four (24) inch by thirty-six (36) inch black or blue line print and sign the applicant's survey, replat, lot split, lot combination, property line adjustment or tract certification documents, which shall be filed with the Christian County Recorder of Deeds.
Administrative Denial Of Application. In the event the appointed representative and/or Planning and Zoning Chairman as set forth in the following Section does not approve the application, the representative shall, in writing, inform the applicant. If denied, the applicant may then prepare the appropriate documents for submittal to the Planning and Zoning Commission and/or Board of Aldermen for review and action as set forth in this Title.
Required Information For Administrative Review. Application for administrative approval of lot splits, lot combinations, replats, tract certifications or property line adjustments shall be accompanied an electronic copy of the recorded boundary survey performed by a Missouri registered land surveyor, including, but not limited to, the information listed on the checklist provided by the Planning and Development Department.
Application for administrative approval of a minor subdivision or site plan within a platted subdivision shall be accompanied by an electronic copy of a surveyed preliminary plat performed by a Missouri registered land surveyor and engineer, consisting of, but not limited to, the following:
The precise nature, location and dimensions of existing and proposed tracts, parcels or lots;
The exact location and distances of all existing structures and other physical improvements in relation to proposed lot lines. If the location of proposed structures or other physical improvements are known, their relationship to proposed lot lines shall be indicated;
The legal description of all existing and proposed lots, parcels or tracts;
The amount of square footage contained in each existing and proposed lot, parcel or tract;
All existing easements, streets, sewers, sewer laterals, utility lines, alleys and access restrictions. If granted by a separate instrument, the recording information shall be provided;
All platted building setbacks;
All platted easements, streets, alleys or other public rights-of-way that are proposed for vacation;
Names of all abutting streets including location of right-of-way centerline; and
Zoning district of subject properties and adjacent properties.