Purpose. In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this article shall be held to be the minimum requirements adopted for the promotion of public health, safety, morals and general welfare, consistent with the purposes set forth at N.J. S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq. Any deviation proposed from the use and bulk requirements of this article shall require a variance pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70c or d.
It is not intended by the article to repeal, abrogate, annul or in any way to impair or interfere with existing provisions of other ordinances except those specifically repealed by this chapter, or with private restrictions placed upon property by deed, covenant, or other agreements. However, where this article imposes a greater restriction upon land, buildings, or structures than is imposed by existing provisions of other ordinances, contract, deed or other agreements, the provisions of this article shall control.
The provisions of this article, including, but not by way of limitation, the provisions relating to nonconforming uses and nonconforming structures shall, in conjunction with the provisions of Article IV, be construed as the continuation of the substantive provisions of the Township of Cranbury Zoning Ordinance of 1994, and the amendments and supplements thereto in effect at the time of adoption of this chapter, rather than new enactments.
[Amended 12-19-1995 by Ord No. 0 10-95-21; 4-22-1996 by Ord. No. O-03-96-03; 3-26-2001 by Ord. No. 02-01-01; 8-30-2004 by Ord. No. 07-04-18; 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19; 12-14-2020 by Ord. No. 11-20-11]
The Township of Cranbury is hereby divided into a number of zones differentiated according to use, area and bulk requirements, as indicated in Schedule A and Schedule B in § 150-28, to be designated as follows:
A-100 Zone
Agricultural Preservation
R-LI Zone
Residential - Light Impact
RLD-1 Zone
Residential - Low Density (1)
RLD-3 Zone
Residential - Low Density (3)
R-ML Zone
Residential - Mt. Laurel
Residential - Mt. Laurel II
Residential - Mt. Laurel III
R-AH Zone
Residential - Affordable Housing
V/HR Zone
Village/Hamlet Residential
VC Zone
Village Commercial
HC Zone
Highway Commercial
GC Zone
General Commercial
CM Zone
Community Mixed Use
HM Zone
Highway Mixed Use
RO/LI Zone
Research Office and Light Industrial
I-LI Zone
Light Impact Industrial
I-LIS Zone
Industrial - Light Impact Sewered
R-AR Zone
Residential-Age Restricted
SCO Zone
Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone
Zoning Map. The boundaries of said zones are established on the Zoning Map, Township of Cranbury, dated October 1995, as prepared by Moskowitz, Heyer & Gruel and amended through August 2004 by Hatch Mott MacDonald (formerly Killam Associates), which is hereby adopted and made a part of this chapter.[1]
Interpretation of boundaries. In determining the boundaries of zones shown on the map, the following rules shall apply:
Along transportation routes. Where zone boundaries are indicated as approximately following the center lines for streets, highways, waterways or railroad rights-of-way or such lines extended, such center lines shall be construed to be such boundaries.
District lines parallel to streets. Where zone boundaries are indicated as running parallel to the center lines of right-of-way lines of streets, such zone boundaries shall be construed as being parallel thereto and at such distances therefrom as indicated on the Zoning Map.
Vacation of streets. Whenever any public street or other public way is vacated by official action, the zone boundaries adjoining the side of such public way shall be automatically extended to include the right-of-way just vacated. In general, where the vacated right-of-way is bounded on either side by more than one zone, the former center line of such right-of-way shall determine the limits of each zone. The land formerly within the vacated right-of-way shall thenceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended zone or zones.
Map dimensions. In all cases where map dimensions are not shown on the map, the location of zone boundaries shall be determined by the Board of Adjustment.
Determination of doubtful lines. In cases of uncertainty or disagreement, the location of zone boundary lines shall be determined by the Board of Adjustment.
Division of a lot in single ownership. Where a zoning district boundary line divides a lot other than by following a stream or other clearly marked natural or artificial features, the district boundary line and the lot line shall be considered coterminous at the lot line if the zone boundary line is within 20 feet of the lot line.
All uses not expressly permitted in this article are prohibited, including, but not limited to, the following:
Carnivals and similar open air commercial amusements, except those in place for one week or less for which a permit has been issued by the Township Committee.
Airports, heliports and helistops.
Quarrying or mining of soil, soil aggregate, rock or minerals.
Trucking terminals and truck stops.
Junk yards.
The dumping of garbage, trash, waste or scrap material of any kind, except clean fill by permit from the construction official.
Outdoor storage of deicing material, except as provided in Article VII of Chapter 130 of this Code.
[Added 7-12-2021 by Ord. No. 05-21-07; amended 5-13-2024 by Ord. No. 04-24-10]
[Amended 10-23-1995 by Ord. No. O-09-95-19; 12-28-1998 by Ord. No. O-11-98-25; 4-23-2001 by Ord. No. 04-01-12; 12-22-2008 by Ord. No. 12-08-23; 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
The following uses are permitted in all zones of Cranbury Township.
Agricultural uses. Except in the VC and V/HR Zones, commercial and home agriculture, as defined in § 150-7 of this chapter[1] and in Chapter 81 of the Cranbury Code, shall be permitted in all zones, in accordance with the following requirements:
Commercial agriculture.
All uses and structures customarily incidental to commercial agriculture shall be permitted accessory uses, including, but not limited to, the use of irrigation pumps and equipment, aerial and ground spraying and seeding, large tractors and other mechanical equipment, farm laborers and the application of chemical fertilizers and products for the control and elimination of insects, pests, weeds, fungus and other substances for the purpose of producing from the land agricultural products such as vegetables, grains, hay, fruits, fibers, potatoes, wood, trees, plants, shrubs, flowers and seeds.
All commercial agriculture uses shall be conducted in conformance with generally accepted agricultural practices as determined and promulgated, from time to time, by Cook College, Rutgers University or the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation District.
All commercial agriculture uses shall be subject to the following requirements:
Lot area. Minimum lot area shall be five acres, provided that such area shall be increased to six acres if a single-family dwelling is located on the lot.
Setbacks. Farm buildings, including agricultural stands, shall be located not less than 50 feet from a property line. In any zone other than the A-100 Zone, any building or structure housing livestock, whether principal or accessory, shall be located not closer than 200 feet to any residence not located on the same property.
Commercial agricultural uses may sell agricultural products on a year-round basis from a permanent agricultural stand subject to the following standards:
Site plan approval shall be required prior to construction.
Building height. Maximum building height shall be one story, not exceeding 20 feet.
Building area. Maximum area shall be 1,000 square feet.
Parking. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided as set forth in this chapter.
Buffer. The Board may require the provision of a buffer or screen between the agricultural stand and adjacent properties.
Hours of operation. Hours of operation of agricultural stands shall be limited to daylight hours.
Commercial dog kennels are permitted as a commercial agriculture use only in the A-100, R-LI, HC, RO/LI, and I-LI Zones and subject to the following standards:
Site plan approval shall be required.
All dogs shall be kept indoors between dusk and dawn.
All structures housing dogs shall be located not closer than 200 feet from any residence not located on the same property.
Home agriculture.
All uses and structures customarily incidental to home agriculture shall be permitted accessory uses, including, but not limited to, the use of irrigation pumps and equipment, aerial and ground spraying and seeding, tractors and other mechanical equipment, farm laborers and the application of chemical fertilizers and products for the control and elimination of insects, pests, weeds, fungus and other substances for the purpose of producing from the land agricultural products such as vegetables, grains, hay, fruits, fibers, potatoes, wood, trees, plants, shrubs, flowers and seeds.
All home agricultural uses shall be conducted in conformance with generally accepted agricultural practices as determined and promulgated, from time to time, by Cook College, Rutgers University or the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation District.
The agricultural stand on the premises shall be subject to the following requirements:
Only products produced on-site shall be sold.
The agricultural stand shall be of a temporary nature not to exceed 100 square feet in floor area.
Building height. Maximum building height shall be one story, not exceeding 20 feet.
The agricultural stand shall not be open for more than 150 calendar days in any year.
The agricultural stand shall not require site plan approval.
All agricultural stands shall be set back a minimum of 35 feet from the public right-of-way or any property line.
The agricultural stand shall be located so as to provide safe vehicular and pedestrian access and adequate off-street parking as determined by the Township Zoning Officer.
Editor's Note: See the definitions of "agriculture, commercial" and "agriculture, home" in § 150-7.
Houses of worship. Houses of worship are permitted in all zones except the A-100, R-LI, HC and GC Zones in accordance with the following requirements:
[Amended 10-24-2016 by Ord. No. 10-16-22]
Such use shall be subject to site plan review and approval.
Such use shall meet the area and bulk requirements of the zone where located.
Parking. All parking shall be located in the rear or side yards, at a minimum of 25 feet from any property line, and shall be screened from view from adjacent properties.
Residences for clergy shall be permitted on the same lot as the house of worship and shall meet all bulk requirements of the zone where located.
Public utility and service structures. Public utility and service structures, including utility boxes, are permitted in all zones in accordance with the following requirements:
[Amended 4-8-2019 by Ord. No. 03-19-05]
Such structures or boxes, unless exempt as set forth in Subsection C(5) below, shall be subject to site plan review and approval.
The structure shall comply with the area and bulk requirements of the zone in which it is located.
For all utility structures other than utility boxes, the Board may impose reasonable requirements on the use, including, but not limited to, off-street parking, landscaping, screening and buffering, depending on the nature of the use and surrounding uses.
Utility boxes shall be subject to the following requirements:
They shall meet the same setback requirements as principal permitted uses for the zone in which they are located.
The size of the utility boxes, and in particular their height, shall be reduced to the smallest size and lowest height permissible by the utility provider.
The exterior material of the utility box shall be such that it allows the utility box to be painted, and the utility box shall be painted forest green (Pantone 17-0230 TPG). Stainless steel utility boxes are prohibited.
A solid screen of evergreen shrubs, hedges and/or trees shall be provided in front of and on the sides of the utility box, and shall be of a sufficient height at planting to fully screen the utility box.
Utility boxes that meet the following requirements may be placed within a required setback without obtaining a variance:
The height of the box is less than 30 inches.
The width of the box is less than 42 inches.
The length of the box is less than 42 inches.
The box is set back at least five feet from the property line.
The box is located at least six feet from another utility box.
If the box exceeds 24 inches in height, width or length, a solid screen of evergreen shrubs with a minimum height of three feet at planting shall be provided in front and to the sides of the box.
The box is painted forest green (Pantone 17-230 TPG).
Where sidewalks exist, no box shall be located between the sidewalk and the curb or edge of pavement of the roadway.
The following uses are permitted in all residential districts in the Township.
Family day-care homes. Family day-care homes are permitted in all residential zones, in accordance with the following requirements:
Such uses shall meet the area and bulk requirements of the zone where located.
The Board may impose reasonable requirements on the use, including, but not limited to, off-street parking, landscaping, screening and buffering.
The facility provides child care services for a fee to no more than five children at any one time; and
The facility is registered as a family day-care home pursuant to the "Family Day Care Provider Registration Act" if child care services are provided for between three and five children for more than 15 hours per week.
Community residences for the developmentally disabled and community shelters for victims of domestic violence. Community residences for the developmentally disabled and community shelters for victims of domestic violence are permitted in all residential zones, in accordance with the following requirements:
Such uses shall meet the area and bulk requirements of the zone where located.
The facility contains fewer than six occupants, excluding resident staff.
The facility is not located within 1,500 feet of an existing such residence or shelter.
The number of persons, other than resident staff, within all such residences or shelters in the Township does not exceed 50 persons or 5% of the population, whichever is greater.
The facility is licensed by the State of New Jersey.
Home occupations.
Home occupations are permitted in all residential zones, in accordance with the following requirements:
Such uses shall be subject to site plan review and approval.
The Board may impose reasonable requirements on the use, including, but not limited to, off-street parking, landscaping, screening and buffering, depending on the nature of the use and surrounding uses.
Not more than one person in addition to members of the family residing on the premises shall be engaged in such occupation.
The home occupation shall be clearly incidental and subordinate to the use of the dwelling for residential purposes. The maximum area devoted to the home occupation shall be limited to not more than 25% of the gross floor area of the principal building, not including the cellar, or 400 square feet, whichever is smaller.
There shall be no external evidence of the home occupation other than a small sign, as regulated in § 150-37.
Goods, chattels, materials, supplies or items of any kind delivered either to or from the premises in connection with a home occupation shall take place in noncommercial registered vehicles or typical delivery vans with a maximum length of 20 feet.
Any goods or merchandise for sale must be produced on the premises.
Home occupations that meet the following requirements are exempt from site plan review and approval:
There is no external evidence of the home occupation.
There are no retail sales conducted on the site and no clients will visit the site.
There is no sign identifying the home occupation.
Bed-and-breakfast establishments. Bed-and-breakfast establishments are permitted in all residential zones, in accordance with the following requirements:
Such use shall meet the area and bulk requirements of the zone where located.
The maximum length of stay shall not exceed one month.
No cooking or preparation of food for guests shall be conducted within any bedroom made available for rent.
One parking space per guest room shall be provided on-site in addition to the minimum off-street parking required for the residence.
