A Borough Engineer shall be appointed by the
Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council. He shall hold office
at the pleasure of the Council on a retainer basis at a rate to be
determined by the Council.
The Borough Engineer shall:
A. Prepare, or cause to be prepared, plans and specifications
for public works and improvements undertaken by the Borough, either
on force account or by public contract.
B. Prepare, review and approve specifications for public
works contracts, supervise and inspect the execution of such contracts
and certify satisfactory completion of work to authorize progress
payments pursuant to contract.
C. Prepare, maintain and preserve maps, charts and records
of roads, utilities, public buildings and structures and all public
facilities owned or operated by the Borough.
D. Examine and approve applications for streets acceptances
and exceptions in accordance with the requirements of applicable ordinances.
E. Study and report upon the technical requirements of
streetlighting and traffic control as requested by the Mayor and Council.
F. Provide all technical and engineering advice and assistance
required, with the assistance of such consultants as the Mayor and
Council may authorize.
G. Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by
the Mayor and Council.
Except in extraordinary circumstances, the Borough
Engineer shall be appointed by the Planning Board and by the Zoning
Board of Adjustment as board engineer, who shall review and report
on the applications and other matters pending before the boards at
the direction of the boards, and who shall attend meetings of the
boards unless otherwise instructed.