[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Marbletown 10-10-1962. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 169.
Trailers and trailer camps — See Ch. 177.
Zoning — See Ch. 200.
There shall be a Town Planning Board appointed by the Town Board, which Board shall consist of one member to serve one year; one member two years; one member three years; one member four years; one member five years; one member six years; and one member seven years. Their successors shall be appointed for seven years.
Upon failure of the Town Board to appoint a Chairman, the members of the Planning Board are to elect a Chairman.
The Planning Board shall have the power and authority to employ experts and a staff and to pay for their services and such other expenses as may be necessary and proper, not exceeding the appropriations that may be made for such Board.
The Planning Board may adopt rules and regulations in respect to procedure before it and in respect to any subject matter over which it has jurisdiction under this chapter or any statute after public hearing by such Board and subject to the approval of the Town Board.
The Planning Board shall hear and exercise the powers and duties as follows:
To prepare and change a master plan for the development of the entire area of the Town of Marbletown, to make investigations and reports relating to the planning of the Town and its future growth and affording adequate facilities for the housing, transportation, distribution, comfort, convenience, safety, health and welfare of its population.
To approve all plats showing any streets or highways within the Town.
To approve or disapprove changes in the lines of existing streets, highways or public areas shown on subdivision plats or maps filed in the County Clerk's office.
To approve or disapprove the laying out of, closing off or abandonment of such streets, highways or public areas under and subject to the provisions of the Town and Highway Laws.
Simultaneously with the approval of any such plat, to confirm and make changes in the zoning regulations applicable to the land, included in any such plat in accordance with the provisions of § 281 of the Town Law and amendments thereto.
To approve plats showing lots, blocks, or sites, with or without streets or highways, to approve preliminary plats, and to approve the development of plats already filed in the office of the Ulster County Clerk if such plats are entirely or partially undeveloped.
[Added 5-12-1976]
The Planning Board shall also exercise all other powers conferred upon it by the provisions of the Town Law and shall pass upon all matters which may be referred to it from time to time by resolution of the Town Board. It shall conduct hearings and perform its duties in accordance with such procedure as provided in §§ 272 through 281, inclusive, of the Town Law, and acts amendatory thereof.
The Town Clerk of the Town of Marbletown shall file with the Clerk of the County of Ulster a certificate, certifying that the Planning Board of the Town of Marbletown has been authorized to approve plats showing new streets or highways in accordance with the provisions of § 276, as amended, of the Town Law.
[Added 11-16-2004 by L.L. No. 4-2004]
Pursuant to Municipal Home Rule Law § 10(1)(ii)(a), the provisions of § 271 of the Town Law are hereby superseded to provide that the Town of Marbletown is authorized to establish alternate Planning Board member positions for the purpose of substituting for a member in the event such member is unable to participate because of a conflict of interest, or because of illness or absence for any reason of a member. The alternate members of the Planning Board shall be appointed by resolution of the Town Board, for terms established by the Town Board.
The Chairperson of the Planning Board may designate an alternate member to substitute for a member when such member is unable to participate because of a conflict of interest on an application or matter before the Board, or for absence or illness of a member. When so designated, the alternate member shall possess all of the powers and responsibilities of such member of the Board. Such designation shall be entered into the minutes of the Planning Board meeting at which the substitution is made.