There shall be no external evidence of a bed-and-breakfast other than a sign as regulated in § 150-37.
The bed-and-breakfast shall be accessory to the principal use of the house as a dwelling.
The following uses are permitted in all nonresidential zones in the Township:
Child care centers and adult day-care centers. Child care centers and adult day-care centers are permitted uses in all nonresidential zones in Cranbury Township, in accordance with the following requirements:
[Amended 9-23-2013 by Ord. No. 09-13-24]
Such use shall meet the area and bulk requirements of the zone where located.
Pertaining only to child care centers, the floor area occupied in any building or structure as a child care center shall be excluded in calculating the following:
Any parking requirement otherwise applicable to that number of units or amount of floor space, as appropriate, as required in § 150-43; and
The permitted density or intensity of use allowable for that building or structure under the applicable zone requirements.
Permitted uses. In the A-100 Zone, no lot shall be used and no structure shall be erected, altered or occupied for any purpose except the following:
Conventional detached single-family dwellings.
Lot-averaged detached single-family dwellings.
Commercial and home agriculture, subject to the requirements of § 150-11A.
[1]Family day-care homes, subject to the requirements of § 150-12A.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection A(4), regarding public utility and service structures, and former Subsection A(5), regarding places of worship, were repealed 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19, which ordinance also redesignated former Subsection A(6) through (11) as Subsection A(4) through (9), respectively.
Community residences for the developmentally disabled and community shelters for victims of domestic violence, subject to the requirements of § 150-12B.
Home occupations, subject to the requirements of § 150-12C.
Bed-and-breakfast establishments, subject to the requirements of § 150-12D.
Public parks and playgrounds owned and operated by the Township of Cranbury.
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
Accessory uses and accessory buildings customarily incidental to the above uses and located on the same lot.
Area and bulk regulations.
All permitted uses in the A-100 Zone except lot-averaged detached single-family development covered in Subsection B(2) below.
[Amended 4-23-2001 by Ord. No. 04-01-12]
Minimum lot area: 6 acres.
Minimum lot width: 400 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 250 feet.
Minimum front and rear yard setback: 150 feet.
Minimum side yard setback (each): 100 feet.
Maximum building height, exclusive of farm buildings, steeples or domes: 35 feet.
Minimum distance between lot lines and places of outdoor activity such as recreation areas and areas of assembly: 150 feet.
Minimum parking: as specified in § 150-43.
Maximum floor area ratio (FAR): .06.
Maximum impervious coverage: 20%.
Lot-averaged detached single-family dwellings.
On any tract of 20 acres or more in size, lot-averaged development as defined in Article II is permitted. The minimum lot size may be reduced to 40,000 square feet, provided that not less than 70% of the total tract area is devoted to open space.
Lot averaging may take place on contiguous or noncontiguous tracts in the same ownership. Lots that could be developed on one tract can be transferred to the other tract, provided that all tracts are in the A-100 Zone or R-LI Zone.
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
Maximum density: 25% more than the number of lots that could be developed as shown in a sketch plat of a conventional detached single-family subdivision.
Open space. At least 70% of the tract area shall be permanently deed restricted for open space, as defined in § 150-7. The minimum open space requirement may be located on more than one tract, however, only one residential unit shall be permitted on the deed restricted land regardless of the number of tracts of deed restricted land created. While farmland preservation is the primary goal, a maximum of 25% of the deed restricted preservation area, or 20 acres, whichever is less, may be owned by a homeowner's association and used for common open space as defined in § 150-7, provided that the Planning Board approves the use of the common open space.
Development shall be designed in accordance with the standards of § 150-41E (Site Plan and Subdivision Standards).
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
Maximum building height: 35 feet or 2.5 stories, whichever is less.
Maximum building envelope size: 40% of the lot area or 20,000 square feet, whichever is less.
Minimum distance between building envelopes: 60 feet.
Minimum distance between a building envelope and a tract boundary or off-site public street: 50 feet.
Minimum distance between a building envelope and any lot line: 10 feet.
Minimum distance between a building envelope and any on-site street: 35 feet.
Minimum distance between a building envelope from the edge of a stream or pond: 100 feet, unless a greater distance is required by flood zone, stream encroachment or wetlands regulations.
Permitted uses. In the R-LI Zone, no land shall be used and no structures shall be erected, altered or occupied for any purposes except the following:
Detached single-family dwellings.
Lot-averaged single-family dwellings.
[Added 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also redesignated former Subsection A(2) as Subsection A(3); repealed former Subsection A(3), regarding places of worship, and former Subsection A(4), regarding public utility and service structures; and redesignated former Subsection A(5) through A(10) as Subsection A(4) through A(9), respectively.
Commercial and home agriculture, subject to the requirements of § 150-11A.
Family day-care homes, subject to the requirements of § 150-12A.
Community residences for the developmentally disabled and community shelters for victims of domestic violence, subject to the requirements of § 150-12B.
Home occupations, subject to the requirements of § 150-12C.
Bed-and-breakfast establishments, subject to the requirements of § 150-12D.
Public parks and playgrounds owned and operated by the Township of Cranbury.
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
Accessory uses and accessory buildings customarily incidental to the above uses and located on the same lot.
Area and bulk regulations.
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
All permitted uses in the R-LI zone, except lot-averaged detached single-family development covered in Subsection B(2) below:
Minimum lot area: four acres.
Minimum lot width: 200 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 250 feet.
Minimum front yard depth: 50 feet.
Minimum side yard width: 30 feet.
Minimum rear yard depth: 50 feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet or 2 1/2 stories, whichever is less.
Lot-averaged detached single-family dwellings.
On any tract of 10 acres or more in size in the R-LI Zone, lot averaged development as defined in § 150-7 is permitted. The minimum lot size may be reduced to 30,000 square feet, provided that not less than 50% of the total tract area is devoted to open space.
Lot averaging may take place on contiguous or noncontiguous lots in the same ownership. Lots that could be developed on one tract can be transferred to the other tract, provided that all tracts are in the A-100 Zone or R-LI Zone.
Maximum gross density: 25% more than the number of lots that could be developed as shown in a sketch plat of a conventional detached single-family subdivision.
Open space. At least 50% of the tract area shall be permanently deed-restricted for open space, as defined in § 150-7. The minimum open space requirement may be located on more than one tract; however, only one residential unit shall be permitted on the deed-restricted land regardless of the number of tracts of deed-restricted land created. While farmland preservation is the primary goal, a maximum of 25% of the deed-restricted preservation area, or 20 acres, whichever is less, may be owned by a homeowners' association and used for common open space as defined in § 150-7, provided that the Planning Board approves the use of the common open space.
Development shall be designed in accordance with the standards of § 150-41E (Site Plan and Subdivision Standards).
Maximum building height: 35 feet or 2.5 stories, whichever is less.
Maximum building envelope size: 40% of the lot area or 15,000 square feet, whichever is less.
Minimum distance between building envelopes: 60 feet.
Minimum distance between a building envelope and a tract boundary or off-site public street: 50 feet.
Minimum distance between a building envelope and any lot line: 10 feet.
Minimum distance between a building envelope and any on-site street: 35 feet.
Minimum distance between a building envelope from the edge of a stream or pond: 100 feet, unless a greater distance is required by flood zone, stream encroachment or wetlands regulations.
Permitted uses. In the RLD-1 Zone, no land shall be used and no structure shall be erected, altered or occupied for any purpose except the following:
Detached single-family dwelling.
Commercial and home agriculture, subject to the requirements of § 150-11A.
Places of worship, subject to the requirements of § 150-11B.
Public utility and service structures, subject to the requirements of § 150-11C.
Family day-care homes, subject to the requirements of § 150-12A.
Community residences for the developmentally disabled and community shelters for victims of domestic violence, subject to the requirements of § 150-12B.
Home occupations, subject to the requirements of § 150-12C.
Bed-and-breakfast establishments, subject to the requirements of § 150-12D.
Public parks, playgrounds, buildings, structures and uses owned and operated by the Township of Cranbury.
Accessory uses and accessory buildings customarily incidental to the above uses and located on the same lot.
Area and bulk requirements.
Minimum lot area: 40,000 square feet.
Minimum street frontage: 170 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 200 feet.
Minimum front yard depth: 50 feet.
Minimum side yard width: 20 feet.
Minimum rear yard depth: 40 feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet or 2 1/2 stories, whichever is less.
Permitted uses. In the RLD-3 Zone, no land shall be used and no structure shall be erected, altered or occupied for any purpose except the following:
Conventional detached single-family dwellings.
Lot-averaged detached single-family dwellings.
Commercial and home agriculture, subject to the requirements of § 150-11A.
Places of worship, subject to the requirements of § 150-11B.
Public utility and service structures, subject to the requirements of § 150-11C.
Family day-care homes, subject to the requirements of § 150-12A.
Community residences for the developmentally disabled and community shelters for victims of domestic violence, subject to the requirements of § 150-12B.
Home occupations, subject to the requirements of § 150-12C.
Bed-and-breakfast establishments, subject to the requirements of § 150-12D.
Public parks, playgrounds, buildings, structures and uses owned and operated by the Township of Cranbury.
Accessory uses and accessory buildings customarily incidental to the above uses and located on the same lot.
Area and bulk requirements.
Conventional detached single-family dwellings.
Minimum lot area: four acres.
Minimum lot width: 200 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 250 feet.
Minimum front yard depth: 50 feet.
Minimum side yard width: 30 feet.
Minimum rear yard depth: 50 feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet or 2 1/2 stories, whichever is less.
Lot-averaged residential development, subject to the following requirements:
On any tract of 10 acres or more in size, lot-averaged development as defined in Article II is permitted. The minimum lot size may be reduced to 20,000 square feet, provided that not less than 70% of the total tract area is devoted to open space.
Lot averaging may take place on contiguous or noncontiguous lots in the same ownership. Lots that could be developed on one tract can be transferred to the other tract, provided that the developed tract is located in the RLD-3 Zone and the other tract(s) are located in either the A-100, RLD-3 or R-LI Zone. The maximum number of lots that can be transferred shall not exceed the number of lots that could be developed under the zoning requirements in the sending zone.
Maximum gross density: one unit per three acres.
Development location. Residential lots should be located within the potential development area shown on Map IV-l of the Cranbury Township Master Plan. See § 150-41E (Site Plan and Subdivision Standards).
Open space. At least 70% of the tract area shall be permanently deed restricted for open space, as defined in § 150-7. The minimum open space requirement may be located on more than one tract, however, only one residential unit shall be permitted on the deed restricted land regardless of the number of tracts of deed restricted land created. While farmland preservation is the primary goal, a maximum of 25% of the deed restricted preservation area, or 20 acres, whichever is less, may be owned by a homeowner's association and used for common open space as defined in § 150-7, provided that the Planning Board approves the use of the common open space.
Minimum lot width: 100 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 150 feet.
Minimum front yard: 40 feet.
Minimum side yard width: 20 feet.
Minimum rear yard depth: 40 feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet or 2.5 stories, whichever is less.
Permitted uses. In the V/HR Zone, no land shall be used and no structure shall be erected, altered or occupied for any purposes except the following:
Detached single-family dwellings.
[1]Places of worship, subject to the requirements of § 150-11B.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection A(2), regarding commercial and home agriculture, and former Subsection A(4), regarding public utility and service structures, were repealed 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19, which ordinance also redesignated former Subsection A(3) as Subsection A(2) and former Subsection A(5) through (10) as Subsection A(3) through (8), respectively.
Family day-care homes, subject to the requirements of § 150-12A.
Community residences for the developmentally disabled and community shelters for victims of domestic violence, subject to the requirements of § 150-12B.
Home occupations, subject to the requirements of § 150-12C.
Bed-and-breakfast establishments, subject to the requirements of § 150-12D.
Public parks, playgrounds, buildings, structures and uses owned and operated by the Township of Cranbury.
Accessory uses and accessory buildings customarily incidental to the above uses and located on the same lot.
Conditional uses. In the V/HR Zone, the conversion of any single-family dwelling into a two-family dwelling is permitted as a conditional use, subject to the following requirements:
The dwelling was built before 1953, the date of the first zoning in Cranbury.
Each dwelling unit shall have separate ingress and egress.
Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Article V.
The minimum lot size shall be 18,000 square feet.
The minimum size of each of the resulting dwelling units shall not be less than 600 square feet.
Any conversion shall not alter the exterior architectural appearance of the existing structure, with the exception of an exterior entranceway affording access to the converted unit. Any alterations to the facade of any existing structure shall be in harmony with the architectural style, materials and scale thereof.
Area and bulk regulations.
Minimum lot area: 15,000 square feet.
Minimum lot width: 100 feet.
Minimum front yard depth: the lesser of 40 feet or the average setback of existing buildings on the same side of the street within 200 feet on each side of the lot, provided that no building shall be erected nearer than 15 feet to the street line.
Minimum side yard width: 12 feet.
Minimum rear yard depth: 40 feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet.
Permitted uses. In the VC Zone, no land shall be used and no structure shall be erected, altered or occupied for any purpose except the following:
Detached single-family dwelling.
Two-family dwellings.
