The proposed land uses shown on a plat, whether they are for residential, business, industrial or any other land use, shall conform to the Master Plan and the planning objectives on which it is based, as well as to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance[1] of the Village of Southampton.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 116, Zoning.
Park and open space requirements.
If the Planning Board makes a finding that a proper case exists for requiring a park site, each residential plat or site plan shall have a park site consisting of not less than 0.1 acres for every two-dwelling units indicated on the plat or site plan, suitably located for playground or other recreation and open space purposes, including passive recreational uses. In making such determinations, the Planning Board shall refer to the present and anticipated future needs for park and recreational facilities in the Village as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan as well as to terrain and the quality of alternate sites within the same local planning area. Consistent with the provisions of Subsection B(3) of this section, wetland and other unbuildable areas shall not count toward meeting such park requirement but may be included in a park site, so long as the wetland area located in such park site will be adequately protected from destruction and degradation. Park and recreational facilities inaccessible to the general public shall not count toward meeting the requirements in this section.
[Amended 7-11-2024 by L.L. No. 21-2024]
The Planning Board may require the subdivider to grade such park site in a manner appropriate for its projected use and compatible with its surroundings.
Where such park site incorporates a unique natural feature or a landmark, the subdivider shall be responsible for the protection of such feature or landmark from any destructive action during the course of the plat development.
Amount of park fee.
In cases where the Planning Board makes a finding pursuant to Subsection B(1) above that the proposed subdivision plat presents a proper case for requiring a park, but the Planning Board determines that a suitable park site of adequate size cannot be properly located within the plat, in whole or in part, the subdivider (both major and minor subdivisions) shall be required to pay a park fee to the Village equal in amount to the fair market value at the time of the subdivision procedure of the land area of the subdivision that would otherwise be required for a park site. All such payments shall be held by the Village in a special Park Site Acquisition and Improvement Trust Fund, to be used exclusively either for the acquisition of sites that are properly located for neighborhood park, playground or recreational purposes or for the physical improvement of such sites.
[Amended 7-11-2024 by L.L. No. 21-2024]
For land improved with one or more dwellings or dwelling units, there shall be excluded from computation of the park fee any lot or unit containing any such dwelling or dwelling unit which has been occupied as a dwelling for at least one month during the two years preceding the date of filing of the application involved.
In no case shall the park fee in a minor subdivision exceed 5% of the value of the land involved (excluding the lots containing dwellings or dwelling units).
If one of the vacant lots created in a minor subdivision exceeds 60% of the area of the entire parcel (so that in effect 60% of the entire parcel is left undivided and capable of further subdivision), the area of that lot shall be excluded from the computation of the park fee only if such lot is also large enough to be divided into five or more lots under the applicable zoning requirements.
In districts other than residence districts, each subdivision shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees, which will fix the park fee in each case.
In any situation other than a normal subdivision where a matter is made subject to the subdivision review process, as in the case of condominiums, the park fee shall be fixed by using the formulas set forth in this Subsection B(4).
The Planning Board shall compute the park fees in the manner aforesaid, using appraisals made by real estate brokers, or if there has been a recent sale involving the premises, it may use such sales price if the Planning Board finds that it represents the fair market value.
The arrangement of streets, building lots and other land uses shall be of such character that they can be used safely without danger to health or peril from fire, flood, unstable soil conditions or other menace.
Subdivision designs shall indicate consideration for suitable separation and protection of different types of land uses, including highways.
In carrying out the subdivision policy outlined in § 97-2B, a subdivider of a nonresidential parcel shall be required to place in reserve and offer for dedication such natural features of the site that may be required by the Planning Board, or the Board may require such other restrictions which will support the subdivision policy, including the payment of a park fee in an amount to be fixed by the Board of Trustees.
[Amended 7-11-2024 by L.L. No. 21-2024]
Streets and highways shall be of sufficient width and suitable grade and shall be suitably located to accommodate the prospective traffic, to facilitate fire protection and to comprise a convenient system. Streets and highways shall be properly related to the Master Plan.
Local streets shall be laid out so that their use for through traffic will be discouraged. Particular attention should be given to eliminating possible bypasses around traffic signals and major intersections.
Collector streets shall be provided to give easy access to and between local streets.
The use of cul-de-sac streets in a subdivision layout shall be minimized unless they are found to be well conceived.
The minimum radius for the right-of-way at the turnaround shall be 60 feet, and the curb radius shall be 48 feet, and pavement shall be extended to the curb. The Planning Board may require the central area of the cul-de-sac to be planted or to retain natural plant material when it is found to be acceptable by the Board.
No more than two streets shall intersect or meet at any one point.
Streets shall intersect one another at an angle of 90°, where practicable.
Intersections along collector or local streets shall be spaced at least 150 feet apart, measured from the points of intersection of the center lines.
Intersections along a highway and certain collector streets so designated by the Planning Board shall be spaced at least 800 feet apart, measured from the points of intersection of the center lines, where practicable.
Adequate sight distance shall be required at all intersections.
Horizontal alignment.
The recommended minimum center-line radius for a street curve shall be 200 feet on a local street and 400 feet on a collector street.
