Except as otherwise provided in § 141-31, every person erecting, owning, leasing, maintaining or operating any electric wires or system of electric wiring within the City shall execute and file with the City Clerk a bond approved as to form by the City Solicitor and in such sum and with such surety or sureties as the City Council may require, conditioned for the faithful observance of all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of the City and further conditioned to indemnify and save harmless from all costs, loss, damage or expense whatsoever the City, or any other person to which it, or he may be subjected in consequence of the acts of negligence of the erectors, owners, lessees, maintainers or operators of such wires or systems of wiring, or of their officers, agents or servants, or which may in any manner arise from the erection, construction, use, maintenance or operation of such wires, or wiring systems, or that of their appurtenances, fixtures or other apparatus connected therewith.
This chapter shall not be construed in any way to relieve from responsibility or lessen the responsibility of any person installing, owning, controlling or operating any electrical wiring or apparatus for damage to any person injured thereby, nor shall the City be held responsible or be held to assume any liability by reason of any inspection authorized herein, or by reason of any of the permits or certificates authorized to be issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
No officer or agent of the City acting under or exercising any right or power legally granted by or reserved under this chapter shall be deemed or held to be liable for any loss, expense or damage incurred on account thereof, or by reason of any injury caused thereby.