Retail and service establishments, as listed below, as well as all uses substantially similar to them:
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
Clothing, personal furnishings and accessories, and shoe stores.
Music and book stores.
Stationery stores.
Antiques stores.
Camera and photographic supply stores.
Gift, novelty and souvenir stores.
Jewelry and watch stores.
Luggage and leather goods stores.
Stores selling sporting and recreational goods and supplies.
Furniture and home furnishing stores.
Drapery and curtain stores.
Retail bakery store.
Grocery stores, fruit and vegetable markets, candy, nut and confectionery stores, meat and fish stores.
Beauty shops or barbershops, and nail salons.
Laundry and dry cleaning pickup or dropoff centers.
Travel agencies.
Art galleries.
Establishments selling and servicing electronic goods and appliances.
Offices for professional services, commercial, business and government.
Banks, financial institutions, insurance and real estate offices, but not drive-through banks.
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
Funeral homes.
Restaurants, excluding drive-through restaurants.
Clubs, lodges and fraternal organizations.
Dwelling units within mixed-use buildings.
[1]Places of worship, subject to the requirements of § 150-11B.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection A(10), regarding commercial and home agriculture, and former Subsection A(12), regarding public utility and service structures, were repealed 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19, which ordinance also redesignated former Subsection A(11) as Subsection A(10) and former Subsection A(13) through (16) as Subsection A(11) through (14), respectively.
Child-care centers, subject to the requirements of § 150-13A.
Public parks, playgrounds, buildings, structures and uses owned and operated by the Township of Cranbury.
Accessory uses and accessory buildings customarily incidental to the above uses and located on the same lot.
Outdoor dining as an accessory use in conjunction with a permitted restaurant, subject to the requirements of § 150-39.
[Added 9-11-2006 by Ord. No. 08-06-20]
Prohibited uses. In the VC Zone, the following uses are prohibited:
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
Any drive-through or drive-in uses or service, whether a principal or accessory use.
Any automobile service, sales, leasing or rental.
The sale of any product or service by outdoor vending machine.
The performance of any service except within enclosed buildings, with the exception of outdoor dining per § 150-19A(14).
Area and bulk regulations.
Minimum lot area: 6,500 square feet.
Minimum lot width: 40 feet.
Minimum front yard depth: the lesser of 45 feet or the average setback of existing buildings on the same side of the street within 200 feet on each side of the lot.
Maximum front yard. No front yard setback shall exceed the average setback of existing buildings on the same side of the street within 200 feet of either side of the lot, by a distance of more than five feet.
[Added 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19[2]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also redesignated former Subsection C(4) as Subsection C(5) and former Subsection C(5) through (8) as Subsection C(7) through (10), respectively.
Minimum side yard width: six feet for one yard; 12 feet for combined side yards. Where a side lot line of a lot in the VC Zone coincides with the boundary line of any residence zone, the minimum side yard requirement which is in effect in such adjoining zone shall apply.[3]
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection C(6), Maximum side yard width, added 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19, which immediately followed, was repealed 1-23-2012 by Ord. No. 01-12-04. This ordinance also redesignated former Subsection C(7) through (10) as Subsection C(6) through (9).
Minimum rear yard depth: 40 feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet.
Maximum building coverage shall not exceed 30%.
Maximum impervious coverage shall not exceed 60%.
Supplemental requirements for uses in the Village Commercial (VC) Zone.
[Added 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
No single building or business shall exceed 5,000 square feet of floor area regardless of use. No single building shall have a building coverage in excess of 3,500 square feet. No two principal buildings on a single lot shall be closer to one another than 20 feet, and shall not be connected by atriums or enclosed breezeways, or similar structures.
No parking, loading area or vehicular dropoff or circular driveways shall be permitted in any front or side yard.
Driveway openings shall be limited to one per street frontage, and shall not be less than 10 feet nor more than 18 feet in width, although driveway aprons may exceed such widths as necessary at the curbline. The use of shared driveways and common parking areas serving more than one use or property is hereby encouraged.
[Amended 9-11-2006 by Ord. No. 08-06-20; 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19[1]; 3-26-2013 by Ord. No. 02-13-08; 10-24-2016 by Ord. No. 10-16-22]
Purpose. The purpose of this district is to provide along the Route 130 Corridor, close to the Village Hamlet area, larger retail stores providing goods and services that are unlikely or inappropriate to locate in the Village Commercial VC district in downtown Cranbury, and smaller, less regionally oriented uses provided for in the General Commercial (GC) District.
Permitted uses. The following uses, and those which are substantially similar to them, shall be permitted in the HC Highway Commercial District:
Clothing and shoe stores.
Luggage, leather goods and jewelry stores.
Bookstores, news dealers and newsstands.
Gift, novelty and souvenir stores.
Office supply and stationery stores.
Sporting goods, hobby, toy and game stores, sewing and needlework stores, musical instruments and supply stores.
Pet and pet supply stores.
Retail bakeries, food and specialty food stores, including but not limited to meat, fish, seafood, baked goods, confections, nut stores, and other specialty foods.
Beer, wine and liquor stores.
Restaurants, cafeterias, delis, caterers, coffee shops, bars and taverns, snack and nonalcoholic beverage bars, but no fast-food restaurants or drive-in or drive-through restaurants.
Furniture stores and home furnishings stores, including but not limited to floor covering and window treatment stores.
Household appliance and electronics stores.
Hardware, paint and wallpaper stores, and other building material dealers.
Photograph and portrait studios.
Florists, nurseries, garden centers and farm supply stores, but not outdoor power equipment stores.
Automotive parts and accessory stores, including tire dealers.
Passenger car rental and leasing.
Pharmacies and drugstores.
Barbers, beauty shops and nail salons.
Health and personal care stores, including food and health supplement stores.
Optical goods stores, cosmetics, beauty supplies and perfume stores.
Real estate agents and brokers.
Travel agencies; tour operators.
Art dealers.
Banks, including drive-through banks, savings institutions and credit unions.
Loan brokers, including but not limited to mortgage brokers, security brokers and commodity contract brokers.
Insurance agencies and brokers, including but not limited to claims adjusting and third-party administration of insurance and pension funds.
Management of companies and enterprises, including bank holding companies, offices of other holding companies, and corporate subsidiary and regional managing offices.
Accounting, payroll and tax preparation services.
Professional and business offices, including but not limited to lawyers, notaries, public accountants, tax preparation services, payroll and other accounting services, architects, landscape architects, engineers, planners, surveyors, mapping, drafting and building inspection services.
Offices for scientific and technical services, including but not limited to market research, public opinion polling, commercial photographs, translation and interpretation services.
Offices for medical practitioners, including but not limited to physicians, mental health specialists and practitioners, dentists, chiropractors, optometrists, podiatrists, and physical, occupational and speech therapists.
Diagnostic imaging centers.
Home health-care services.
Blood and organ banks.
Employment services, including placement agencies, executive search services, temporary help services and professional employer organizations.
Business support services, including but not limited to document preparation, telephone answering, telemarketing, contact centers, private mail centers, collection agencies, credit bureaus, court reporting and stenotype services, and repossession services.
Design services, including interior, industrial, graphic and other specialized design services.
Computer programming, system design, facility management and other computer-related services.
Management, scientific and technical consulting services, including but not limited to administrative, general management, human resources, marketing, environmental process, physical distribution and logistics and other scientific consulting services.
Advertising, public relations and relating services, including but not limited to media buying and representative direct mail advertising, material distribution services and other services related to advertising.
Investigation and security services, including security guard and patrol services, armored car services, security system services and locksmiths.
Services to buildings and dwellings, including janitorial services and carpet and upholstery cleaning.
Packaging and labeling services, convention and trade show organizing services and other support services.
Retail shopping centers combining uses that are permitted within the zone.
Hotels and inns.
Self-storage warehouses.
Health clubs, gyms, Pilates, yoga, dance and martial arts studios, and uses which are substantially similar.
Assisted living facilities.
Accessory uses and accessory buildings customarily incidental to the above uses and located on the same lot.
Conditionally permitted uses. In addition to the conditional use standards set forth below for each conditional use permitted in the HC Highway Commercial Zone, all of the conditionally permitted uses shall be located on the east side of U.S. Route 130.
Car wash establishments, subject to the following additional standards:
The car wash facility shall adhere to the area and bulk regulations for the HC Highway Commercial District as set forth in § 150-20E.
No parking area, driveway aisle, loading area or outdoor working area shall be located within 15 feet of a front or rear property line, or within 20 feet of a side property line. Within these setbacks to the side or rear of the property, a landscaped buffer of at least 10 feet in width shall be provided for screening proposes.
All mechanical car wash facilities shall be located within an enclosed building whose entry shall not face the front property line, and shall be capable of being locked and secured during hours when the facility is closed.
The entrance into the car wash building faces a residential use or zone; the entrance to the car wash, including the portion where cars are vacuumed or prepared prior to entry into the building, shall be screened by means of an opaque fence or wall of at least six feet in height with landscaping adjacent to the property.
All outdoor cleaning equipment, including vacuum cleaners, buffers, steam cleaners, compressor air hoses and the like, shall be located in the side or rear yard, and, if provided, the applicant shall provide evidence that the state noise standards shall be adhered to.
Only hand-drying of vehicles shall be permitted in the front yard. A maximum of four spaces per mechanical car wash lane may be provided in the front yard for this purpose.
A double row of vehicular stacking spaces shall be provided behind the entrance to the car wash building with space for no fewer than eight vehicles per lane. No part of the stacking lane shall be permitted in the front yard.
Additional off-street parking spaces shall be provided for employees on maximum shift, as well as for the storage of vehicles that are undergoing treatment of a longer duration, such as detailing. Additionally, two parking spaces shall be provided for each self-service vacuum position.
All wash water generated from the car wash, including that which is generated outside the car wash building, shall be contained within a spill containment pad to prevent run-on of stormwater from adjacent paved areas, and shall be collected via a drain system which discharges into the sewer system. A water recycling system to reuse the rinse water shall be included in the facility.
No outdoor public address system, bells, or music shall be permitted.
The hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
Coffee shops, with drive-through, subject to the following additional standards:
Two drive-through lanes shall be provided, one for stacking and the other as a bypass lane.
Each drive-through lane shall be a minimum of nine feet wide, and the drive-through stacking lane shall allow for the continuous stacking of eight vehicles (a total length of 160 feet) without blocking or encroaching upon entry or exit driveways, or driveway aisles used for access into or out of parking stalls.
In addition to the drive-through lanes, parking stalls be provided at a ratio of one space per 150 square feet, and with no fewer than 20 spaces in total.
Fuel stations and convenience stores, subject to the following additional standards:
No fuel pump shall be located less than 35 feet from any public right-of-way or property line.
At least two driveways shall be provided, at least 18 feet wide and no more than 30 feet wide, and located not less than 20 feet from any adjoining property or corner of an intersecting public street. Such driveways shall be separated by a distance of at least 100 feet measured from the center line of each driveway. No more than two curb cuts may be permitted per street frontage, and no more than three curb cuts on corner lots.
No servicing, repair, auto body work, automobile sales, towing or any other automobile-related activities shall be permitted except for the sale of automobile accessories, such as oil or window washer fluid and the provision of one or more air pumps.
No overnight parking shall be permitted.
A canopy may be provided over the fuel service area, but such canopy shall contain only one sign or logo.
Canopy illumination, if any, shall be limited to recessed lights installed underneath the canopy. Any such lights shall be directed downward and shall employ cutoff shield to minimize glare, nuisance to adjacent property owners, and sky glow. Average light levels underneath the canopy shall not exceed five footcandles, nor shall any light levels at the property line exceed 0.1 footcandle.
For a fuel service station, only one freestanding sign shall be permitted, which may include price information, and shall not exceed 60 square feet in area or 20 feet in height and shall not be located closer than 20 feet from any public right-of-way. If the site has frontage on a second public street, a second freestanding sign may be provided, subject to the same dimensional limitations and setback requirements.
One wall sign on any convenience store or accessory fuel service station building shall be permitted per street frontage, and shall not exceed 40 square feet in area.
No storage or display of any kind shall be permitted outdoors.
A curbed, landscaped area, at least 15 feet in width, shall be installed and maintained and shall extend along all front, side and rear property lines.
Off-street parking for fuel service stations shall be provided at a ratio of one space for each two pumps and a minimum of four spaces. This shall be in addition to the parking that may be required for a convenience store pursuant to Subsection C(3)(m) below if the fuel service station is located on the same property as the convenience store.
No convenience store shall exceed one story or 24 feet or have a floor area which exceeds 6,000 square feet.
Off-street parking for the convenience store shall be provided at a ratio of one space for each 150 square feet of floor area. This shall be in addition to the parking that may be required for a fuel service station pursuant to Subsection C(3)(k) above if the convenience store is located on the same property as the fuel service station.
One truck-loading space at least 10 feet wide by 50 feet long with a height clearance of 14 feet shall be provided for the convenience store and shall be located to the rear of the store. To the extent necessary to block views of the loading area from the street, a fence, wall, plantings or a combination thereof shall be provided to shield views of such loading space.