A tangent distance of at least 50 feet shall be provided between reverse curves.
Minimum radius at a corner shall be 25 feet at the property line, except that a larger radius shall be provided at major intersections.
Vertical alignment.
All street gradients shall conform as much as possible to the natural terrain, minimizing excessive cuts and fills.
Minimum road gradients shall be 0.50%.
Maximum road gradients shall be 6%.
Gradients approaching intersections shall not exceed 2.50%, commencing at a point at least 50 feet from the nearest intersecting right-of-way line measured along the center line of the road. Intersections of roads and curbs having minimum gradients shall be detailed sufficiently to ensure proper surface drainage.
Gutter line gradients of culs-de-sac shall be a minimum of 0.50%.
The formula L = KA shall be used in the design of street profiles where: L, the length in feet of a vertical curve, shall be related to the algebraic difference A in percent of grade and a constant K equaling 28 for minor streets and 50 for collector streets. This formula shall be used for both sag and crest vertical curves.
Where there are changes in grade of 1.0% or more, they shall be connected by a vertical curve.
Width, pavement, curb and sidewalk requirements. The following table prescribes the minimum street right-of-way widths, street improvement widths and whether curbs and sidewalks are required for subdivisions located in various zoning districts of the Zoning Ordinance.
[Amended 3-11-2004 by L.L. No. 3-2004]
Location of Street by Zoning District
Right-of-Way Width
Paving Widths
Zoning districts having minimum lot area of 25,000 square feet or less and multifamily districts
Collector streets
Local Street A
Local Street B
Marginal road
All other residential districts
Collector streets
Local Street A
Local Street B
Marginal road
All business and industrial districts
Collector streets
Local Street A
Local Street B
Marginal road
(a) Includes stabilized shoulders.
(b) At the discretion of the Planning Board.
Street improvements shall be laid out in accordance with the standards set forth in the Highway Department standards and shall be constructed in accordance with specifications established by the Village.
Location of a Local Street B.
[Added 6-22-2004 by L.L. No. 6-2004]
As used herein, the term "adjoining lot" shall mean a lot which adjoins the land being subdivided. The term "adjoining lot" does not include a lot which is part of the land being subdivided.
In all residence districts, a Local Street B shall be laid out and designed so that the right-of-way of a Local Street B does not adjoin any adjoining lot.
In all residence districts, a Local Street B shall be laid out and designed so that the right-of-way of a Local Street B is located at least 10 feet from each adjoining lot. This minimum separation requirement (the required minimum distance of 10 feet between the right-of-way of a Local Street B and each adjoining lot) shall be applicable along the entire length of the right-of-way of a Local Street B.
In an appropriate case (such as a case where the right-of-way of a Local Street B is separated from an adjoining lot by a narrow strip of land rather than by the lot width of a lot which is part of the land being subdivided), the Planning Board may impose reasonable conditions relating to use and maintenance of the strip of land which separates the right-of-way of a Local Street B from an adjoining lot, including but not limited to a condition providing that such strip of land shall not be used for vehicular access.
The drainage design for all subdivisions shall conform to criteria as required by the Village Engineer.
All stormwater shall be recharged into the subsurface groundwater reservoir, and no system will be allowed which directly discharges such waters into any surface water area or into wetlands.
[Amended 1-25-1994 by L.L. No. 1-1994]
Natural drainage or alternate systems may be considered by the Planning Board, provided that they are engineeringly feasible and ecologically sound and recommended by the Village Engineer.
All building lots shall at least comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 116, Zoning.
Where a subdivision abuts a highway or in the case of certain collector streets designated by the Planning Board, the streets and lots shall be laid out so that there is no direct access from the lots to such highway or collector street. The lots shall either back on such highway or collector street, front on an interior street or front on a marginal road.
In the case of reversed lots, a limited-access easement across the rear of the lot shall prohibit ingress to or egress from the lot to the highway or collector street, and the subdivider shall provide fencing and/or screen plantings as required by the Planning Board where acceptable natural woodland cover does not exist.
In the case of a marginal road, the subdivider shall construct said road.
Block dimensions.
Maximum length shall be 1,600 feet. Minimum length shall be 400 feet.
Width shall relate to the zoning district requirements and shall provide for two tiers of lots, if practicable.
Special attention shall be given to corner lots to ensure sufficient size for front yards on each street, one rear yard and one side yard, and leaving adequate building area for an average house.
In a major subdivision plat, a limited number of flagpole lots may be permitted by the Planning Board, provided that they are well-shaped, are generally larger than the average sized lot on the plat, their accessway is essentially straight and not excessive in length and their arrangement will not create traffic difficulties on the street system.
[Amended 11-23-1993 by L.L. No. 5-1993]
In a minor subdivision plat, some or all of the lots may be flagpole lots, provided that the Planning Board finds that such an arrangement would offer no difficulties for traffic safety and adequate access, would result in larger than usual lots, would offer well-shaped lots and would not be a means to circumvent a standard lot and street arrangement which might otherwise result in a generally better platting of the subdivision and adjacent lands.
[Amended 11-23-1993 by L.L. No. 5-1993]
Supplementary flagpole lot regulations.
