[Adopted 7-26-1994 by Doc. 61-B (Ch. 2, Art. XXII,
of the 1980 Code)]
The City of Haverhill recognizes and affirms its obligation to provide
equal employment opportunities to all people regardless of race, color, religious
creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, ancestry or the handicap
of a qualified handicapped person. All aspects of the employment process,
from recruitment and hiring to benefits and promotions, shall be carried out
in a manner that provides for equal employment opportunities.
[Adopted 7-10-2007 by Doc. 76]
Except as restricted by the provisions of this Code, repugnant to the
City's Charter or prohibited by statute, the administrative authority of the
Mayor shall not be restricted to determine any and all matters related to
the appointment, compensation, classification or administration of those persons
employed by the City.
To that end, the Mayor shall on or before April 1 of each year, review
established Personnel Rules and Regulations for the City and, after making
any necessary changes, shall certify his approval of said Personnel Rules
and Regulations, providing copies to the City Council, the Director of Human
Resources and the City Clerk. Certified Personnel Rules and Regulations
shall have the same force and effect as an ordinance of the City.