A standalone convenience store may have a freestanding sign of the same dimensions, height and location as that permitted by a fuel service station. However, if both uses are located on the same property, the convenience store may have a second such freestanding sign, provided the total area of the two signs does not exceed 100 square feet.
Automotive oil change and lubrication shops, subject to the following additional standards:
Such establishments shall meet the bulk requirements for the HC Zone, a variance from which shall be deemed to be a d(3) variance pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d(3).
All service, repair work, cleaning or other automotive-related services shall be performed in a fully enclosed building.
No repair bay shall face a public street.
No towing or automotive sales shall be permitted on the premises.
All overnight parking of vehicles shall be confined to the rear yard and screened from view by buildings or solid fences or landscaping.
Off-street parking in the amount of 10 spaces per service bay shall be provided, but in no case shall fewer than 20 off-street parking spaces be provided.
A curbed landscaped area at least 15 feet in width shall be installed and maintained along all front, side and rear property lines.
No more than one monument sign and one wall sign shall be permitted, the size and location of which shall adhere to the standards set forth for signs in the HC Zone, and no other signs, sandwich boards or displays or shall be permitted, temporarily or otherwise, on the premises.
Recreational vehicle and boat dealers, subject to the following additional standards:
Such establishments shall meet the bulk requirements for the HC Zone, a variance from which shall be deemed to be a d(3) variance pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d(3).
All service and repair work, or any other related services, shall be performed within a fully enclosed building.
A curbed landscaped area of at least 25 feet in depth shall be provided along the front property line, and shall not be used for the display or storage or boats or vehicles.
Prohibited uses. The following uses and those uses which are substantially similar to them are specifically prohibited in the HC Highway Commercial District.
Tattoo parlors and tanning salons.
Fast-food restaurants.
Residential uses, aside from assisted living facilities.
General automotive maintenance and/or repair, including transmissions, exhaust, mechanical and electrical systems.
Automotive body maintenance and/or repair, including glass replacement shops.
Area and bulk regulations.
Minimum lot area: two acres.
Minimum lot frontage: 150 feet.
Front yard depth: 75 feet minimum and a maximum of 100 feet.
Minimum side yard width: 20 feet.
Minimum rear yard depth: 35 feet.
Maximum permitted floor area (FAR):
For one-story buildings: 0.30.
For two- or three-story buildings: 0.40.
Maximum building height: 40 feet or three stories, whichever is less; however, one-story buildings may not exceed 24 feet in height.
Maximum impervious coverage.
The maximum impervious lot coverage shall be 60% utilizing standard impervious paving techniques for all paved surfaces. However, alternative porous paving systems that provided stormwater infiltration and storage may be used to attain a total lot coverage of 75% with no more than 60% of the lot coverage being impervious surfaces and up to a maximum of an additional 15% of the lot coverage being pervious paving surfaces.
Only pavers over a pervious base or turf blocks, both of which are suitable for lesser-used areas, such as overflow parking areas and emergency or maintenance access roads, shall be counted as pervious surfaces towards the allowable additional 15% of lot coverage above the maximum sixty-percent standard impervious paving. An approved maintenance plan incorporating best management practices shall be required upon approval.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former § 150-20, Professional Office/Residential (PO/R) Zone, and redesignated former § 150-21 as § 150-20.
[Amended 8-26-1996 by Ord. No. O-06-96-10; 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19[1]; 3-26-2013 by Ord. No. 02-13-08; 4-8-2013 by Ord. No. 03-13-10; 10-24-2016 by Ord. No. 10-16-22]
Purpose. The purpose of this district is to encourage regionally oriented retail and automotive-related services and sales. This district is envisioned for larger, modern, suburban-style shopping centers that will allow Cranbury to provide retail goods and services that are not appropriate for the Historic Village downtown area, and to make Cranbury's retail sector more competitive with retail offerings in adjacent communities.
Permitted uses. The following uses, and those which are substantially similar to them, shall be permitted in the GC General Commercial District:
All uses which are permitted in the HC Highway Commercial District (§ 150-20B).
New and used car dealers.
Motorcycle, ATV and other motor vehicle dealers.
Outdoor power equipment stores.
Conditionally permitted uses.
The same uses permitted conditionally in the HC Highway Commercial District (§ 150-20C) shall be permitted conditional uses in the GC District, and subject to the same conditional use standards.
Prohibited uses. The following uses, and those substantially similar to them, shall be prohibited in the GC General Commercial District.
The same uses which are prohibited in the HC Highway Commercial District (§ 150-20D).
Area and bulk regulations.
Minimum lot area: three acres.
Minimum lot frontage: 200 feet.
Minimum front yard depth: 75 feet minimum.
Minimum side yard width: 20 feet minimum.
Minimum rear yard depth: 35 feet minimum.
Maximum FAR: 0.40.
Maximum building height: 40 feet or three stories, whichever is less; however, one-story buildings shall not exceed 24 feet in height.
Maximum lot coverage:
The maximum impervious lot coverage shall be 60% utilizing standard impervious paving techniques for all paved surfaces. However, alternative porous paving systems that provided stormwater infiltration and storage may be used to attain a total lot coverage of 75%, with no more than 60% of the lot coverage being pervious paving surfaces.
Only pavers over a pervious base or turf blocks, both of which are suitable for lesser-used areas, such as overflow parking areas and emergency or maintenance access roads, shall be counted as pervious surfaces towards the allowable additional 15% of lot coverage above the maximum sixty-percent standard impervious paving. An approved maintenance plan incorporating best management practices shall be required upon approval.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also redesignated former § 150-22 as § 150-21.
[Added 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19[1]]
Purpose. The purpose of the district is to allow for the development of a comprehensive mixed-use project, consisting of a row of convenience-related retail stores with residential apartments on the second floor along Old Trenton Road, and lower-density attached single-family or apartment or professional office development on the remainder, all of which is of a traditional scale and design so as to blend in with the predominantly residential neighborhood in which this district is an integral part.
Permitted uses.
For tract sizes equal to or greater than two acres but less than 10 acres, the following uses shall be permitted:
Single-family attached dwellings, including townhouses and duplexes, but restricted to one- and two-bedroom units only.
Apartments, restricted to one- and two-bedroom units only.
Professional offices.
For tract sizes equal to or greater than 10 acres, and having at least 400 feet of frontage on Old Trenton Road, the following additional land uses are also permitted:
Retail and service establishments, including personal service businesses and specialized and convenience retail, including but not limited to drugstores, banks and financial services, bakeries, delis, beauty shops, nail salons, tanning salons, laundries, dropoff-only dry cleaners, gift stores, florists, takeout food, and clothing and shoe repair; but only on the ground floor of buildings located on that portion of the parcel within 200 feet of the right-of-way of Old Trenton Road.
Residential apartments restricted to one- and two-bedroom units only, located on the second floor over the retail and service uses as set forth in § 150-22B(2)(a) above.
Public parks, playgrounds, buildings, structures and uses owned and operated by the Township of Cranbury.
Accessory uses and accessory buildings customarily incidental to the above uses and located on the same lot.
Prohibited uses. The following use is specifically prohibited:
Area and bulk regulations.
For single-family attached dwellings, apartments and professional offices:
Minimum lot area: two acres.
Minimum street frontage: 200 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 250 feet.
Minimum setback from a public street: 25 feet.
Minimum setback from other buildings on the same lot:
Front-to-front: 75 feet.
Front-to-side, front-to-rear: 40 feet.
Side-to-side: 20 feet.
Rear-to-rear, rear-to-side: 40 feet.
Minimum setback from internal driveways: 15 feet.
Minimum setback to parking: 10 feet.
Maximum building coverage: 10%.
Maximum impervious coverage: 50%.
Maximum building height: two stories and 25 feet for residential buildings; 28 feet for offices.
Maximum residential density: four dwelling units per acre.
Maximum floor area ratio (FAR): 0.15.
Maximum number of residential units per structure: four for single-family attached units, eight for apartments.
Accessory buildings shall have the same setbacks as principal buildings but shall not exceed one story or 15 feet in height, whichever is the lesser.
For mixed-use, retail ground floor and second-floor apartments as permitted in § 150-22B(2)(b):
Minimum lot area: 10 acres for entire tract.
Maximum lot area devoted to mixed use (retail ground floor, apartment above): three acres.
Minimum street frontage for mixed use: 400 feet along Old Trenton Road.
Minimum lot depth for mixed use: 250 feet.
Minimum setback from Old Trenton Road for mixed use: 15 feet.
Maximum setback from Old Trenton Road for mixed use: 30 feet.
Minimum side yard setback for mixed use: 25 feet.
Minimum setback from internal streets for mixed use: 15 feet.
Maximum building coverage for mixed use: 25%.
Maximum impervious coverage for mixed use: 65%.
Maximum building height for mixed use: two stories, 28 feet.
Maximum density, for residential portion of the mixed use only: seven units per acre, but not more than 20 units.
Maximum floor area ratio (FAR) for retail portion of the mixed use only: 0.25, but not more than 30,000 square feet of retail floor area in total.
For the remaining part of the site not utilized for the mixed use, development per § 150-22D(1) shall apply.
Additional requirements. Where the requirements of this subsection conflict with design standards within this chapter (§ 150-41), the standards herein shall apply.
Affordable set-aside. Residential development shall be required to satisfy any affordable housing requirements generated by such development, or as mandated by the New Jersey Fair Housing Act as amended.[2] For example, if the new affordability requirements require 10% of all additional units to be affordable units, 10% of the total number of units in the development within the M-C zone shall be set aside as affordable units.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 52:27D-301 et seq.
Public open space. For mixed-use developments with a minimum of 10 acres, a central pocket park/green space of at least 30,000 contiguous square feet shall be provided within the site, preferably as a transition between the mixed-use building and residential development on the remainder of the tract. The park shall be framed on at least two sides and at least 50% of its perimeter by vehicular streets. Pedestrian entries to adjoining residential development should overlook the park.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also redesignated former § 150-22 as § 150-21.
[Added 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
Purpose. To provide the opportunity for a variety of office and retail development to serve an automobile-oriented regional market, with a more modern design orientation.
Permitted uses.
Permitted uses:
Stores providing retail goods and services including the following types of uses:
Agricultural supplies and accessories.
Home and garden centers, such as hardware stores, paint supply, plumbing supply, electrical supply, tile and granite sales, carpet and floor covering, home decor and furnishings, and appliance stores.
Sporting and hobby stores, such as sporting goods, scuba supplies and service, pool supply, pet shops, party rental, hobby and craft shops, and supply stores.
Automobile parts and supplies, car rental and automobile service-only establishments.
General, professional and medical office, including offices on the second floor over retail uses.
Retail shopping centers, combining a number of retail establishments permitted in the zone, with or without second floor offices.
Commercial recreation uses such as gyms, health clubs, driving ranges, outdoor playing fields, hockey rinks or bowling alleys.
Business services.
Hotels and inns.
Wholesale, storage and contractors.
Accessory uses and accessory buildings customarily incidental to the above uses and located on the same lot.
All residential uses are prohibited.
Prohibited uses. The following uses are specifically prohibited:
Automobile sales or camper, trailer, boat, truck or motorcycle sales.
Residential uses of any kind.
Restaurants or eating and drinking establishments.
Area and bulk regulations.
Minimum lot area: two acres.
Minimum lot frontage: 200 feet.
Minimum front yard depth: 50 feet.
Minimum side yard width: 30 feet.
Minimum rear yard depth: 50 feet.
Maximum permitted floor area (FAR): for office development alone: 0.15; for retail development alone, and for mixed-use development combining retail and office: 0.35.
Maximum building height: two stories or 28 feet, whichever is lesser.
Lot coverage.
For office development: maximum thirty-five-percent lot coverage. No additional coverage shall be granted for pervious paving.
For retail development and for mixed-use developments combining office and retail, maximum impervious lot coverage is 60% with standard, impervious paving techniques, as follows:
The maximum impervious lot coverage shall be 60% utilizing standard, impervious paving techniques for all paved surfaces. However, alternative porous paving systems that provide stormwater infiltration and storage may be used to attain a total lot coverage of 75%, with no more than 60% of the lot coverage being impervious surfaces and up to a maximum of an additional 15% of the lot coverage being pervious paving surfaces.
Only pavers over a pervious base or turf blocks, both of which are suitable for lesser-used areas, such as overflow parking areas and emergency or maintenance access roads, shall be counted as pervious surfaces towards the allowable additional 15% of lot coverage above the maximum sixty-percent standard impervious paving. An approved, maintenance plan incorporating best management practices shall be required upon approval.
Permitted uses. In the I-LI Zone, no land shall be used and no structure shall be erected, altered or occupied for any purposes except the following:
Light industry, provided that any manufacturing or fabricating activities shall be contained within enclosed structures.
Offices for professional services, commercial, business and government.
Commercial recreation facilities within enclosed structures, including but not limited to indoor tennis or racquetball courts, health spas and similar facilities.
Scientific or research laboratories.
Wholesaling of goods and services, including warehousing or storage of goods, provided that all activities and inventories are conducted entirely within an enclosed structure.
