Upon the findings of the Commission that, due to special conditions peculiar to a subdivision or a site, certain requirements of these regulations are inappropriate, or that strict compliance with said requirements may cause extraordinary and unnecessary hardships, the Commission may vary or waive said requirements, provided that such variance or waiver will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare or have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of the Official Map, the Zoning Ordinance,[1] the Comprehensive Plan or these regulations. In varying or waiving certain requirements, the Commission may specify such conditions as will, in its judgment, secure substantially the objectives of the requirements so varied or waived.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 575, Zoning.
[Added 6-9-1981, approved 6-22-1981]
These land subdivision regulations or any part hereof may be amended, supplemented or repealed from time to time by the Planning Commission pursuant to § 28 of the General City Law.
By resolution adopted at a stated meeting, the Planning Commission shall fix the time and place of a public hearing the proposed amendment(s) and cause notice thereof to be given by publication in the official newspaper of this City at least five days but not more than 12 days before the date of such hearing. All notices of public hearing shall specify:
The nature of any proposed amendment.
Its effect on land within the City.
The date when and the place where the public hearing will be held.
Planning Commission adoption of said amendment(s) shall be subject to approval of the Common Council.