Filing an application. All applications for zone change requests shall be filed with the administrative officer or designee. The administrative officer shall thereupon notify the Township Council and Planning Board, in writing, of the zone change request.
Distribution. At least 10 days prior to the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Board, the administrative officer or designee shall distribute the copies of the zone change request and the application in the following manner:
Township Clerk.
Planning Board Chairperson.
Township Engineer.
Township Construction Official.
Planning Director.
Planning Board Attorney.
Township file.
At the direction of the Planning Board, additional copies of the application with or without the accompanying materials may be forwarded to other Township, county or state officials.
Procedural requirements. All applications for zone change requests shall include the following support documents and information:
The completed application form.
Thirteen copies of the maps.
The fees and escrow in accordance with Article VII, Fees.
Escrow agreement form.
Zone change request checklist.
Support documents. All applications for a change of zone shall be on a form prescribed by the administrative officer or designee containing the following information:
Property descriptions, including address, tax block(s), lot(s), acreage, dimensions and access.
Property use, including present zone and use, proposed zone and use and zone and use of adjacent property within 200 feet of the subject property.
Identification of the owner(s) and authorized agent, if any, including address and telephone number for each.
A statement of the change requested and the reasons therefor, including how the proposed zone would benefit the community as a whole. This statement shall indicate the purpose and scope of the proposed zone change request. The applicant shall enumerate the benefits to the public which will result from the proposed change and describe the suitability of the site for the permitted uses in the proposed zone. The compatibility or incompatibility of the proposed zone shall be described in relation to the following:
Township Master Plan, especially the land use and open space elements and the Natural Resource Inventory.
Master plans of adjacent municipalities.
Passaic County Master Plan.
County, regional and state planning guides.
Other pertinent planning documents.
The goals and purposes of the Municipal Land Use Law.[1]
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.
Map requirements. All applications for a zone change request shall include maps and/or exhibits depicting the following information:
Block and lot numbers of subject property.
Dimensions of subject property.
Zoning district boundaries affecting the subject property and all property within 200 feet of all sides of the subject property.
Location of existing property lines, streets, buildings, driveways, watercourses, railroads, bridges, culverts, drainpipes and any natural features such as wetlands and treed areas, both within the subject property and 100 feet of its boundary.
Key map with North arrow, showing the subject property in its relation to the surrounding area at a scale of one inch equals not less than 1,200 feet.
Topography as per USGS series.
The plan shall be drawn by the appropriate professional, per N.J.A.C. 13:40-7 et seq., and shall include signature, seal and license number of the professional(s) who prepared the drawing.
Upon receipt of the reports from the entities set forth in § 470-71, the Planning Board shall render a decision on the zone change request, and thereupon forward its recommendation to the Township Council. The Planning Board shall take action within 45 days after submission of a complete application or within such further time as may be consented to by the applicant.
Upon receipt by the Township Council of the recommendation of the Planning Board, the Township Council shall schedule a public hearing on the zone change request.
The developer shall provide notice of the hearing to the owners of all real property shown on the current tax maps of the Township within 200 feet in all directions of the property which is the subject of such hearing.