Commercial and home agriculture, subject to the requirements of § 150-11A.
Public utility and service structures, subject to the requirements of § 150-11C.
Places of worship, subject to the requirements of § 150-11B.
Child care centers, subject to the requirements of § 150-13A.
Public parks, playgrounds, buildings, structures and uses owned and operated by the Township of Cranbury.
Accessory uses and accessory buildings customarily incidental to the above uses and located on the same lot.
Area and bulk regulations.
Minimum lot area: three acres.
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
Minimum lot frontage: 200 feet.
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
Minimum front yard depth: 75 feet.
Minimum side yard width: 50 feet.
Minimum rear yard depth: 50 feet.
Maximum building height: 60 feet.
[Amended 10-27-2014 by Ord. No. 09-14-08]
Maximum floor area ratio: .20. This floor area ratio may be increased to .30 if the majority of inbound nonemployee traffic to the site is accomplished by rail.
Maximum impervious coverage: 40%.
[Added 12-19-1995 by Ord. No. O-10-95-21; amended 12-28-1998 by Ord. No. O-11-98-25]
Permitted uses. In the RO/LI Zone, no land shall be used and no structure shall be erected, altered or occupied for any purposes except the following:
Light industry, provided that any manufacturing or fabricating activities shall be contained within enclosed structures.
Offices for professional services, commercial, business and government.
Planned industrial parks, subject to the requirements of § 150-27 and which may include the following additional uses:
[Amended 9-11-2006 by Ord. No. 08-06-20; 5-13-2013 by Ord. No. 04-13-13]
Conference hotel/motel centers.
Restaurants, including outdoor dining areas as an accessory use to the restaurant, subject to the requirements of § 150-39.
Wholesale and warehouse storage facilities.
Commercial recreation facilities within enclosed structures, including but not limited to indoor tennis or racquetball courts, health spas and similar facilities.
Scientific or research laboratories.
Commercial and home agriculture, subject to the requirements of § 150-11A.
Places of worship, subject to the requirements of § 150-11B.
Public utility and service structures, subject to the requirements of § 150-11C.
Child care centers, subject to the requirements of § 150-13A.
Public parks, playgrounds, buildings, structures and uses owned and operated by the Township of Cranbury.
Accessory uses. Accessory uses which are customarily incidental to and located on the same lot as the principal use, and which, unless otherwise specified, shall be located within a principal building and shall show no external evidence of such use. These may include but shall not be limited to:
Restaurant or cafeteria primarily for supplying meals only to employees and conference center guests, except as permitted in § 150-24A(3).
Newsstands and post office facilities.
Training facilities for employees.
Custodial living quarters.
Overnight lodging accommodations for visitors to any permitted principal use on the lot, provided that such facilities are not open to the general public, except as permitted in§ 150-24A(3).
Assembly halls for meetings incidental to any principal use.
Maintenance, utility and storage facilities incidental to any principal use.
Banking facilities.
Other uses customarily incidental to a principal use and located on the same lot.
Area and bulk regulations.
All permitted uses except offices and planned industrial parks.
Minimum lot area: 10 acres.
Maximum floor area ratio:
.22 for one-story buildings.
.30 for multistoried buildings.
Minimum street frontage: 400 feet.
Minimum front yard depth: 75 feet.
Minimum side yard width: 50 feet.
Minimum rear yard depth: 50 feet.
Parking. Not more than 25% of all required parking facilities shall be located in the minimum required front yard. Parking in excess of 25% of the required parking facilities may be located between the required minimum front yard setback line and the building, provided the building is set back further than the required minimum front yard setback line. No parking shall be located nearer than 25 feet to any property line or street right-of-way line. All parking and service areas shall be screened from the view of streets in accordance with the requirements of § 150-57.
Impervious surfaces in the aggregate shall not cover more than 50% of the lot.
Maximum building height: 40 feet.
Office uses.
Minimum lot area: three acres.
Maximum floor area ratio (FAR): 0.18 for a one-story building and 0.25 for a multistoried building.
Impervious surfaces in the aggregate shall not cover more than 50% of the lot.
Minimum street frontage: 300 feet.
Minimum front, side and rear yards: 50 feet.
Maximum building height: 40 feet.
Parking: Not more than 25% of all required parking facilities shall be located in the minimum required front yard. Parking in excess of 25% of the required parking facilities may be located between the required minimum front yard setback line and the building, provided the building is set back further than the required minimum front yard setback line. No parking shall be located nearer than 25 feet to any property line or street right-of-way line. All parking and service areas shall be screened from the view of streets in accordance with the requirements of § 150-57.
Planned industrial parks.
Minimum park area: 50 acres in contiguous parcels.
Minimum lot area within a planned park: five acres.
Minimum park width: 400 feet.
Minimum lot frontage: 250 feet.
Maximum floor area ratio:
.30 for a one-story building.
.35 for a multistoried building.
Buildings, lots, yards and setbacks shall conform to the site plan standards as provided in § 150-41I The following minimum setbacks shall be provided:
From street line: 100 feet for lots located along a planned park internal road and 125 feet for lots located along arterial roadways, but in no event less than twice the building height of the tallest building on the lot.
From side and rear property lines: 30 feet, except when located on the perimeter of the planned park, where they shall be increased to 50 feet, but in no event less than twice the building height of the tallest building on the lot.
Parking: Not more than 25% of all required parking facilities shall be located in the minimum required front yard. Parking in excess of 25% of the required parking facilities may be located between the required minimum front yard setback tine and the building, provided the building is set back further than the required minimum front yard setback line. No parking shall be located nearer than 25 feet to any property line or street right-of-way line. All parking and service areas shall be screened from the view of streets in accordance with the requirements of § 150-57.
Maximum building height: 65 feet.
Impervious surfaces in the aggregate shall not cover more than 50% of the lot.
Recreation facilities. On-site recreation facilities to service the needs of all industrial park employees and their visitors shall be provided. These facilities may include but are not limited to the following outdoor activities: basketball and tennis courts, volleyball courts, racquetball courts, bicycle paths, jogging trails and exercise equipment, picnic and sitting areas, softball fields, including backstops and benches and soccer fields.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection C(3)(k), Use mix, which was added 5-24-1999 and immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 5-13-2013 by Ord. No. 04-13-13.
A conference hotel/motel center.
The center shall be permitted only in a planned industrial park development.
Minimum lot area: seven acres.
Minimum lot width: 300 feet.
Minimum lot frontage: 300 feet.
Front yard, side yards and rear yard. Minimum yard requirements shall conform to the yard requirements established for planned industrial park developments.
Maximum floor area ratio: 0.25.
Impervious surfaces in the aggregate shall not cover more than 50% of the lot.
Maximum building height: 65 feet.
Other conditions. Any motel or hotel conference center shall contain a minimum of 20 units of accommodations, exclusive of any permanent on-site superintendent's living quarters, and shall contain a minimum of 3,000 square feet of meeting rooms.
Restaurants, excluding drive-in and fast-food establishments.
Restaurants shall be permitted only in a planned industrial park development.
Maximum permitted floor area ratio (FAR):
.20 for a one-story building.
.25 for a two-story building.
Impervious surfaces, in the aggregate, shall not cover more than 60% of the lot.
Minimum lot frontage: 150 feet.
Minimum front yard depth: 65 feet.
Minimum side yard width: 20 feet.
Minimum rear yard depth: 30 feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet.
Outdoor dining areas provided as an accessory use to a restaurant shall be subject to the requirements of § 150-39.
[Added 9-11-2006 by Ord. No. 08-06-20]
Wholesale and warehouse storage facilities. Wholesale and warehouse storage facilities shall be permitted only in planned industrial parks and subject to the following minimum standards:
Such facilities shall be within completely enclosed buildings.
No loading dock or service area may be on or visible from any street frontage. Provisions for handling all freight shall be on those sides of the any buildings which do not face on any street or proposed street.
Rear and side yards shall be landscaped so as to provide an effective screen, at time of planting, to obscure from view at ground level the permitted use from adjoining primary uses of a dissimilar nature.
The exterior design of all warehouse and storage buildings shall be designed in accordance § 150-41I.
[Amended 10-21-1995 by Ord. No. O-10-95-21]
Permitted uses. In the LI Zone, no land shall be used and no structure shall be erected, altered or occupied for any use but the following:
Light industry, provided that any manufacturing or fabricating activities shall be contained within enclosed structures.
Offices for professional services, commercial, business and government.
Planned industrial parks, subject to the requirements of § 150-27 and which may include the following additional uses:
Conference hotel/motel centers.
Restaurants, including outdoor dining areas as an accessory use to a restaurant subject to the requirements of § 150-39.
[Amended 9-11-2006 by Ord. No. 08-06-20]
Wholesale and warehouse storage facilities.
Commercial recreation facilities within enclosed structures, including but not limited to tennis or racquetball courts, health spas and similar facilities.
Scientific or research laboratories.
Commercial and home agriculture, subject to the requirements of § 150-11A.
Places of worship, subject to the requirements of § 150-11B.
Public utility and service structures, subject to the requirements of § 150-11C.
Child care centers, subject to the requirements of § 150-13A.
Public parks, playgrounds, buildings, structures and uses owned and operated by the Township of Cranbury.
Accessory uses. Accessory uses which are customarily incidental to and located on the same lot as the principal use, and which, unless otherwise specified, shall be located within a principal building and shall show no external evidence of such use. These may include but shall not be limited to:
Restaurants or cafeteria primarily for supplying meals only to employees and conference hotel/motel center guests, except as permitted in § 150-24A(3).
Newsstands and post office facilities.
Training facilities for employees.
Custodial living quarters.
Overnight lodging accommodations for visitors to any permitted principal use on the lot, provided that such facilities are not open to the general public, except as permitted in § 150-24A(3).
Assembly halls for meetings incidental to any principal use.
Maintenance, utility and storage facilities incidental to any principal use.
Banking facilities.
Other uses customarily incidental to a principal use and located on the same lot.
Area and bulk regulations.
[Amended 11-28-1995 by Ord. O-11-95-28]
All permitted uses except offices and planned industrial parks.
Minimum lot area: five acres.
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
Maximum floor area ratio:
.22 for one-story building.
.30 for multistoried buildings.
Minimum street frontage: 250 feet.
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
Minimum front yard depth: 75 feet.
Minimum side yard width: 50 feet.
Minimum rear yard depth: 50 feet.
Parking. Not more than 25% of all required parking facilities shall be located in the front yard. No parking shall be located nearer than 25 feet to any property line or street right-of-way line. All parking and service areas shall be screened from the view of streets in accordance with the requirements of § 150-57.
Impervious surfaces in aggregate shall not cover more than 50% of the lot.
Maximum building height: 60 feet.
[Amended 3-23-2015 by Ord. No. 02-15-02]
Office uses.
Minimum lot area: three acres.
Maximum floor area ratio (FAR): 0.18 for a one-story building and 0.25 for a multistoried building.
Impervious surfaces in the aggregate shall not cover more than 50% of the lot.
Minimum street frontage: 300 feet.
Minimum front, side and rear yards: 50 feet.
Maximum building height: 60 feet.
[Amended 3-23-2015 by Ord. No. 02-15-02]
Parking. Not more than 25% of all required parking facilities shall be located in the front yard. No parking shall be located nearer than 25 feet to any property line or street right-of-way line. All parking and service areas shall be screened from the view of streets in accordance with the requirements of § 150-57.
Planned industrial parks.
Minimum park area: 50 acres in contiguous parcels.
Minimum lot area within a planned park: five acres.
Minimum park width: 400 feet.
Minimum lot frontage: 250 feet.
Maximum floor area ratio:
.30 for one-story buildings.
.35 for multistoried buildings.
For single lots of 50 acres or more within the Planned Industrial Park, a floor area ratio of .35 is permitted for all buildings.
Buildings, lots, yards and setbacks shall conform to the site plan standards as provided in § 150-41I. The following minimum setback standards shall be provided:
From street line: 100 feet for lots located along a planned park internal road and 125 feet for lots located along arterial roadways, but in no event less than twice the building height of the tallest building on the lot.
From side and rear property lines: 30 feet, except when located on the perimeter of the planned park, where they shall be increased to 50 feet, but in no event less than twice the building height of the tallest building on the lot.
No building shall be constructed closer than 25 feet to an adjacent building.
Parking. Not more than 25% of all required parking facilities shall be located within the required minimum front yard depth. No parking shall be located nearer than 25 feet to any property line or street right-of-way line. All parking and service areas shall be screened from the view of streets in accordance with the requirements of § 150-57.
Maximum building height: 65 feet.
Impervious surfaces in the aggregate shall not cover more than 55% of the lot.
Recreation facilities. On-site recreation facilities to service the needs of all industrial park employees and their visitors shall be provided. These facilities may include but are not limited to the following outdoor activities: basketball and tennis courts, volleyball courts, racquetball courts, bicycle paths, jogging trails and exercise equipment, picnic and sitting areas, softball fields, including backstops and benches, and soccer fields.
A conference hotel/motel center.
The center shall be permitted only in a planned industrial park development.
Minimum lot area: seven acres.