[Added 11-23-1993 by L.L. No. 5-1993]
No flagpole lots shall be utilized in a standard plat submitted to determine yield.
Flagpoles shall not split the originating lot or create newly developable lots without Planning Board approval.
The pole portion of a flagpole lot shall have a minimum width of 20 feet along its entire length (from the street line to the flag portion), with a traveled way of no less than 12 feet in width.
Side-by-side flagpoles shall utilize only one common driveway.
No more than three flagpole lots shall use the same common driveway. In its discretion, the Planning Board may allow a standard lot to also use the common driveway, thereby increasing common driveway usage to four lots.
No common driveway shall be more than 500 feet in length.
No common driveway shall be nearer than 75 feet from the intersection of any existing or proposed streets. This distance may be varied by the Planning Board for a lot preexisting the adoption of this § 97-38G. The measurement shall be taken from the closest point of beginning of the corner radius of the intersecting streets to the driveway entrance at the property line or from the intersection of the street rights-of-way to the driveway entrance at the property line where no corner radius exists. This restriction shall not apply where corner radii exceed 200 feet in length or where two streets intersect at an interior angle greater than 135°.
All utilities shall be installed underground. Utility trenches and conduits shall not be located within the traveled way of the common driveway.
Flagpole lots shall be adequately screened from each other and from other adjacent lots as determined by the Planning Board.
Where a common driveway is provided for approved flagpole lots, such common driveway shall not be deemed to constitute or create a street.
Prohibition of flagpole lots in a resubdivision.
[Added 8-19-2003 by L.L. No. 5-2003]
A new flagpole lot shall not be formed by a resubdivision of two or more lots.
A resubdivision consists of any alteration of lot lines or dimensions of lots previously created, including lots shown on a subdivision map previously approved by the Planning Board and lots created prior to the requirement of Planning Board approval (see the definition of "resubdivision" in § 97-3). It is the intent of § 97-38H(1) to prohibit creation of a new flagpole lot in the case of a resubdivision.
Subdivision design shall preserve and protect, insofar as possible, natural terrain features, such as wetlands, beaches, dunelands, unique vegetation and animal habitat, floodplains, watercourses, primary sources of groundwater and natural drainage patterns in accordance with the Master Plan, Zoning Ordinance[1] and other applicable laws of the Village of Southampton.
[Amended 1-25-1994 by L.L. No. 1-1994]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 116, Zoning.
All surface waters in the Village of Southampton are deemed to be important for the physical and mental well-being of its residents and resort visitors and for the perpetuation of desirable animal and plant species and, therefore, shall be protected from siltation caused by construction or regrading of perimeter properties, from the influence of induced nutrification caused by the fertilization of such perimeter properties and from any other form of probable degradation which might be caused by adjacent land development and use. For the purpose of such protection, the Planning Board may require, as part of its approval of subdivision maps, the dedication of perimeter parkland or easements or covenants to accomplish such protection. Parkland buffer areas or easements shall be dedicated essentially in a natural condition, leaving the area with sufficient ground cover to prevent the lateral movement of silts and fertilizers.
[Amended 1-25-1994 by L.L. No. 1-1994]
The natural vegetation and soils of a subdivision site shall not be disturbed prior to final plat approval by the Planning Board, except for such minimal disturbance as will be needed and approved by said Board relative to survey boundary work, excavation of approved test holes and other acceptable minor site preparation needed for engineering and planning evaluation.
The Planning Board may require such erosion and sedimentation control methods as are needed to protect terrain features, including such methods which are noted in the Erosion and Sediment Control Technical Handbook prepared by Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District.
No topsoil shall be removed from a subdivision except that the Planning Board may, upon written application, permit the removal of topsoil taken from the beds of streets.
Local electric power, telephone and cable television lines shall be placed underground. Utility companies shall place special emphasis on preserving the vitality and appearance of trees. Streetlights of a design approved by the Village shall be installed by the subdivider as required by the Village Engineer.
In cases where bulkheading or other erosion control measure is deemed necessary by the Planning Board and the Village Engineer and the Town Trustees to protect the coastal areas from erosion caused by storm and tidal action, said measures shall be placed/installed as not to adversely affect significant ecological values of the wetlands and adjacent buffer area.
[Amended 1-25-1994 by L.L. No. 1-1994]
Man-made waterways, such as canals, marinas and similar constructions, which break the fresh groundwater - saline water interface shall not be permitted.
Street trees shall be provided in all subdivisions unless adequate trees acceptable to the Board and which exist in their proper locations are left in place and are in a healthy condition.
Trees shall be of nursery stock of an approved species grown under the same climatic conditions as at the location of the development. They shall be of symmetrical growth, free of insect pests and disease, suitable for street use and durable under the maintenance contemplated.
The average trunk diameter at a height of six feet above the finished ground level shall be a minimum of two to three inches, depending on good practice, with reference to the particular species to be planted.
Trees shall be planted at intervals of from 40 feet to 60 feet apart, depending on the species and location of lot lines, along both sides of the street and shall be located within the right-of-way where their spacing from the property line shall be determined by the Planning Board.