No structure shall be erected, structurally altered, reconstructed or moved and no structure, land or premises shall be used in the district designated on the Official Zoning Maps of the Towns of Irondequoit and Penfield as "LaSalle's Landing Development District" (LLDD) except for the following principal and customarily incidental accessory uses, all of which shall be subject to a special use permit and site plan approval issued by the Planning Board in accordance with Articles
XVI and
XV of this chapter.
A. Principal uses.
Public parks, playgrounds or similar public
recreational use authorized or operated by a public agency and not
operated for gain.
Multi-family dwellings, apartment buildings
or other similar uses.
Townhouses, row houses and other similar uses.
[Amended 3-19-2015 by L.L. No. 2-2015]
Commercial parks, playgrounds, beaches, parks,
golf courses, tennis/racquetball clubs or other similar recreational
uses operated for gain.
Retail food establishments and carry-out restaurants as defined in §
235-4 of this chapter.
Stores, shops and boutiques designated for festive retail uses, offices and activities as defined in §
235-4 of this chapter.
Car-top boat and canoe sales, display and launch
areas. Floating piers or piers on pilings shall be used to provide
access to canoes, kayaks and other nonmotorized boats.
Public utility buildings or structures, including
but not limited to electrical substations.
Combinations of permitted principal uses, based on a determination by the Planning Board that such combinations are appropriate for the proposed LLDD and are compatible with the purpose and intent of this district, as well as the goals and policies of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP), subject to special use permit approval issued by the Planning Board in accordance with the provisions of Article
XVI of this chapter.
B. Principal use restrictions and/or additional requirements.
All principal uses permitted within the LaSalle's Landing Development
District (LLDD) shall be subject to the following restrictions and/or
additional requirements:
Any of the uses permitted in this section that require the use of an area other than within an enclosed building may be conducted in whole or in part outside of such building or absent such building and shall be subject to special use permit approval issued by the Planning Board in accordance with the provisions of Article
XVI of this chapter.
C. Accessory uses (located on the same lot with a permitted
principal use).
Gazebos, boardwalks and community interpretative centers, subject to the applicable provisions of Article
IV of this chapter.
Private garages and carports subject to the applicable provisions of Article
IV of this chapter.
Swimming pools subject to the provisions of §
235-71 of this chapter.
Fencing subject to the provisions of §
235-69 of this chapter.
Sheds, cabanas or similar accessory structures
subject to those dimensional and setback requirements applicable to
private garages and carports as noted above.
Radio, TV or CB antennas subject to the provisions of §
235-72 of this chapter. Those structures that require a permit from the Town Zoning Board of Appeals shall also be subject to special use permit approval issued by the Planning Board in accordance with provisions of Article
XVI of this chapter.
Signage subject to the following restrictions:
All signage, with the exception of real estate signs, temporary political signs and accessory traffic signs, shall be subject to special use permit approval issued by the Planning Board in accordance with the provisions of Article
XVI of this chapter. Real estate signs shall be subject to the applicable provisions of Article
XXI of this chapter.
Signs may be illuminated with a constant source,
but flashing, neon, revolving, animated or similar types of signs
shall be prohibited.
Signs oriented toward the water shall be permitted
for identification purposes only, shall be building-mounted, and shall
not exceed 20 square feet per face.
Parking of trucks, vans and other similar vehicles subject to the applicable provisions of Article
IV of this chapter.
Storage of mobile homes, motor homes, house trailers, campers, camping trailers, truck campers, utility campers, boats and boat trailers subject to the applicable provisions of Article
IV of this chapter.
Keeping of animals and poultry subject to the provisions of §
235-70 of this chapter.
Tennis courts and other similar outdoor recreational
facilities, provided that such uses are clearly incidental to the
primary residential or principal use on the property, and provided
that such uses are located at a minimum of 10 feet from any property
line, subject to site plan review.
Dumpsters enclosed and located no closer than 10 feet from any lot line and subject to site plan review and approval by the Planning Board in accordance with the provisions of Article
XV of this chapter.
Outdoor storage of boats subject to special use permit approval by the Planning Board in accordance with the provisions of Article
XVI of this chapter.
Fishing piers, wharves, boat launching ramps and similar waterfront structures and facilities, when such uses are clearly accessory or incidental to the primary, principal use on the property, subject to all applicable state regulations and approvals and subject to special use permit approval by the Planning Board in accordance with the provisions of Article
XVI of this chapter.
The following additional requirements shall
also apply to all such structures and facilities:
The construction of such structures and facilities
shall be undertaken in such a way so as not to impair water quality,
cause harm to fish spawning grounds, destroy the natural beauty of
the shoreline, impede views/vistas of the Bay, reduce the stability
of steep slope areas, cause erosion or sedimentation problems along
the shoreline, create hazards for navigation, interfere with the public
use and enjoyment of the water surface or shoreline, or otherwise
threaten the public health and safety.
Dredging, earth moving and disturbance of land
above and below water shall be minimized as much as possible and shall
be consistent with the permit requirements of the New York State Department
of Environmental Conservation and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
To permit the free circulation of water, reduce
the effects of fluctuating water levels and prevent adverse modification
of the shoreline, piers and wharves shall be of floating construction
wherever feasible and shall not be of rockfilled cribbing, sheet piling,
closely spaced piling or such other construction which would significantly
impair water circulation.
The maximum surface area of any pier or wharf
shall not exceed 700 square feet.
The number of piers or wharves permitted per
waterfront lot used for commercial purposes shall not exceed one such
structure and be subject to a determination by the Planning Board.
Every pier or wharf that is constructed shall
have a minimum clearance or setback of 10 feet from adjacent property
lines, as extended at a 90º angle from the shoreline, to allow
adequate vessel access to neighboring waterfront parcels.
Piers or wharves that are 100 feet or longer
shall, during the hours of darkness, be required to be lighted in
such a manner so as to not constitute a hazard to navigation.
Lighting of the surface of any pier or wharf
shall be provided in such a manner so as not to produce any offensive
glare when viewed from the water or the land. The use of lowmast lighting
fixtures and deflector shields to direct the light downward shall
be required to reduce or eliminate glare.