Minimum lot width: 300 feet.
Minimum lot frontage: 300 feet.
Front yard, side yard and rear yard. Minimum yard requirements shall conform to the yard requirements established for planned industrial park developments.
Maximum floor area ratio: 0.25.
Impervious surfaces in the aggregate shall not cover more than 50% of the lot.
Maximum building height: 65 feet.
Other conditions. Any motel or hotel conference center shall contain a minimum of 20 units of accommodations, exclusive of any permanent on-site superintendent's living quarters, and shall contain a minimum of 3,000 square feet of meeting rooms.
Restaurants, excluding drive-in and fast food establishments.
Restaurants shall be permitted only in a planned industrial park development.
Maximum permitted floor area ratio (FAR):
.20 for a one-story building.
.25 for a two-story building.
Impervious surfaces, in the aggregate, shall not cover more than 60% of the lot.
Minimum lot frontage: 150 feet.
Minimum front yard depth: 65 feet.
Minimum side yard width: 20 feet.
Minimum rear yard depth: 30 feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet.
Wholesale and warehouse storage facilities. Wholesale and warehouse storage facilities shall be permitted only in planned industrial parks and subject to the following minimum standards:
Such facilities shall be within completely enclosed buildings.
No loading dock or service area may be on or visible from any street frontage. Provisions for handling all freight shall be on those sides of any buildings which do not face on any street or proposed streets.
Rear and side yards shall be landscaped so as to provide an effective screen, at time of planting, to obscure from view at ground level the permitted use from adjoining uses of a dissimilar nature.
The exterior design of all warehouse and storage buildings shall be designed in accordance with § 150-41I.
Permitted uses. In the R-ML Zone, no land shall be used and no structures shall be erected, altered or occupied for any purposes except the following:
A planned Mt. Laurel residential development, including all or any of the following: single-family detached, semidetached and attached dwelling, two-family dwelling, townhouse dwelling, multifamily dwelling and garden apartment dwelling.
Commercial and home agriculture, subject to the requirements of § 150-11A.
Places of worship, subject to the requirements of § 150-11B.
Public utility and service structures, subject to the requirements of § 150-11C.
Family day-care homes, subject to the requirements of § 150-12A.
Community residences for the developmentally disabled and community shelters for victims of domestic violence, subject to the requirements of § 150-12B.
Home occupations, subject to the requirements of § 150-12C.
Public parks, playgrounds, buildings, structures and uses owned and operated by the Township of Cranbury.
Accessory uses and accessory buildings customarily incidental to the above uses and located on the same lot.
Area and bulk regulations.
Minimum lot area: two acres.
Minimum lot width: 200 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 250 feet.
Minimum front yard depth: 50 feet.
Minimum side yard width: 30 feet.
Minimum rear yard depth: 50 feet.
Maximum building height: 40 feet or three stories.
Maximum gross density: 10 dwelling units per acre.
Other requirements.
Infrastructure. All residential units shall be served by public sewer and centralized water systems.
Off-street parking. All off-street parking shall be located a minimum distance of 25 feet from any property line and shall be screened from view from adjacent properties.
Low- and moderate-income housing. A maximum 20 low- and 20 moderate-income units shall be permitted in a planned Mt. Laurel residential development.
Family housing project. No more than 25% of the total number of family units shall be rental units.
Senior citizens housing. No less than 100% of the total number of low- and moderate-income units shall be rental units. Senior units may be located on any one or combination of sites zoned R-ML.
Dwelling units design features. All dwelling units shall be designed in such a manner as to provide maximum security and visual privacy from adjacent dwelling units, nonresidential uses and streets.
Site plan review. During site plan review, the following criteria shall be given consideration:
The function and visual relationship between dwelling units and adjacent existing developments.
Orientation of buildings so as to take advantage of passive solar heating and summer breezes while minimizing exposure to winter winds.
Pedestrian walkways which are linked to off-site walkway networks.
Minimization of glare, noise and visual intrusion of parking lots to external roadways and adjacent properties through grading, berms and/or plantings.
Relationship to adjoining historic districts. Any portion of an R-ML residential development within or adjacent to the Village Historic District shall be required to satisfy the following design standards:
Buildings of different architectural styles shall be made compatible by such means as screens, sight breaks and materials.
Attractive landscape transition to adjoining properties shall be provided.
Harmony in texture, lines, scale, materials and masses is required. Monotony shall be avoided.
Architectural style is not restricted. Evaluation of the appearance of a project shall be based on the quality of its design and relationship to surroundings.
Colors shall be harmonious and shall use only compatible accents.
Building components such as windows, doors and eaves shall have good proportions and relationships to another.
[Added 6-12-2006 by Ord. No. 05-06-15]
Permitted uses. All those uses permitted in the R-ML Zone.
Area and bulk regulations.
Minimum lot area: two acres.
Minimum lot width: 200 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 150 feet.
Minimum front yard depth: 20 feet.
Minimum side yard width: 20 feet.
Minimum rear yard depth: 40 feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet or two stories.
Maximum gross density: 10 dwelling units per acre.
Other requirements.
Infrastructure. All residential units shall be served by public sewer and centralized water systems.
Off-street parking. All off-street parking shall be located a minimum distance of 15 feet from any property line and shall be screened from view from adjacent properties. No parking whatsoever shall be permitted in the front yard of any property.
Dwelling units design features. All dwelling units shall be designed in such a manner as to provide maximum security and visual privacy from adjacent dwelling units, nonresidential uses and streets.
Site plan review. During site plan review, the following criteria shall be given consideration:
The function and visual relationship between dwelling units and adjacent existing developments.
Orientation of buildings so as to take advantage of passive solar heating and summer breezes while minimizing exposure to winter winds.
Pedestrian walkways which are linked to off-site walkway networks.
Minimization of glare, noise and visual intrusion of parking lots to external roadways and adjacent properties through grading, berms and/or plantings.
[Added 11-22-2010 by Ord. No. 10-10-17]
Permitted uses. All those uses permitted in the R-ML Zone.
Area and bulk requirements.
Minimum lot area: 3.5 acres.
Minimum lot width: 300 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 250 feet.
Maximum building height: two stories or 35 feet.
Maximum building coverage: 20%.
Maximum impervious coverage: 40%.
Maximum permitted density: 12 units per acre.
Minimum building setback:
Front: 75 feet.
Side (adjacent residential): 75 feet.
Side (adjacent nonresidential): 75 feet.
Rear: 60 feet.
Minimum driveway and parking setbacks:
Front: 40 feet.
Side (adjacent residential): 60 feet.
Side (adjacent nonresidential): 15 feet.
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
Rear: 15 feet.
Other requirements.
Infrastructure. All residential units shall be served by public sewer and central water systems.
Where buildings are the closest structures to the side or rear property lines, the following minimum buffer area shall be provided:
Along the rear property line: 10 feet.
Along the side property lines: 10 feet.
Where parking, driveways or active recreation areas are located closer to the property line than buildings, the following minimum buffer areas shall be provided:
Along the rear property line: 10 feet.
Along the side property lines: 10 feet.
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
Such buffer shall consist of shrubs and trees, and may be supplemented by fencing or berms, the primary purpose of which shall be to screen parking and driveways and active recreational areas from the adjacent property.
Minimization of glare, noise and visual intrusion of parking lots to external roadways and adjacent properties through grading, berms and/or plantings.
[Added 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
Unless otherwise specified, all site plan, landscaping, signage, fencing or other standards set forth in the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) and the Cranbury Land Development Ordinance, as applicable, shall apply.
Site plan review. During site plan review, the following criteria shall be given consideration:
The function and visual relationship between dwelling units and adjacent existing developments.
Orientation of buildings so as to take advantage of passive solar heating and summer breezes while minimizing exposure to winter winds.
Pedestrian walkways which are linked to off-site walkway networks.
Minimization of glare, noise and visual intrusion of parking lots to external roadways and adjacent properties through grading, berms and/or plantings.
Purpose. The purpose of the R-AH Zone district is to provide a realistic opportunity for the construction of dwelling units affordable to low- and moderate-income households.
Permitted uses. In the R-AH Residential Affordable Housing Zone no land shall be used and no structure shall be erected, altered or occupied for any purpose except the following:
Detached single-family dwellings.
Multifamily structures consisting of two or more dwelling units affordable to low- and moderate-income households to be developed on property owned by the Township or an agency of the Township.
Commercial and home agriculture, subject to the requirements of § 150-11A.
Places of worship, subject to the requirements of § 150-11B.
Public utility and service structures, subject to the requirements of § 150-11C.
Family day-care homes, subject to the requirements of § 150-12A.
Community residences for the developmentally disabled and community shelters for victims of domestic violence, subject to the requirements of § 150-12B.
Home occupations, subject to the requirements of § 150-12C.
Bed-and-breakfast establishments, subject to the requirements of § 150-12D.
Public parks, playgrounds, buildings, structures and uses owned and operated by the Township of Cranbury.
Accessory uses and accessory buildings customarily incidental to the above uses and located on the same lot.
Area and bulk regulations.
Detached single-family dwellings.
Density. The maximum gross density for single-family detached market rate housing units shall be one unit per six acres.
Affordable housing.
If a minimum of 20% (subject to reduction to account for applicable County, State or federal regulatory constraints, but in no event less than 19% of the site area is set aside and dedicated to the Township or an agency of the Township for housing affordable to lower income households, then the remainder of the tract may be developed for single-family housing in accordance with the following standards:
Such portion of the site area to be dedicated to the Township shall not include any freshwater wetlands or freshwater wetlands buffers as verified through a Letter of Interpretation from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Density. The maximum density for the single-family detached market rate housing shall be 1.2 units per gross acre, including the land dedicated to the Township.
Minimum lot size. The minimum lot size for single-family detached market rate housing shall be 15,000 square feet.
Lot width. Minimum lot width shall be 75 feet.
Lot depth. Minimum lot depth shall be 150 feet.
Front yard. Minimum front yard depth shall be 40 feet.
Side yard. Minimum side yard width shall be 12 feet.
Rear yard. Minimum rear yard depth shall be 40 feet.
Building height. Maximum building height shall be 35 feet.
The building design and setback requirements of the affordable housing shall be compatible with and complementary to the market housing on the site.
General. Planned developments, where permitted, must comply with the conditions and standards set forth in this section, notwithstanding other applicable regulations of this chapter or additional conditions for the particular planned development.
Findings for planned developments. Prior to approval of any planned development, the Planning Board shall find, as required by N.J.S.A. 50:55D-45, the following facts and conclusions:
That departures by the proposed development from zoning regulations otherwise applicable to the subject property conform to the zoning standards applicable to the planned development.
That the proposals for maintenance and the amount, location and purpose of the common open space are adequate.
That provision through the physical design of the proposed development for public services control over vehicular and pedestrian traffic and the amenities of light and air, recreation and visual enjoyment are adequate.
That the proposed planned development will not have an unreasonably adverse impact upon the area in which it is proposed to be established.
In the case of a proposed development which contemplates construction over a period of years, that the terms and conditions intended to protect the interests of the public and of the residents, occupants and owners of the proposed development in the total completion of the development are adequate.
Obligation of successive owners in planned developments.
In the event of any conveyance or transfer of any undeveloped or partially developed property within a planned development, the Planning Board shall be given notice of such intended conveyance or transfer prior to any actual transfer thereof. Such notice shall be accompanied by the following information:
A precise description of the interest being transferred.
The obligations to be assumed by the transferee.
Abstract of any agreement entered into between the transferor and the transferee, signed by all parties.
An agreement that the transferee agrees to be bound by all of the applicable provisions of prior Planning Board approvals.
Such other information as may be required by the Planning Board.
The Planning Board, following receipt of such notice and supporting information, shall consider the effect of the proposed conveyance or transfer on the completion and implementation of any terms, conditions and obligations imposed pursuant to the approvals granted by the Planning Board and may require such additional assurances as it shall deem necessary to protect the public interest and the integrity of the plan of the approved planned development. The terms, conditions and obligations of any Planning Board approvals shall be binding on the original developer, their successors and assigns, provided that no obligation, term or condition may be assigned without prior written consent of the Planning Board and the posting of acceptable performance guaranties by the proposed transferee.
Common open space ownership; maintenance; staged improvements.
Ownership requirements. Such common open space may be offered to the Township or other governmental agency or be dedicated to a homeowners' association or trust, the incorporation and bylaws of which shall be approved by the Planning Board and filed with the Township Tax Assessor and the Clerk of Middlesex County. Any organization so established for the purpose of ownership and maintenance of any common recreation and open space areas shall not be dissolved, nor shall it dispose of any part of the common areas during the life of the development.
Open space maintenance requirements.
In the event that the organization created for open space management shall, at any time after the establishment of a planned development, fail to maintain the common open space or recreation area in reasonable order and safe condition in accordance with the approved development plan, the Township may serve written notice upon such organization or upon the owners of the development setting forth the manner in which the organization has failed to maintain said areas in reasonable condition, and said notice shall include a demand that such deficiencies of maintenance or safety be cured within 35 days thereof and shall set the date and place of a hearing thereon, which shall be held within 15 days of the notice. At such hearing the Township may modify the terms of the original notice as to the deficiencies and may give an extension of time, not to exceed 65 days, within which they shall be cured.
If the deficiencies set forth in the original notice or in modifications thereof fail to be cured within said 35 days or any approved extension thereof, the Township, in order to preserve the open space, may enter upon and maintain such land for a period of one year. Said entry and said maintenance shall not vest in the public any rights to use the open space and recreation areas except when the same is voluntarily dedicated to the public by the owners.
Before the expiration of said year, the Township, on its own initiative or upon the request of the organization therefore responsible for the maintenance of said areas and upon 15 days' written notice to such organization and to the owners of the development, shall call a public hearing to be held by the Township, at which hearing such organization and owners of the development shall show cause why such maintenance by the municipality shall not, at the discretion of the Township, continue for another year. Upon determining that such organization is ready and able to maintain said open space and recreation areas in reasonable condition, the Township shall cease to maintain said open space and recreation areas at the end of said year. If the Township shall determine that such organization is not ready and able to maintain said open space and recreation areas in a reasonable and safe condition, the Township may, in its discretion, continue to maintain said open space and recreation areas during the next succeeding year and, subject to a similar hearing, make the appropriate determination in each year thereafter. The decision of the Township in any such case shall constitute a final administrative decision, subject to judicial review.
The cost of such maintenance by the Township in each instance shall be assessed pro rata against those properties within the development that have a right of enjoyment of the open space in accordance with the assessed value of such properties at the time of imposition of the lien, and such assessment shall become a lien and tax on said properties and be added to and be a part of the taxes to be levied and assessed thereon and enforced and collected with interest by the Township in the same manner as other taxes.
Staged improvement of common facilities.
Not more than 25% of the certificates of occupancy shall be granted until all the common facilities, as indicated on the final plan of a development application, including recreational facilities, buildings and landscaping shall be completed.
If a development is proposed to be phased in several sections, installation or construction of common facilities shall meet the following schedule, to the extent possible:
Percent of Development Completed
(Dwelling Units)
(Square Feet)
Percent of Common
Facilities Completed
Editor's Note: Schedule A, Area, Yard and Bulk Requirements, is included at the end of this chapter; Former Schedule B, Use Matrix, was repealed 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19. For uses, see now the text of Ch. 150.
[Added 11-27-2000 by Ord. No. O-10-00-33]
Permitted uses. In the I-LIS zone, no land shall be used and no structure shall be erected, altered or occupied for any purpose except the following: Those uses allowed in the I-LI Zone (§ 150-23A, Permitted Uses) but subject to the bulk standards hereinafter set forth for this zone.
Accessory uses. Accessory uses which are customarily incidental to and located on the same lot as the principal use, and which, unless otherwise specified, shall be located within a principal building and shall show no external evidence of such use.
Area and bulk controls.
[Amended 3-26-2001 by Ord. No. 02-01-02]
Minimum lot area: three acres.
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
Minimum lot frontage: 200 feet.
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
Minimum front yard setbacks:
Major arterial: 200 feet.
Minor arterial: 125 feet. (See note at the end of this section for exceptions to the minimum setback in certain situations.)
Minimum side yard setback: 50 feet.
Minimum rear yard depth: 50 feet.
Maximum floor area ratio: 30.
Maximum impervious coverage: 50%.
Location of parking:
Not closer than 125 feet to a major arterial.
Not closer than 25 feet to a minor arterial except as provided in note at the end of this section.
Maximum height: as permitted in the LI Zone.
Note: Where Liberty Road crosses a property so as to create two building parcels on the original single parcel, the minimum distance between buildings fronting on Liberty Road shall be 350 feet. The minimum distance to the right-of-way may be reduced to 100 feet for one of the buildings. No auto or truck parking shall be permitted within a one-hundred-foot setback on either side of Liberty Road.
[Amended 11-28-2011 by Ord. No. 10-11-19]
[Added 3-26-2001 by Ord. No. 02-01-01]
Purpose. The purpose of the R-AR Zone is to permit the construction of 136 age-restricted housing units, preservation of open space, and dedication of land to the Township for future low and moderate income housing on Block 20, Lots 6, 10, 14 and 20. The R-AR Zone was created pursuant to a settlement agreement, dated September 25, 1998, involving Judson C. Hagerty and Elizabeth D. Hagerty and the Township of Cranbury.
Permitted uses. In the R-AR Zone, no land shall be used and no structure shall be erected, altered or occupied for any purpose except the following:
Single-family detached houses, semidetached single-family housing and zero lot line housing, all occupied by permanent residents 55 years of age and over (senior citizens), except for the spouse and one offspring 18 years or older of a qualifying resident. Not more than 136 housing units are to be constructed in the R-AR Zone.
Low and moderate income housing units to be owned, maintained, and operated, or constructed and sold by the Township or an agency of the Township also may be located on that part of the zone indicated on the Concept Plan which was made part of the settlement agreement dated September 25, 1998. The low and moderate income housing units may be occupied by persons who do not meet senior citizen age requirements.
Other permitted uses allowed in the RLD-3 Zone and permitted by the bylaws of the condominium or homeowner's association governing the use of property in the new R-AR Zone.
Area and bulk requirements.
Minimum and maximum lot areas: Not less than 5,000 square feet nor greater than 10,000 square feet. It is the intent of this provision to encourage a mix of lot sizes. The minimum and maximum percentage of lots by sizes shall be as follows:
Lot size
(square feet)
5,000 to 6,000
6,001 to 7,500
7,501 to 9,000
9,001 to 10,000
Minimum lot width measured at the minimum setback line: 50 feet.
Minimum (and maximum where noted) - setbacks:
Structure (d)
Front yard
20 to 30 feet (a)
Side yard (each)
15% of lot width (c)
5 feet
Rear yard
20 feet
15 feet
The 20 and 30 feet are the minimum and maximum front yard setbacks, respectively. It is the intent of this provision to encourage a variety of setbacks throughout the development.
No accessory structure shall be located between the front building line and the front lot line.
On lots with semidetached and zero lot line houses, one side yard may be reduced to zero if the remaining side yard is increased to 30% of the lot width. On lots where the garage is attached to the garage on the neighboring lot, one side yard may be reduced to zero and the remaining side yard shall be not less than 15% of the lot width. Bow windows, bay windows and chimneys are permitted to intrude into the minimum side yard requirement.
Detached garages, decks and patios are treated as accessory structures. Attached garages shall meet the setback requirements of a principal building.
Porches that are at least five feet deep shall not be deemed to intrude into the minimum front, side and rear yard requirements provided that they remain at least five feet from the nearest property line.
Maximum building height: 35 feet.
Maximum impervious coverage: The maximum impervious coverage, including driveways and sidewalks, shall be as follows:
First 5,000 square feet lot area: 60%.
Next 1,000 square feet lot area: 30%.
Area in excess of 6,000 square feet: 20%.
Maximum FAR and building size:
The maximum floor area ratio (FAR) permitted on any lot shall be 0.40 except that no house shall be permitted to be greater than 3,000 square feet regardless of the lot size.
At least 25% of all housing units shall be 1,500 square feet or less, exclusive of garage space. Other than the required 25% 1,500 square feet or smaller, no house shall be required by the Planning Board to be less than 2,250 in gross floor area.
The maximum FAR and maximum building size shall include the floor area of garage(s) except as excluded in Subsection C(6)(b) above.
Not more than 60% of the net floor area of the first floor shall be on the second level. Net floor area of the first floor is defined as the gross floor area of the first floor minus the floor area of any attached garage(s).
Minimum public and common open space: The minimum amount of public and common open space in the zone shall be 40%. Except for Block 20, Lot 14, all of which shall be preserved as public open space pursuant to the terms of a settlement agreement dated September 25, 1998, the final designation, ownership and maintenance of public and common open space shall be determined by the Township and the applicant at the time of preliminary approval. All public and common open space not deeded to the Township shall be governed by covenants and deed restrictions guaranteeing maintenance, use and ownership. Such covenants and deed restrictions shall be approved by the Planning Board attorney. The minimum public and common open space may include drainage basins, environmentally sensitive lands, recreational improvements (in public and common open space), walkways and a community building and its associated parking. Land designated for low and moderate income housing shall also be considered as fulfilling part of the minimum public and common open space requirement.
Other requirements.
The overall design of the subdivision shall be based on a Concept Plan prepared by Coppola and Coppola Associates, dated March 1998. The Planning Board recognizes that some modification to the plan may be needed after detailed engineering studies, traffic safety studies and County requirements are considered. The following design features are deemed essential for any plan for the property:
The design should be based on a traditional grid plan as opposed to a curvilinear type subdivision.
Alleys, where provided, shall be used to provide rear lot service and garage access. No public utilities shall be located in the alleys. Sidewalks and curbing shall not be required along alleys by the Planning Board unless curbing is recommended by the Township Engineer for drainage purposes. Alleys shall be owned and maintained by the homeowners association or other private entity established to own and maintain the private facilities in the development.
A new collector road connection shall be constructed at the developer's expense between Old Trenton Road and Cranbury Road in approximately the location shown on the plan as part of Phase 1 and shall be completed before the first certificate of occupancy is issued for a residential unit. The new road shall be designed and constructed so as to minimize any impact from headlights on existing residences.
There shall be a pedestrian/bicycle connection between Farmstead Way and the development street system and extending to Old Trenton Road with appropriate curb cuts for bicycles. The bicycle path shall be designed in accordance with NJDOT standards.
Collector street should have thirty-four-foot pavement widths and minor access streets, twenty-eight-foot widths, both with fifty-foot rights-of-way. Alley shall have eighteen-foot pavement widths and twenty-two-foot rights-of-way.
Sidewalks and curbs shall be constructed on both sides of all streets.
To the extent possible, the pedestrian/bicycle system shall be integrated into the linear park system.
The open space system shown on the Concept Plan showing linear and large central open spaces, as well as smaller and more intimate spaces shall be retained, to the extent possible, in the design of the development.
The proposed low and moderate income housing units shall front on Cranbury Road. Their bulk and area requirements are not governed by this amendment and shall be determined separately by the Planning Board and Township Committee. The applicant shall deed to the Township, at no cost to the Township, the area designated for low and moderate income housing at the time of final approval of the PQ or at such subsequent time as determined by the Planning Board.
The site for the low and moderate income housing shall be a vacant, developable site, including curbs, sidewalks, and water and sewer service extending the length of Cranbury Road from its intersection with the "new road" to Block 20, Lot 14, and stub outs. Site stormwater drainage shall be designed to include the stormwater runoff from the low and moderate income housing site. In the event that some or all of the improvements are not installed at the time the site is to be turned over to the Township, because of the impracticality at the time of such turnover, the Township may require that the improvements be bonded in the same manner as other improvements are bonded in accordance with applicable Township ordinances or contributions made in lieu of bonding.
As shown on the Concept Plan which is part of this agreement, deeper lots and buffering treatment shall be provided for the lots along Old Trenton Road.
As part of the settlement, a variety of housing types shall be provided. These should include traditional houses with porches and architectural features extant in the Historic Village of Cranbury. The Planning Board will be looking for attractive streetscapes, appropriate housing scales and treatment of attached garages to minimize their visual impact. Where lots are served by alleys, access to garages shall be from the alleys.
Covenants, easements and deed restrictions are required, depending on the proposed type of ownership and management. These shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Board attorney and by the Planning Board.
The homeowner's association, or whatever type of management structure is established for the maintenance of public and common open space, shall also be responsible for the maintenance of lawns, landscaping, fences and facades of all buildings, including fee simple residences.
Location, design, installation, construction, maintenance and control of fences, lighting, public and private landscaping (including street trees), community buildings and related parking, bikeways and pathways shall be addressed in the subdivision plan submitted for preliminary approval.
All engineering details shall be approved by the Township Engineer. The completed subdivision plan, consistent with the requirements of the Township Land Development Chapter, shall be submitted to the Township Planning Board for its review and action. As part of its review, the Planning Board shall determine the possible impact of the development on neighboring residences. These impacts shall include noise, light, outdoor storage, drainage, traffic, privacy and similar impacts. As part of its review and approval, the Planning Board shall require, pursuant to applicable law, steps and measures to mitigate any possible adverse impacts from the development on surrounding properties.
Street names shall be approved by the Cranbury Historical and Preservation Society.
Other requirements, such as look alike provisions, landscaping, house elevations, etc., shall be included in the Resolution of Approval, when final subdivision and site plan approval is granted.
[Added 7-25-2016 by Ord. No. 07-16-12[1]]
Purpose. In addition to the base zoning district standards that shall continue to apply, the Planned Adult Residential (PAR) Overlay Zone is designed to permit a planned adult, age-restricted development consisting of single-family detached housing units and community amenities as provided herein, subject to the following standards and requirements.
Permitted uses. In the PAR Overlay Zone, no land shall be used and no structure shall be erected, altered, or occupied for any purpose except the following:
Single-family detached houses, occupied by persons 55 years of age or older in accordance with state and federal law, inclusive of a prohibition that no occupant may be under the age of 18 years, and that no occupant may be registered in the public school system of the Township.
Other permitted uses allowed in the RLD-3 Zone.
Recreation facilities as permitted by the bylaws of the condominium or homeowners' association governing the use of property in the PAR community.
Pump station, lift station, maintenance building(s), and storage building(s) appurtenant to a planned adult residential community.
General tract requirements.
The minimum gross tract area for a planned adult residential community shall be 50 acres.
The maximum gross density for a tract zoned for a planned adult residential community is three dwelling units per acre.
The development shall be served by public water and sewer facilities.
The development shall have primary access and egress in accordance with the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards (N.J.A.C. 5:21 et seq.).
Residential units shall be age-restricted in accordance with the requirements of this section.
Not more than 35% of the entire tract shall be covered by buildings.
Not more than 60% of the entire tract shall be covered by impervious surfaces.
All buildings shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet from the tract perimeter.
A minimum twenty-five-foot landscaped buffer meeting the requirements of this chapter shall be provided at the perimeter of the tract adjacent to existing roads and where proposed lots abut existing off-tract residential parcels. The landscaped area shall be deed restricted as a planted buffer and shall be maintained by the homeowners association and/or the property owner. Planted buffers may be included in open space or on individual lots.
The internal roads may be privately owned and maintained. Private roads shall meet New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards design guidelines for residential streets. Mountable granite curbing shall be permitted on private roads. Gatehouse structures shall be set back a minimum of 80 feet from public roads and shall provide for resident access as well as visitor and emergency access, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Township.
Location, design, installation, construction, maintenance and control of fences, lighting, public and private landscaping (including street trees), community buildings and related parking, bikeways and pathways, entrance structures, signage, and private roads, to the extent that they are proposed, shall be addressed in the subdivision and/or site plan submitted for preliminary approval.
Area and bulk requirements - Single-family detached lots.
Minimum lot area: 6,050 square feet.
Minimum lot width, measured at the front setback line: 55 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 110 feet.
Minimum front yard setback - principal and accessory structures: 20 feet.
Minimum side yard setback - principal and accessory structures: seven feet; driveways shall be set back a minimum of two feet from the side lot line.
Minimum rear yard setback - principal structures only: 20 feet.
Minimum rear yard setback - accessory structures, including but not limited to patios and decks: 10 feet.
Minimum driveway depth from back of sidewalk to face of garage: 20 feet.
Minimum driveway width: eight feet per garage bay.
Maximum building height: 35 feet.
Patios: raised paver patios shall be permitted at a height not to exceed two feet six inches.
Open space and recreation requirements. A planned adult residential community shall provide common open space and recreational improvements for the exclusive use of its residents, in accordance with the following standards:
The minimum common open space in each planned adult residential community shall be 30%. The minimum required open space area is permitted to include drainage basins, environmentally sensitive lands, perimeter landscape buffers, and all recreational improvements in common open space, including community buildings and associated public parking and walkways.
There shall be not less than 15 square feet of floor space per dwelling unit provided in a community clubhouse building(s), which building(s) shall have a minimum total floor area of 3,000 square feet. The community clubhouse buildings(s) shall not exceed two stories.
The community clubhouse buildings(s) shall meet the parking standard of one space per 350 square feet of building area.
Within the common open space, facilities shall be included for outdoor recreational use. These facilities may include, but shall not be limited to, tennis and other sport courts, bocce courts, and a swimming pool. Walking, jogging, and bicycle paths may also be provided.
The community clubhouse shall be operational on or prior to the issuance of certificates of occupancy for 50% of the approved residential units.
A homeowners' association administrative area and sales office shall be permitted within the community clubhouse or in a separate building.
Community maintenance and storage facilities shall be permitted. Such facilities shall be landscaped, fenced, and visually screened.
Sidewalks. An interconnected system of sidewalks and walking paths shall be provided to permit access from all residential units to the recreational facilities and to existing frontage roads. At a minimum, sidewalks shall be provided on one side of all proposed residential streets in the community.
Perimeter setback requirements. No buildings or structures other than roadways, access drives, entrance signs, walking, jogging and bicycle paths, walkways, entrance gatehouses, walls, fences, drainage facilities, utility structures and residential decks and/or patios with at least one wall contiguous with the principal building shall be located within 50 feet of any exterior tract boundary. The outer 25 feet of the perimeter setback shall be designated as a landscape/conservation easement, and may be included within the individual lot areas. Where the outer 25 feet of the nonroadway perimeter setback is comprised of existing preserved vegetation, such as within a wetland area, floodplain, or wetland transition area, the landscaped buffer requirements shall not apply.
Signs shall be permitted on and around the clubhouse and recreational facilities for identification purposes. Such signs shall be permitted in addition to other signs permitted within the community. Each sign shall be limited to a maximum of 12 square feet of sign face and shall be coordinated as part of an overall signage design for the community.
Signs. In addition to the signs customarily permitted in residential zones, a planned adult residential community shall be permitted to have the following additional signs:
One monument entrance feature sign on each side of the primary entrance to the community, plus one entrance feature sign on each side of a secondary entrance. Each entry monument shall be limited to a maximum of 36 square feet of sign face and shall be coordinated as part of an overall signage design for the community.
Way-finding signs may be located throughout the community.
Temporary flags and signs shall be permitted during sales events during the construction phases of the development.
Entry feature monuments may include hardscape in the form of brick or stone and may include decorative fencing at a maximum height of 48 inches. Monument structures shall have a maximum height of 60 inches from the average grade. The sign face shall be designed to match the scale, style, and design of the entrance monument on which it is mounted.
Entrance features and all secondary way-finding signage may be lighted with either ground-mounted or sign-mounted lighting meeting the requirements of this chapter.
All signs shall be landscaped appropriately and shall be designed as a coordinated signage plan.
Deed restrictions. Approval of a PAR planned adult residential community shall be conditioned upon the placement of restrictive covenants on the deeds to any and all portions of the tract so developed to:
Ensure that the age-restricted units qualify as 55 or over housing within the meaning of the Federal Fair Housing Act. The age-restrictive covenants shall be subject to review by the Township Attorney.
Ensure garages shall not be converted to habitable space.
Ensure that all public and common open space, all community facilities, private roads, signs, lighting, parking, and all required landscaping are maintained by a homeowners' association.
Affordable housing. A planned adult residential community shall provide for affordable housing either on site or by way of a monetary payment to fund municipally sponsored off-site housing, at a rate to be mutually agreed upon by the developer and Cranbury Township.
Other provisions. In the event of any conflict between the provisions and requirements of this section and the provisions and requirements of any other section of this chapter, the provisions and requirements of this section shall govern.
Editor’s Note: A potential notice deficiency may have occurred with regard to adoption of this ordinance, which the Township rectified 9-25-2017 by Ord. No. 09-17-13.
[Added 12-14-2020 by Ord. No. 11-20-11]
Boundaries. The boundaries of the SCO Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone shall be all land within the underlying A-100 Agricultural Preservation District and R-LI Residential Light Impact District within 400 feet of the front property line of the right-of-way of the following roads in Cranbury Township:
Dey Road.
Plainsboro Road.
Cranbury Neck Road.
John White/George Davison Road.
Ancil Davison Road.
Exceptions. All construction uses and activities which are conducted or protected under the right-to-farm provisions of the Township Code at Chapter 81-1 et seq. shall be exempt from the requirements of the SCO Zone as are single-family residential uses, unless they are part of a subdivision application. However, all property owners exempt under right to farm within the SCO Zone and single-family residential uses which are exempt from adherence to these requirements as noted above are encouraged to adhere to the spirit and intent of this section for the overall benefit of the Township.
[Amended 4-12-2021 by Ord. No. 03-21-04]
To assure maximum preservation and enhancement of the scenic corridor's outstanding and unique scenic features and resources.
To preserve the scenic corridor roadways so as to foster a more rural scenic driving experience.
To assure that the design and placement of buildings and other improvements preserve, complement and/or enhance views of lands visible from the scenic corridor roadways.
To reduce disturbance of the existing topography and vegetation within the corridor and reduce the visual intrusion caused by excessive lighting.
To provide a review process of all disturbance or construction of improvements, including buildings, parking, driveways, and all other man-made structures to assure their conformance with the purposes and development standards set forth herein.
To ensure that the standards herein in no way interfere, inhibit or otherwise obstruct activities which are protected under right-to-farm provisions of the Township Code at § 81-1 et seq.
Application and conflicts. All construction or development within the SCO - Scenic Corridor Overlay district that requires site plan approval or subdivision approval shall adhere to the provisions of the underlying zone and in addition to the requirements of the SCO district as set forth herein. Where the provisions of the SCO district conflict with those of the underlying zone, the requirements of the SCO district shall apply.
[Amended 4-12-2021 by Ord. No. 03-21-04]
Corridor roadway improvements.
The regulations that are set forth in Subsection F, below, both acknowledge and recognize that improvements that are proposed or undertaken within the right-of-way of some of the scenic corridor roadways are under the jurisdiction of Middlesex County. However, it is the intent of the Township to encourage the county, to the extent possible, not to require, endorse or otherwise encourage any improvements which undermine the purposes set forth in Subsection C above, unless absolutely necessary for the health and safety of the public.
Such improvements would include the following:
Widening the paved cartway of the roadway, including the provision of turn lanes or acceleration or deceleration lanes.
The provision of curbs along the roadway edge.
The provision of sidewalks, street lighting fixtures or shade trees.
Requiring or undertaking the realignment of any portion of the roadway.
Increasing the posted speed limit along the roadway.
Unnecessarily requiring or undertaking the removal of mature trees and vegetation within the right-of-way.
The following improvements within the right-of-way are not discouraged: roadway striping for bike lanes, addition of bike lanes or the widening of the paved cartway to add separate bike lanes and the addition of appropriate signage related thereto.
Scenic Corridor Overlay standards. All developments that require site plan approval (which excludes single-family residential uses and agricultural activities protected under the Right To Farm Act) shall adhere to the following standards in addition to those of the underlying district. All applications for subdivision approval, including those which involve single-family residential uses, shall also adhere to these requirements.
[Amended 4-12-2021 by Ord. No. 03-21-04]
Building materials, colors and styles. Buildings located within the corridor shall use building materials, color and styles that are muted, in earth tones or which are aesthetically compatible with the agricultural setting or that are consistent with existing historical styles in Cranbury. All buildings should include windows and suitable textural treatments and pitched roofs to avoid the appearance of a flat "box" on the landscape. Buildings shall be oriented so as to avoid exposing rear facades to the roadway.
Siting of buildings. Within 400 feet of the roadway, buildings which do not adhere to the standards for building materials, colors, and styles set forth in § 150-29.3F(1) above should be sited in a manner which minimizes their visibility or, to the extent impractical, shall screen all elements that are incompatible with the rural and agricultural character of the corridor, by means of landscaping.
Parking. The provision of outdoor parking areas for more than four vehicles that are directly visible from the roadway is discouraged. To the extent possible, outdoor parking areas should be located behind buildings, walls, fences, hedges or other natural screening to prevent a direct view from the roadway. To the extent that views of such parking areas are unavoidable, landscaping shall be used around the perimeter of parking areas to screen such views from the roadway and within the parking lots to break up the sea of asphalt.
Outdoor lighting. The height, location, and intensity of any outdoor lighting provided within the scenic corridor shall be reduced to that which is necessary for security and safety purposes. Lighting fixtures which produce glare or which otherwise interfere with the visibility of the night sky shall be avoided. The design of all light fixtures shall be compatible with the rural and agricultural character of the scenic corridor.
Tree and woodland conservation. The removal or destruction of existing trees and vegetation which contribute to the scenic corridor's rural and agricultural character, such as hedgerows, stands of mature trees or meadows that are a part of an agricultural viewshed, shall be avoided to the extent practical.
Landscaping and grading. Significant changes to the existing topography shall be avoided to the extent practical, and landscaping should be utilized to soften and buffer views of structures, buildings and driveways, parking areas that are necessary, but which are not compatible with the rural and agricultural character of the corridor. Existing native vegetation shall be retained in place wherever possible. Where native plants must be removed, the transplantation of salvaged plants is encouraged as well as replacement by native landscaping. Such landscaping shall include species and locations which maintain the corridor's natural vegetative or agricultural appearance.
Billboards, telecommunication towers and utilities. Billboards and telecommunication towers shall be prohibited within the scenic corridor. The placement of aboveground utility structures (such as electrical substations, water pumping facilities, etc.) within the scenic corridor shall be avoided to the maximum extent possible. Aside from electrical and telephone wires serving agricultural uses and single-family homes, all utilities shall be located underground within the corridor.
Signs, walls and fences. For those signs, walls and fences which are subject to review for site plan approval, their location, height, size, lighting and design of any signage within the corridor shall be reduced to the smallest necessary to serve their intended function and shall utilize materials, colors and designs which are consistent with the rural and agricultural character of the scenic corridor. Chain link fencing is discouraged within the scenic corridor. Fences and walls should be of a location, height and design that maintain the corridor's agricultural and rural character.
[Amended 4-12-2021 by Ord. No. 03-21-04]